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Construction Technology 3 D39 TA

Construction Technology 3 D39 TA. Lecture 5: Factory production (Pre-cast concrete). Dr Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Edwin Chadwick Building, Room 1.16 m.abdel-wahab@hw.ac.uk www.mohamedabdel-wahab.co.uk. Go to m.socrative.com. Quiz.

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Construction Technology 3 D39 TA

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  1. Construction Technology 3 D39 TA Lecture 5: Factory production (Pre-cast concrete) Dr Mohamed Abdel-Wahab Edwin Chadwick Building, Room 1.16 m.abdel-wahab@hw.ac.uk www.mohamedabdel-wahab.co.uk

  2. Go to m.socrative.com

  3. Quiz What are the general issues associated with offsite production? How to know that the workers on-site are qualified? What is CSkills and what do they do?

  4. Lecture Outline • Introduction • Issues to consider • Production method

  5. Modern pre-cast concrete frames offers design flexibility.

  6. PRECAST FACTORY PRODUCTION Closed v open environment

  7. Production of reinforcement cages and main connections Assembly of reinforcement

  8. Issues to consider Buildability Quality and accuracy Structural efficiency (pre-stressed concrete)

  9. Pre-stressed concrete The cross-section of the member can be smaller, since the whole of the concrete is put to structural use; and the resistance of beams to shearing and flexural cracks is considerably increased. It is therefore possible to design longer spans or cantilevers using comparatively shallow and slender sections. Source: Pre-stressed concrete – Designer’s Handbook

  10. Examples of pre-stressed concrete sections produced in a factory

  11. What are the implications for using long span planks? • The elimination of beams and columns • Reduced on site labour costs • Utilising floor area for high density parking • Elimination of formwork and scaffolding • Early access to following trades; and • Speed of construction.

  12. Precast columns and beams used to complement the long span Hollow Core planks. Spans up to 17m give clear, uncluttered space Maximum flexibility is obtained in floor layouts by eliminating load-bearing components.

  13. More issues to consider Production programming When the dates for phased deliveries to site are agreed, the components will be produced in a predetermined sequence to ensure that matured concrete components are ready for instant erection.

  14. Supply of steel reinforcement

  15. PRODUCTION METHOD Placing carefully specified concrete into mould Compaction of concrete using poker vibrator

  16. Pre-stressed v reinforced concrete Fixings for services Concrete with Zero slump! Finishes from the mould Curing


  18. Prestressed double-tee unit being moved to the storage area

  19. Quality control Verification of supply Aggregate testing Testing for workability

  20. Testing the performance of building products is imperative. The certification process can take over a year and cost up to £100,000, meaning that not all companies apply!

  21. QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality is not only about the production process itself, but also it relates to conformance to the project requirements as set-out by the client. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BS 5750 Quality systems. Part 1 : 1987. Specification for the design, development, production, installation and servicing. Milton Keynes, BSI, 1987. 12 pp.

  22. Pre-stressed / Precast Plant Tour

  23. Construction stages of precast wall

  24. Introduction • Issues to consider • Production method Summary

  25. Suggested references Superior Walls by Weaver Precast www.hollowcore.com.au

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