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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive 4
BACKGROUND ABOUT THE PROVINCEKwaZulu-Natal has the 2nd largest population in the Republic, totaling 9.4 million. (= 21% of SA population of 44 million) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 1)Home Affairs offices to be established: • Umlazi - On 16 March 2006 approved the structure of KZN. The approved structure caters for a Regional Office to be established in Umlazi with a staff establishment of 70. The office to be created in Umlazi has been identified to be the model office in KZN. The needs assessment for Regional Office Umlazi was approved by the Accounting Officer of the DHA on 8 August 2006. The approved needs assessment reflects a total assignable area of 1520m. Since this office has been identified to be the model office of KZN, the office will be a State Owned constructed building. The Directorate Asset Management has submitted a request to the National Department of Public Works (NDPW) to register the construction of the Regional Office Umlazi as a Capital Project. Once this project has been registered, the NDPW will conduct a cost projection and then only will the Directorate Asset Management apply for funding to National Treasury. In the interim, orders have been placed for the following equipment for RO Umlazi: x1 Safe ; x1 Cash register ; x1 Photocopier ; x1 Shredder and x1 Fax machine. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 Home Affairs offices to be established : • KwaMashu - According to the approved structure of KZN, a District Office must be established in KwaMashu. The approved establishment for the District Office KwaMashu totals 10. The needs assessment for District Office KwaMashu has been approved by the Accounting Officer of DHA on 27 December 2006. The approved needs assessment reflects a total assignable area of 490m. Funding to to acquire suitable office accommodation has been available by DHA and transferred to the National Department of Public Works. The NDPW is following the negotiated strategy to obtain suitable office accommodation. The NDPW is presently trying to locate suitable sites in KwaMashu for viewing. No sites has been made available by NDPW for viewing. This matter was addressed at our last monthly with NDPW. In the interim, orders have been placed for the following equipment for DO KwaMashu, x1 Cash Register ; x1 Photocopier and x1 Fax machine. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 2)Proper permanent office building should be built at: Durban Harbour - After visit by Portfolio Committee to Durban Harbour, Needs Assessment completed by Durban Regional Representative for sourcing of new accommodation and was forwarded to Head Office. • DG approved and signed needs assessment. National Public Works Department tasked to source accommodation. • Mr Clinton Heinmann ( Chairperson of BCOCC Development Committee in Pretoria was mandated to source accommodation. • Mr Heinmann indicated that he was at first looking at vacant State Owned Buildings or State owned buildings to soon become vacant for occupation, in around Durban Harbour. • In November 2006, Mr Heinmann indicated that the State owned building at 190 Point Rd, currently occupied by the Department of Agriculture, which is near the entrance to the Harbour at Point Road would become available in January 2007. • In January 2007, advised by Mr Heinmann that Department of Agriculture not moving from premises. • Mr Heinmann currently trying to source ground floor accommodation for the Durban Harbour component. • No progress thus far. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 3)Harbour Office should be computerised and linked to the main frame of the Department. This office should also be provided with vehicles - To link the present Harbour Office with the Main Frame of the Department, cabling at a cost of R 100 000-00 has to purchased. This was not feasible to purchase the cabling, in view of the rent free accommodation provided by the National Ports Authority ( NPA ) was of a temporary nature. In view of the rent free accommodation provided by the National Ports Authority, the Immigration Component at Durban Harbour had been relocated to premises within the Harbour on 3 occasions within the last 5 years. The NPA at the time also indicated that it was not feasible for the Department of Home Affairs to spend such amounts on cabling, when the accommodation provided to the Immigration component is of a temporary nature. As an interim measure, a modum was connected to one of the two computers provided to the Harbour component, which enabled the Harbour Component to access e-mails and link up to the Main Frame of the Department. This modum mal-functioned shortly thereafter and has since been, not been functioning. The IT Manager in the Province had tried on numerous instances to locate the problem, but was unsuccessful. • In respect of the vehicles, the Harbour component has currently 3 vehicles allocated to them. