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G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka. General Information. The paper is 7100/1. You will be required to answer any 5 questions out of the given 10 questions of 20 marks each.Remember to draw two margins on your answer sheet, one of the left and the other on the right, unless this has b
1. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Grade 10 Commerce: Examination Tips General Information
Display of your work
Repetitions of same words
Syllabus coverage
2. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka General Information The paper is 7100/1. You will be required to answer any 5 questions out of the given 10 questions of 20 marks each.
Remember to draw two margins on your answer sheet, one of the left and the other on the right, unless this has been done for you already. As for the final examination, this will be done for you by the examining body.
Do not write anything in the right hand margin. Use the left hand margin for indicating the question numbers as outlined in the question paper.
Write your names in full on each page of the answer sheet used. Using a string (fastener), fasten all the answer sheets together in the numerical order of the questions attempted. Do not staple them by using a stapler.
Write your examination number in full, that is, all the ten (10) digits. Do not just write the last four digits of your exam number. Please remember to write the centre code on each of the answer sheets you will use.
Begin each question on a fresh page of the separate answer sheet. Remember that a complete set of a question in Commerce carries 20 marks each.
3. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Handwriting Ensure you write your answers in a readable handwriting.
If your handwriting is difficult to be read by other people, then expect to get fewer marks.
Remember that your work is one of the thousands and thousands of answer manuscripts to be marked within a limited period of time.
You are strongly advised to bear in mind that examiners do not think for candidates.
4. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Write Your Answers In Point Form Writing your work in paragraph form is not encouraged in Commerce, as more points are likely not to be highlighted. However, a candidate will not be penalized for writing in paragraphs.
Always write your answers in point form but not in summary form (i.e ensure your points are in complete form and clearly highlighted in your work by way of either a dash, star, bullet, arrow or any other symbol (-, *, .)
5. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Remember that the intended number of marks for each question in Commerce is always given. The number of marks indicated determines the number of points you should raise. However, candidates are strongly advised to write as many points as possible. For example, if 5 points are required, but a candidate writes about 8, all the 8 points will be marked but the candidate will only be given the 5 marks as maximum. If 3 out of the 8 points are wrong, the candidate will still be given the maximum of 5 marks, as long as the 5 points are correct. Write Your Answers In point Form Cont.
6. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka The more correct points an examiner will be pick from your work, the easier you will deservedly get your distinction.
Do not waste time explaining one point at lengthy. Irrelevances will never make you earn extra marks.
Do not repeat points already given. No extra marks are awarded for repetitions. Please go straight for more points.
You will be assured of a mark for each correct point written. Write Your Answers In Point Form Cont.
7. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Do Not Use The Same Word Of The Question In Your Answer Do not repeat the same word to give an answer, especially when answering a question on Aids To Trade.
For example, when writing on “How Transport Can Assist Production/Trade”, do not write your answer as follows:
Transports raw materials to manufacturing industries.
Transports workers to and from their working places.
Instead, write your answer as follows:
Carries raw materials to manufacturing industries.
Moves workers to and from their working places.
8. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Do Not Use The Same Word Of The Question In Your Answer Cont. The following words can be used interchangeably when writing on aids to trade:
Transport: - Carries
- Delivers
- Moves
- Ferries
Insurance: - Compensates
- Restores
- Protects
- Indemnifies
Advertising: - Informs
- Persuades
9. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Banking: - Safeguards
- Keeps
Warehousing: - Stores
- Keeps
- Protects
Communication: - Contact
- Inform
Remember that no marks will be awarded for repetitions of the same word indicated in the question and found in your answer. Do Not Use The Same Word Of The Question In Your Answer Cont.
10. G. Mumba (Mr.) Munali Boys High School - Lusaka Cover The Syllabus Adequately Remember to cover the Commerce syllabus adequately, if you are to get a distinction. Most of the questions in Commerce are in parts, taken from different areas of the syllabus. However common questions seem to include among other topics, “Introduction To Commerce”, “Insurance”, “Foreign Trade” and atleast two questions on the other aids to trade.
Unless a candidate prepares well on all areas of the Commerce Syllabus, he/she may not get a distinction.