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China history 1. “Yellow Emperor," Huang-ti 2700 BCE?. BC, BCE. 1200. most advanced use of bronze in world earliest complete record of writing. Shang. 1027. 1000. Classic China: Golden Age of Chinese Thought.

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  1. China history 1 “Yellow Emperor," Huang-ti 2700 BCE? BC, BCE 1200 • most advanced use of bronze in world • earliest complete record of writing Shang 1027 1000 Classic China: Golden Age of Chinese Thought Increased growth, creativity. Build canals, irrigation. Also greater conflict. Age of Philosophers and Classics. Intellectual outburst parallel Greeks, Hebrew prophets, Buddha. Phil: Questions similar, answers different: Chinese: people as social/political creatures; social phil: society not individual. Compare to other worldly of Mediterranean and India. Maybe from Warring State Anarchy. Classics: Look to past; increase respect for and venerate old texts – last until recent times. Confucian texts: 5; choose 4; 1000 yr later as embodiment of Confucius and Mencius teach. Confucius: carnage of warring state, return to Zhou founders.Taoism – Lao Zi Yin/Yang Theory; 5 Element Theory; Mencius : Govt exercise in ethics . True leader provide for well being of people – hence mandate from heaven. Legalist: (Hsun Tzu): men not good by nature – like Hobbes state of nature – social contract; First totalitarians. West 800 770 Overrun by barb. From west, move east Zhou (Chou) Spring/ Autumn 722-481 East 600 Confucius: Lao zi; Mencius Xunzi 450 400 Warring States 403-221 Shih-Huang Ti lead Qin victory. (Terracotta warriors) unite people, massive public works projects Great Wall, Canals); Legalist gov’t – sourer people on law. Set up weights, measures; Rid (burn) old books. Start iron age, used in making weapons. Qin (Chin) Shih-Huang Ti 200 BCE 0 Han Language: Characters Radicals 220 200 ACE AD, ACE

  2. 200 BCE 0 Han 220 200 ACE AD, ACE • First Golden Age of China: • contemporaries of Romans. Still threat from family of empress, pastoral people; Grew to present size of China. • Previous philosophies survive piecemeal (YY/ 5E); Taoism get primitive. Confucianism survive with some changes. • Set up 1st Cent. BC Confucian schools for civil admin; model last forever. Legalist, in attempt to destroy Confucianism, set up state where it flourished. • Trade increased; Silk road used. start of paper, porcelains, glazes; • Both Roman and Han complex technological societies. No adjust to increase population, wealth, institution. • Roman and Chinese Empires: Parallels – both overrun by barbarians- swept by new religions. • Roman empire die while Chinese succeed. Why: • - southern dynasties less influenced by Northern barbarians which had stronger influence on North than Greek Byzantine culture • Han ideals superior. Just and Ethical rule by emperor with mandate from heaven and support people with bureaucracy with educated people chosen by merit • Written language give China greater culture continuity than Latin or Greek • Size of China lead to absorption of Barbarians • Two factors lead to fall • shift population N (Yellow) to S (Yangzi) • barbarian invasion from N • collapse, 350 yr chaos/disunity

  3. China history 2 2 Major social changes: 1st: barbarians into North and assimilate, while Han move south Import of Buddhism (64 AD) – one of greatest import of ideas and challenges til 19th century. Passed from rich to poor not v/v as Christianity. Compete and ultimately compromised with Confuciansim. Spread from China 200 Six Dynasties (3 Kingdoms,Dynasties N & S,Sui – which help reunify) 400 620 600 • 2nd Golden Age of China • Xian (Chang’an) capital, 2 M people, Silk Road; - strongest, richest country in world. 1/4 (90M) of world. - Efficient central govt., religious tolerance, tech. lead. - Paper money; Great age of poetry (Li Bo, Du Fu), art, sculpting; Advances in astronomy • Start of 1000 yr of China as most advance, strongest, richest country in world • start of true civil service meritocracy: one of greatest achievements in Chinese History. Intellectually unify country. Confucian ideology entrenched. Education valued; Poor could advance • Absorbed and modified Buddhism. Culture tolerant. Secular art Empress Wu (only female) Tang Emperor Xuanzong, Yang Guifei ,An Lushan Rebellion 800 900 Ten Kingdoms/ 5 Dynasties 960 • Great advances in agriculture (sufficient food); techniques still in use today • gunpowder, weapons, printing textiile, painting modern; • golden age formal prose. Caligraphy high art. • printing press; Large number printed books; • Commercial revolution within organized bureacracy no great effect as in feudal Europe. Govt of scholar officials through exams; • city dweller dominate; status women decrease; • Neoconfucian: Zhu Xi (Chu His): and after become orthodoxy. Social structure becomes static; surplus human labor • Turn inward. Tired of foreign invasion. Northern 1000 Song (Sung) Chin Southern Mongols Zhu Xi 1279 1200 • G. Khan, and grandson, Khubilia Khan conquer; Beijing capital; City of Khan, within which Forbidden City; Mongol empire, linking E and W, promote trade and travel. • Rid of exams; scholar-official class excluded • Maintained order by foster conservative neoconfucianism; but use foreigners for positions. • Great travel through Mongol empire. Marco Polo visit; Christians come; Arab influence great. Khubilia Khan Yuan 1368 Chinese Millenium