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 4)The Department should employ more Immigration Officials at Durban International Airport and Durban Harbour: • Current Establishment for Airport / Harbour -2 x Chief/Control Immigration Officers based at the Harbour • 2 x Chief/ Control Immigration Officers based at the Airport ( One official currently suspended ) • 12 x Immigration Officers rotated on shifts to perform duties between Airport and Harbour • 2 x Trainee Immigration Officers appointed in January 2007 at Airport, currently on training • 2 x Trainee Immigration Officers Posts for Durban Harbour have been already advertised. • 3 x Trainees having completed their training have been charged with misconduct and dismissed ( 1 x Harbour staff and 2 x Airport staff ) during 2006. • The current staff establishment for the Harbour and Airport is insufficient, taking into account the Harbour is a 24 hour port and the Airport operates from 05H00 to 22H00 daily. Despite only having to deal with one International Flight from overseas, numerous scheduled and unscheduled Cross Border flights use this Airport on a daily basis. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 For the Airport and the Harbour to currently function independently of each other, the ideal establishment would be as follows: • Durban Harbour To cover a 24 hour operations, which also entails officials having their off days and staff available to cover off days and weekends, the following is envisaged. 4 x chief/control Immigration officers ( one to supervise each shift ) 14 x Immigration Officers 1 x Admin Clerk • Durban International Airport To cover the shifts at the Airport during the week, which also entails officials having their days off and staff available to cover off days and weekends, the following is envisaged. 2 x chief/control Immigration Officers 16 x Immigration Officers 1 x Admin clerk 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 5)The Department should look at the possibility of filling all vacant funded posts 110 funded posts are still vacant due to the delays experienced of Job Evaluation. 6)The Department should provide staff with nametags 90 % of officials in KZN have DHA nametags and the remaining 10 % are using office printed nametags. 7)There is a need for the Department to look at the problem of corruption including illegal marriages A number of DHA officials have been arrested and there is still a challenge of marriages outside DHA e.g. Ministers of Religion 8)Management should recognise the labour forum at the Durban Office and address issues affecting staff Meetings are held regularly between the Provincial Manager and Labour Forums and between Management and Labour Forums to discuss issues of mutual concerns 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 9)Management should have programmes of meeting and feedback to staff Meetings are taking place between management, supervisors and staff every Monday in various Offices 10)Additional secure garage for vehicles should be built in Scottburgh Home Affairs Office During the time the Portfolio Committee visited the Scottburgh office, it was noted that the office have two government vehicles, but only one lock up garage. Subsequently both these vehicles have been written off and have not as yet been replaced. The DO Scottburgh is currently utilizing a vehicle from Regional Office Ugu (Port Shepstone). A new needs assessment was done and submitted. 11)All Home Affairs offices should be provided with security for 24 hours 90% of offices in KZN have 24 hour security (including security guards) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
