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Algae & Mosses. 藻類植物 與 蘚類植物. 藻的結構. - 有真核 - 有細胞壁 - 葉綠素 ( 光合作制造食物 ) - 沒有根 , 莖 , 葉 , 維管組織 - 單細胞 / 多細胞 / 絲狀 / 群體. Structure. (unicellular algae) 單細胞 藻. -a true nucleus is present in a cell -cell wall is present in a cell
Algae & Mosses 藻類植物 與 蘚類植物
藻的結構 -有真核 -有細胞壁 -葉綠素(光合作制造食物) -沒有根, 莖, 葉, 維管組織 -單細胞/多細胞/絲狀/群體 Structure (unicellular algae) 單細胞藻 -a true nucleus is present in a cell -cell wall is present in a cell -chloroplasts are present in cells (contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis) -do not have roots, stems, leaves, vascular tissues -unicellular/multicellular/filamentous/colonial
藻的生境 -水生(淡水及海水的浮游植物) -陸生(土壤﹑岩石及樹皮) 浮游植物 (terrestrial algae) Living Environment -aquatic (phytoplankton that living in both fresh and marine water) -terrestrial (in damp habitats such as soil, rock and tree bark)
藻的繁殖 (其一) i)無性生殖 通過產生不同類型的無性孢子進行的 e.g. -營養繁殖通過細胞分裂進行的 一種不通過任何生殖細胞進行繁殖的方法 絲狀體則可以由藻體的一部分脫離母體長成一個新的植物體 Spirogyra (水綿) Reproduction (part I) i)Asexual reproduction formation of new individuals from the cells of a single parent e.g. -vegetative propagationprocessed by cell division new plant individuals arise or are obtained without production of seeds or spores
藻的繁殖 (其二) ii)有性生殖 1)同配生殖(兩個結合的配子, 形狀和大小完全相同) 2)異配生殖(兩個結合的配子~雌配子和雄配子, 形狀相同而大小不同)3)卵配生殖(兩個結合的配子~卵和精子, 形狀大小都不同) Reproduction (part II) ii)Sexual reproduction 1)isogamy (combination of two isogametes)2)oogenesis(combination of egg cells and sperm cells)3)heterogamy(combination of male and female gametes)
藻的分類 Types of algae Spirogyra (水綿類) Fucus (岩藻類)
水綿結構 -屬藻類中的綠藻-表面有一層黏液覆蓋 -細胞質中有帶螺旋排列的葉綠體 -細胞呈筒狀並構成不分枝的絲狀體 -細胞內有一大型的中央液泡 -細胞質大部分位於細胞的周圍 -細胞核懸浮於液泡中 Spirogyra (水綿) Structure of spirogyra -green algae-outer surface is covered by a layer of mucilage -spirally coiled chloroplasts in the cells -cells are unbranched and filamentous -large vacuole in the cells -cytoplasm at the periphery of the cells -nucleus suspended in the centre of the cell
水綿生境 浮在淡水之水面上(如 池塘.湖泊等) Spirogyra (水綿) Living Environment Spirogyra (水綿) float in freshwater habitats (e.g. ponds, lakes, etc.)
特徵 螺旋狀葉綠體 spirally coiled chloroplasts 浮於上面 float in freshwater habitats 黏液Mucilage 結果 增加表面積吸收光 增加暴露於光的機會 防止乾化 生境的適應
水綿繁殖 有性生殖 - 接合生殖 - 梯狀接合(較常見) 由二條不同的絲狀體接合兩細胞壁相接而形成接合管形成單一絲狀體 - 側面接合 由同一絲狀體的兩個鄰近細胞互相接合 兩細胞壁相接而形成接合管 細胞原生質接合而形成接合子 Conjugation of spirogyra (接合中的水綿) Reproduction Conjugation - Scalariform (more common) a pair of filaments aligns themselves connected with conjugation tubesa single filament is formed - Lateral gametes produced by adjacent cells on the same filament meetdevelop within a short, curved conjugation tube
岩藻結構 -固著器(固著功能) -葉柄(強而有彈性,防止被水沖毀) -藻體 -部分有氣囊(有助岩藻浮於水面,以飄浮至別的生境和有助吸收陽光) -含有葉綠體,岩藻黃素 岩藻 (Fucus) Structure of fucus -region of holdfast(allows firm attachment to the substratum) -region of stipe(prevents thallus from damages by strong water waves) -region of fronds -some contain air bladders(provide buoyancy in water for maximum absorption of sunlight for photosynthesis) -contain chlorophyll , brown pigment(fucoxanthin)
岩藻生境 -rocky shore(in a short period of time) -intertidal zone 墨角藻 巨藻 Living Environment -岩岸(不能長時間逗留) -潮間帶
特徵 葉柄Stipe 固著器Holdfast 黏液Mucilage 氣囊 褐色素 結果 防止被浪沖走 抓緊基層防止浪沖走 防止乾化 浮於水面吸收光 吸收水底藍光 生境的適應
岩藻繁殖 有性繁殖-它們的雌、雄配子都具鞭毛,能在水中自由活動,尋找新的生活空間-減少同種之間競爭的壓力,交配成功之後,隨即萌發為孢子體) Reproduction sexual reproduction-both of their male and female gamete have flagellum, they can move in the water to find new space of life-reduce the competition between other Fucus,if the female gamate had been fertilized,it will be growth as a sporophyte
蘚的結構 -假根(細小呈絲狀的組織來固定植物的位置) -直立和類似莖部的結構, 上面有螺旋形式排列的小葉片(促進光合作用) -沒有角質層(在陸地生境的適應性較差) Structures -rhizoids(tiny hair-like strutures for anchorage on soil) -upright & stem-like structures, spirally arranged leaf-like blades(facilitates photosynthesis) -Do not have cuticle(poorly adaption to the terrestrial environment) Moss (蘚)
蘚的生境 Living Environment Damp and shady areas -require water for reproduction -absorb water as well as minerals directly through their body surfaces 潮濕陰暗的地方 -以水作為繁殖媒介 -靠身體表面吸收水份和礦物質 -沒有角質層減少水份流失 Moss (蘚)
特徵 假根rhizoids 螺旋形葉片 結果 -幫助吸收水份及固定 -由身體表面從外界吸收水份 -進行光合作用 生境的適應
spore-containing capsules (孢蒴) 蘚的繁殖 以孢子繁殖 -由孢蒴所產生的 -當孢蒴變乾硬後, 孢子會被釋出, 再靠風傳播 Reproduction By spores -produced spore-containing capsules -released and dispersed by wind after the capsules have dried out
問題:Question: (1)海棉的結構-黏液如何能夠保護海棉避免受到捕食? Mucliage-the structure of spirogyra, how can it protect the spirogyra and prevent the predation by other organisms? (2)藻類屬於五大類生物中的那一類?試比較蘚類,藻類相同及相異之處 Which kingdom does Alage belongs to?Compare the different and similar of Alage and Moss (3)岩藻的結構如何能夠幫助岩藻在水底進行光合作用? how can the structure of Fucus helps in photosynthsis under the water? (4)蘚類是透過那一個媒介傳播種子? What kind of pollinaton does moss use?