1. Healthy Babies 2002 Tara Fox
Teresa Franckewitz
Misty Greenling
Catherine Perlas
Cara Teague
2. The Problem Prenatal care prevents birth defects and infant mortality.
Some women need this care the most and don’t receive it.
Assistance programs are underutilized.
3. Reasons for lack of Prenatal Care Lack of health insurance
Lack of access
Lack of awareness about assistance programs
Insufficient income
Lack of education
4. Prenatal Care Encompasses two aspects:
Avoid teratogens
5. Statistics Florida
3.5% receive late or no prenatal care
8.1% of births result in low birth weight babies
9.6% infant mortality rate
Infant mortality is 60% higher for mother’s under the poverty level
6. Some Solutions The MOMobile Program: community based outreach program for pregnant women in Pennsylvania
Teach prenatal care in the home
Effective in educating the importance of prenatal care and coordinates social services.
Problem: expenses and availability
7. Some Solutions (Cont’d) Family Health Line: statewide, toll free hotline
Goal: improve health status of Florida’s pregnant women, infants, and toddlers
Answer questions, provide information about community resources, access to prenatal care
Problem: lack of community awareness
8. Our Solution Kiosks placed in densely populated, low socioeconomic areas
Increase prenatal awareness and education
Partner with the Family Health Line to coordinate services
Provide information regarding community resources
9. Equipment
10. Procedures Kiosk technician to design and translate software
Hire one primary investigator and three co-investigators
Contact Florida Department of Health to extend their community services
Research kiosk locations
Gather study sample through established partnerships
Surveys given pre and post involvement to measure success
Incentives (sample and general public)
11. Objectives provide preventative health information to pregnant women with low socioeconomic status
supply expectant mothers with current information on community resources that provide help during pregnancy
provide clear and understandable information by adapting the software to English and Spanish
partner with Florida Department of Health to help coordinate community resources and future funding
determine the effectiveness of the information provided
12. Expected Outcomes Short-term
Increased awareness and usage of community resources
Increased knowledge of prenatal care
Long-term (pipe dream)
Decrease in low birth weight and infant mortality
Decreased health care costs associated with preventative birth defects
13. Evaluation Family Health Line will monitor and track incoming calls from kiosks
Survey sample group to determine efficacy
Pre and post
Survey general public to determine usefulness of the information in kiosk
15. Doctor Greene
16. The Kiosk
17. The Birth http://www.med-help.net/emergency-child-birth.htm
20. And a healthy baby arrived