INTRODUCTION continue RESPONSE TO THE REPORT OF THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS ON AN OVERSIGHT VISIT TO KZN PROVINCE – 25 TO 27 AUGUST 2005 12)The Department should come up with programmes and activities to boost the moral of staff The Province is having the following programmes to boost the moral of staff: Teambuilding days Sport activities Choir 13)An efficient and effective management structure should be put in place to deal with problems at the Ethekwini Office Ongoing changes have been made and are still being made at Regional Office Ethekwini to discuss the issue of Management 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STRUCTURE OF OFFICES IN KZN 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STRUCTURE OF OFFICES IN KZN 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STRUCTURE OF OFFICES IN KZN 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STRUCTURE OF OFFICES IN KZN 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STRUCTURE OF OFFICES IN KZN 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PORTS OF ENTRY IN KZN • Durban International Airport • Durban Harbour • Richards Bay Harbour • Golela Border Post ( Borders with Swaziland ) • Onverwacht Border Post ( Borders with Swaziland ) • Kosi Bay Border Post ( Borders with Mozambique ) • Boesmansnek ( Manned by SAPS ( Borders with Lesotho • Sani Pass ( Manned by SAPS( Borders with Lesotho) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
OPERATIONAL HOURS AT PORTS OF ENTRY 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STAFF COMPLIMENT, FUNDED POSTS AND VACANCIES Approved staff establishment = 1671 Number of posts filled = 537 Number of funded vacant posts = 110 Number of unfunded vacant posts = 1024 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PLAN TO FILL THE VACANT FUNDED POSTS During the 2007/08 Financial Year, the following posts will be filled: A Office of the Provincial Manager x1DD - Provincial Co-ordination x1DD - Support Services x1DD - Internal Audit x1Senior State Accountant x1Communications Officer x2Personnel Practitioners x1Senior Training Officer x1Employee Wellness Practitioner x1Provision Admin Officer x1Legal Admin Officer x1Messenger / Driver x1Cleaner x1ASD - Corruption Investigation x1ASD - Corruption Prevention x1CAC x1Chief Training Officer 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PLAN TO FILL THE VACANT FUNDED POSTS B Office of Area Manager North x1 Director (Area Manager) x1 Secretary x1ASD x2AC x1 Cleaner x1 Messenger x1 DD (NIB) C Office of Area Manager South x1 Director (Area Manager) x1 Secretary x1ASD x1AC x1 Cleaner x1 Messenger/Driver x1 DD (NIB) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PLAN TO FILL THE VACANT FUNDED POSTS DPosts for new offices to be established KwaMashu - X1 SAO ; x1 CAC; x6 SAC/AC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Cleaner Umlazi - x1 DD ; x1 ASD ; x2 SAO ; x2 AO ; x6 CAC ; x32 AC/SAC ; x1 Chief Security Officer ; x2 Security Officers ; x1 Messenger ; x2 Cleaner Phoenix - x1 SAO ; x1 AO ; x5 CAC ; x23 Chatsworth - x1 ASD ; x1 SAO ; x1 AO ; x3 CAC ; x21 AC/SAC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Cleaner Ndwedwe – x2 SAO, x2 AO ; x6 CAC, x32 AC/SAC ; x1 RIH/ASD ; x1 Communication Officer ; x3 Chief Imm Officer ; x14 Senior / Immigration officers ; x1 Chief Security Officer ; x2 Security Guard, x1 Messenger, x2 Cleaner EPosts for offices to be upgraded from service point to district office Hluhluwe - x1 ASD ; x1 AO ; x2 CAC ; x3 AC/SAC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Groundsman, x1 Cleaner Estcourt – x1 SAO ; x2 CAC ; x9 AC/SAC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Cleaner Umzimkhulu - x1ASD; x1SAO ; x1AO ; x3CAC ; x14AC/SAC ; x1Security Officer ; x1 Chief Imm Officer ; 5 Immigration Officers Nongoma – x1 SAO ; x1 CAC ; x8 AC/SAC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Cleaner Maphumulo – x1 SAO ; x1 CAC x6 AC/SAC ; x1 Security Officer ; x1 Cleaner 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PLAN TO FILL THE VACANT FUNDED POSTS F IO, RSDO and RRO posts x1RSDO x1RRO x10 Chief/Control Immigration Officers x32 Immigration Officers G Fill posts at offices – rolling out on-line registration at 28 Hospitals and 5 MPCC’s H Fill posts at offices – allocated a total of 16 Mobile Trucks 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
ESTABLISHMENT OF NIB IN KZN • Approved Establishment for NIB in KZN 273 posts • Total Funded Posts 82 posts • Total Posts Filled 58 posts • Total Funded Posts vacant 24 posts • Total posts to be filled in the current financial year 24 posts • Total posts unfunded 191 posts 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
IMMIGRATION COMPONENTS Regional Offices Ethekwini Amajuba Umgungundlovu Ugu Uthungulu 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STAFFING LEVELS AT IMMIGRATION OFFICES • Durban Harbour and Durban Int. Airport: 18 • Golela Border Post 16 • Kosi Bay Border Post 4 • Onverwacht Border Post 4 • Richards Harbour and Inspectorate Component 10 ( No separate establishment, staff rotate shifts from Harbour to Inspectorate ) • Permitting Office: Ethekwini 6 Uthungulu 2 Ugu 2 Umgungundlovu 4 Amajuba 2 • Inspectorate: Ethekwini 9 Amajuba 2 Umgungundlovu 6 • Durban Refugee Reception Office: Ethekwini 5 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
