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EGEE service baseline list. Objective: To limit the lifetime of middleware service versions To manage the amount of support needed To reduce the security risks . Which versions to support?. Rules for selecting which versions to support must be as simple as possible:
EGEE service baseline list • Objective: • To limit the lifetime of middleware service versions • To manage the amount of support needed • To reduce the security risks
Which versions to support? • Rules for selecting which versions to support must be as simple as possible: • all versions released during the past x months • Where x depends on a subjective analysis of the frequency of updates to the service OR • all versions since the last “high priority” update for the service whichever is the more recent
Which versions to support? • The list of supported client versions can be found here:https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/SupportedClientVersions • The list of supported service versions can be found here:https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EGEE/SupportedServiceVersions
What’s actually in production? • We need a way to identify the middleware service versions which are in production. • Currently using the various service interface version numbers that are published in the information system • This is too coarse a view • Stephen Burke has developed an info provider to publish the version of the metapackage (Patch 3214). Certified but not in production yet.
Monitoring • Plan to have a machine readable version of the list of supported service versions • This will allow automation of the flagging of “out of date” services in the production infrastructure • In the meantime, will have to do this manually • Sites with outdated versions will be warned and eventually suspended • Unless they give a good reason why they can’t upgrade – then they’re on their own