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Biofuel Business Programme Funding and Legislation

Biofuel Business Programme Funding and Legislation. 26 th May 2011 Lidia Krzynowek. Aim. We aim to increase the competitiveness of Scottish SME’s through engagement with sustainable biofuels. We work with - SME’s based in Lowland and Upland Scotland

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Biofuel Business Programme Funding and Legislation

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  1. Biofuel Business ProgrammeFunding and Legislation 26th May 2011 Lidia Krzynowek

  2. Aim We aim to increase the competitiveness of Scottish SME’s through engagement with sustainable biofuels. We work with - SME’s based in Lowland and Upland Scotland We utilise – Academic expertise of BfRC and other key stakeholders We focus on- sustainable biofuels – produced from biomass waste e.g. Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Biobutanol, Biogas

  3. Why engage with biofuels ? Opportunities for your business • Cutting Costs e.g. savings on landfill tax, tax credits under enhanced capital allowances scheme • Competitive edge for your business- prepare your business for Low Carbon Economy • Development of new products and processes for biofuel industry • Improving environmental performance of your company • Complying withlegislation • Improving the imageof your Business

  4. How we can support your business? • by providing clear and easy to understand information about biofuel technologies, legislation and funding. (events, fact sheets and case studies) • by facilitating networking with key stakeholders in biofuel industry and academia (networking events, newsletter, direct mailing) • by directly engaging with businesses (tailored advice, free consultation, mini KT projects) • by offering access to funding through our £5k Feasibility Fund for SME’s

  5. Feasibility FundGeneral • Aim of the Fund • to assists SMEs in gaining access to academic expertise of BfRC for a biofuel related development study. (If the project falls out with the Biofuel Research Centre expertise, an alternate academic partner may be identified) • Eligibility for the funding • Industry partner – only SME’s (companies with less than 250 employees and turnover less than €50million) • What projects are we interested in? • Projects with potential to enhance or create new product or processes • Innovative project, step change for the company • Contributing to the Scottish economy in terms of BioFuel related research

  6. Feasibility FundFinance • grant up to a maximum of £5000 • requires match funding from SME’s ( 10%-50% in- kind or cash) • eligible cost- project research staff costs, consultancy cost, consumables for the laboratory studies • ineligible cost- SME day to day staff cost, overheads, SME in house development, training, travel, equipment cost and other operational cost out side of the scope of the project.

  7. Feasibility FundApplication Process • Step 1- Meeting with the BBP team – scoping the project, assessing eligibility for funding, identifying Academic partner • Step 2- SME’s filling in the application with BBP assistance • Step 3 – Assessment of the application and answer to the company within 3 weeks • Step 4 – Project Starts • Step 5 – Project research report • Step 6 – End of the Project report • Step 7- Case study

  8. Projects Supported Lab Work • waste streams analyses to identify appropriate biofuel channel (economic and energy potential) e.g. Annandale Distillery, EAE, Ingenza) • test your products and processes supporting biofuel production e.g. Stratus Energy, M Power World, Veolia Outsourcing Ltd, Fiberphotonics LTD Desk Based Research • Scoping studies and market research for new products and technologies for biofuel production • Economic and environmental evaluation of biofuels production from different feedstock e.g. Cree8 • Legislation and policy mapping

  9. Engaging with us? Biofuel Business Programme Biofuel Research Centre Edinburgh Napier University Sighthill Campus, Edinburgh. Tel : 0131 455 2217 bbp@napier.ac.uk www.napier.ac.uk/bbp

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