DEPORTATION STATISTICS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMITS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
PERMANENT RESIDENCE APPLICATIONS 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
REFUGEE BACKLOG OFFICE • Refugee Backlog Project Current Backlog outstanding = 8361 Backlog amounted to 11338 applications Majority of applications from DRC, Pakistan, Tanzania Zimbabwe and Bangladesh 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
MOBILE UNITS AND THEIR LOCATION 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
STAKEHOLDER INTERACTION The Province works closely and have interactions with the following stakeholder: • The Premier’s Office – KZN Province • Dept of Social Welfare and Population Development • Dept of Health • Dept of Education • Dept of Justice • Dept of Local Government and Traditional Affairs • Dept of Public Works • Local and District Municipalities • Non Governmental Organizations • Lawyers fro Human Rights • IEC • Public Service Association (PSA) • NEHAWU • United Nations High Commissions for Refugees (UNHCR) • Refugee Service Providers Network • SAPS (Organised Crime Unit) • Dept of Safety and Liaison (Provincial Government) • NIA and Scorpions 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN Civic Services Vital Registration – Presently on line at 12 Provincial Hospital Plan to roll out on- 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
CHALLENGES • Shortage of staff at Regional and District Offices • Delay in the finalisation of Appeals, Disciplinary Cases • Corruption and Fraud • Insufficient / shortage of staff at Ports of Entries • Lack of capacity in various fields: - Transport - Financial Management - Asset Management • Lack of staff commitment • Equity • Non management of overtime • Lack of co-operation from some members of SAPS and Prosecutors • Lack of Co-operation from DPW • Delays in Job Evaluation and appointments 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
DISCIPLINARY CASES TOTAL CASES = 55 TOTAL CASES FINALISED (2006/07) = 11 TOTAL CASES AWAITING OUTCOME OF APPEAL = 5 CASES READY FOR HEARING = 23 CASES STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION = 16 NB: The number of cases will increase as more and more staff are being charged or arrested. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
CORRUPTION AND FRAUD This is a Major Challenge and threat, not only to DHA, but to the whole Country. The following are some of Corruption and Fraud Cases: • Fraudulent Marriages (by DHA officials and Ministers of Religion) • Fraudulent Birth and Death Certificates • Fraudulent Baptism Certificates • Fraudulent School Certificates and Reports • Fraudulent letter from Tribal Authorities • Fraudulent overtime claims • Loss of ID books • Extension of Temporary Residence Permits (Work permits) • Misuse of Government Vehicles 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
SECURITY IN OFFICES 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
SECURITY IN OFFICES 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
SECURITY IN OFFICES 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
FINANCIAL REPORTING FOR PERIOD ENDING FEBRUAY 2007(expenditure rate 89% - 93%) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
REASON FOR UNDERSPENDING As of 28 February 2007, the rate of expenditure in the Province is 80,75% Reason for under spending : The vacant posts that were projected to be filled, could not be filled – awaiting Job Evaluation results. 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
SUMMARY ACHIEVEMENTS: In the current Financial Year the KZN Province has achieved the following: - Received the ACSA Award for the Best Government Department at the Durban International Airport - The Province received a Service Delivery Award from the KZN Provincial Government for the use of mobile units • The Province has developed an Electronic Asset Register • Success in the arrests of DHA staff and foreigners who are involved in the issuing and selling of fraudulent documents • The Province has just finished their Business Plan for 2007/08 Financial Year. Amongst other issues to be addressed are: • Strengthen the relationship with Local Municipalities (CDW’s) and other Stakeholders (Refugee Network and Labour Unions) • Zero Tolerance to Fraud and Corruption • Managers to spend more time on the floor, to be hands on! • Monitor Budget Expenditure • Optimal Utilization of Mobile Units • Open 36 new DHA offices in 36 Hospitals • Monthly Provincial Manager “Sizobasiza Campaign” (Visiting and working in Regional and District Offices – 2 to 3 days) 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive
Thank You Ngiyabonga 1 Caring, compassionate and responsive