  4. 1800 1368 • Greatest era of orderly government, social stability in history; strong, central govt, sea explorations; porcelains widely recognized (blue/white pieces); Eventually overthrown by Manchu, yet structure maintained even then. • fortify Great Wall, Build Forbidden City, Capital in Beijing • This at time when 30 yr War(1618-48) wreck Europe. And Europe go through Renaissance, Reformation, Growth National states, expansion into new world, rise modern science, industrial revolution, rise of capitalism. • Why: look to past for ideals; look in since many foreign invasions and alien rule. Growing ethnocentrism • 17 Ming Emperors. Mostly autocratic. Use of Grand secretaries (like cabinet); Eunuchs got power. • want to return to pre-Mongol rule so built up exam system. Anyone rise to top; 300 private academies. 1407 encyclopedia with 11000 volumes; • 200 yr peace increased economic growth, population, etc. • Wang Yang-Ming influential philosopher. Meditation and intuitive knowledge, and not investigation of things as Zhu Xi. • Foreign relations – anticommericallism. China oldest, parent. Source of knowledge – hence not aggressive, imperialistic, even though sailed 100’s yrs before Europe. Gave up seafaring – E coast left to non Chinese from which emerge imperialism. 1400 Zheng He Ship, Map Ming Wang Yang-Ming vs Bacon Chinese Millenium (con’t) 1662 1600 Qing (Ching 1912 KMT 1949 PRC 2000

  5. 1800 • Manchu conquest of Ming, Last dynasty. Reach peak of power and influence. Orderly, prosperous until 19th century when fell due to inflexibility, rebellions, and invasion again - from the West. • Rise of Manchu dynasty same time as Am. Colonies. Social system change little. Stable in 1700’s. Disaster in 1800’s. Keep order but no adapt to outside forces. • Manchu’s strong leader like Mongols. Only 2% of population. Manchu no engage in trade, intermarrying or follow Chinese customs. But require all Chinese to braid hair in queue and shave rest as symbol of submission. However, Chinese culture overtook Manchus.. Stayed in power by becoming as Chinese as possible. Very conservative and rigid. Reject other nation’s views, ideas. • Decline in 1800’s: military ineffective; political corruption; jobs pressure with great growth. Increase in local rebellions. 142 million in 1741 to 432 mill in 1851. Hard to handle. • Now Western contact: First Portuguese pirates, 1514, island fortress outside Canton River mouth; expel in 1522 to Macao. Jesuits in late Ming, early Ching. Matteo Ricci – accommodate message to Chinese. Adopted Confusion culture. Christianity as system of wisdom and ethics like Han Confuc. Many converts. Introduce West science, medicine. Missionaries saw emperor daily. Jesuits became sinicized. Add to Confucian ideas, but try to rid Buddhism, Taoism. Split. Confucian scholars hostile to Christianity. Increasingly viewed as secret cult. 1722 turn against, suppress. • Canton trade taken over by British and others in guilds, 1784 Americans. • Decline at same time as West. Imperialism increase. Slow to change, Govt passive. • Brits start opium trade. Chinese starting smoking opium after tobacco introduced from US. Chinese merchants couldn’t pay taxes, into debt of British merchants. Brits bring in Navy. First Anglo-Sino War 1839, when Chinese govt try to stop opium trade- opium war. Brit. Won – cede Hong Kong, open 5 ports to Brits. • Brits start opium trade. Chinese starting smoking opium after tobacco introduced from US. Chinese merchants couldn’t pay taxes, into debt of British merchants. Brits bring in Navy. First Anglo-Sino War 1839, when Chinese govt try to stop opium trade- opium war. Brit. Won – cede Hong Kong, open 5 ports to Brits. • West impact undermine traditional order. More wars. Opium trade expands. New missionaries. Protestant Robert Morrison . Catholic priest dress like Chinese but protestant own culture, attach Taoist and Buddhist idols. • Increased rebellions by peasants from 1850-1870. Pop +, floods, famine, poor govt plus West. Secret societies.Largest rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan – based on old testament. Equality, no slavery alcohol, tobacco, opium, idols. Try to eradicate “demon devils” – alien Manchus. End, 20 Mill dead. • Govt restrengthen temporarily. But more ports open, legalize import of opium. Missionaries travel interior. Behind changes stood power of British Empire. Increase challenge of West to China, but structure still unchanged. In contrast to Japan, which underwent Meiju restoration, China slow to change. And 1862-1875 weak boy emperor, dominate by mother, Emperor Dowager, who had no clue. Great reconstruction tasks like Civil War but lack industrial capacity. Inflation, treasury spend. • China lose war to Japan in 1894; destabilize, divide China into spheres of influence.Decline. 1662 1600 Matteo Ricci Qing (Ching Hong Xiuquan 1912

  6. 1912 KMT 1949 PRC

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