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Government Funding Agency Panel. Susan K. Gregurick U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Biological and Environmental Research SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences August 4 th , 2008 Susan.Gregurick @ science.doe.gov Genomicsgtl.energy.gov. Mission Challenges for Biology.
Government Funding Agency Panel Susan K. Gregurick U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Biological and Environmental Research SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences August 4th, 2008 Susan.Gregurick@science.doe.gov Genomicsgtl.energy.gov
GTL Science Hallmarks • Mission-inspired fundamental science • Global, genome-derived principles of microbial, plant, and community functions • Development of enabling experimental technologies and capabilities toprovide comprehensive data • Modeling and simulation tools for predictive understanding across multiple scales of biological organization • Building a GTL Knowledgebase facilitating data and information sharing for modeling and comparative analyses
Computational Resources at DOE (1).INCITE: In 2009 the Office of Science expects to award over half a billion hours through the INCITE program, with a majority of those hours on the 550 TF Blue Gene/P. Specifically, 80% of the leadership-class Cray computers at ORNL and the IBM Blue Gene resources at ANL are allocated through the INCITE program. • deadline - 11:59 pm EDT Monday, August 11, 2008 • http://www.er.doe.gov/ascr/INCITE/index.html • (2). National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center • Computational science conducted at NERSC covers the entire range of scientific disciplines, but is focused on research that supports DOE's missions and scientific goals. • http://www.er.doe.gov/ascr/Facilities/NERSC.html
Planned Genomics:GTL Solicitations • New Computational and Internet Technologies for the Development of an Integrated Knowledgebase Framework for Microbial and Plant research. • Contaminant Mobility and Transformation within the subsurface and across key groundwater- surface water interfaces for new remediation and long-term monitoring strategies and to provide realistic assessments of the threat posed by subsurface contamination. (http://www.science.doe.gov/grants/FAPN08-09.html) • New Computational Methods and Algorithm Development for Multiscale Modeling of Complex Microbial Systems • New Methods and Technologies for Metabolic Engineering (www.metabolicengineering.gov, NSF 08-588) • New Analytical and Imaging Technologies for Lignocellulosic Material Degradation, and for Multiplexed Screening for Plant Phenotypes
Biological Systems Science Division http://www.er.doe.gov/ober/ • Dr. Roland Hirsch, Acting Director • SC-23.2/Germantown Building1000 Independence Ave., SWWashington, DC 20585-1290 Phone Number: (301) 903-3213 Fax: (301) 903-0567Dr. Roland Hirsch, Acting Director, 301-903-9009, roland.hirsch@science.doe.govDr. Dean Cole, 301-903-3268, dean.cole@science.doe.govDr. Daniel Drell, 301-903-4742, daniel.drell@science.doe.govDr. Patrick Glynn, 301-903-7671, patrick.glynn@science.doe.govDr. Susan Gregurick, 301-903-7672 susan.gregurick@science.doe.govDr. John Houghton, 301-903-8288, john.houghton@science.doe.govDr. Arthur Katz, 301-903-4932, arthur.katz@science.doe.govDr. Peter Kirchner, 301-903-9106, peter.kirchner@science.doe.govDr. Noelle Metting, 301-903-8309, noelle.metting@science.doe.govDr. Prem Srivastava, 301-903-4071, prem.srivastava@science.doe.govDr. Marvin Stodolsky, 301-903-4475, marvin.stodolsky@science.doe.govMr. Michael Teresinski, 301-903-5515, michael.teresinski@science.doe.govDr. David Thomassen, 301-903-3213, david.thomassen@science.doe.govDr. Sharlene Weatherwax, 301-903-3213, sharlene.weatherwax@science.doe.govMs. Elizabeth (Libby) White, 301-903-7693, elizabeth.white@science.doe.gov