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Welcome to Team 2 2013. Miss Lisa Stanbury. Goals for your child:. To enjoy coming to school To develop self responsibility and independence Key Competencies are developed To develop a love of learning . A TYPICAL DAY. Register, Calendar, News Groups, Phonics
Welcome to Team 2 2013 Miss Lisa Stanbury
Goals for your child: • To enjoy coming to school • To develop self responsibility and independence • Key Competencies are developed • To develop a love of learning
A TYPICAL DAY • Register, Calendar, News Groups, Phonics • Jump Jam, Fruit Snack, Shared Story • Reading Groups • MORNING TEA 10.35 • Maths starter • Maths
Fresh air activity (5 Mins) • Writing • LUNCHTIME 12.30-1.30 • Silent Reading • Handwriting • Topic or Developmental • Responsibilities & Reflection • HOMETIME
READING ROUTINES • Please make sure the reading folder comes to school everyday • One browsing book and one instructional book will come home in the reading folder. Only the instructional book to be recorded in the reading log. • Please encourage your child to read both books, if possible. Sign the yellow reading log. Keep comments brief and focused on the reading please • Bookmarks may come home to explain the level of difficulty. Please return these the next day • Reading groups are based on reading levels and will often change. I will see each group every day
HELPFUL HINTS • Listen to your child read and help them point to the words. Encourage your child to gain sense from the story. Resist jumping in and correcting mistakes but ask questions like ‘What is the starting sound?’, or ‘Can you see a word inside that word that you know already?’ • Keep the reading free from stress and tension. • Praise your child for their efforts.
Numeracy • Statistics - We have been looking at graphing in particular to help us get to know each other • Maths groupings according to strategy levels for addition and subtraction • I will see each group 3 times a week • Children working independently - computers, group boxes(games related to what they have been learning),maths games, problem solving, follow up activities from small group teaching time. • Fridays we will teach strand maths for a Fun Friday. We will continue with statistics for the next couple of weeks.
Writing • Writing ideas – On Mondays we do weekend writing. Wednesdays writing is based around an oral language experience. A specific writing focus will be implemented as writing routines are established • Resources used - alphabet cards, high frequency words on wall. • Picture plan, then write • Carolyn/Karrie and I team teach during writing at the moment. We each take small groups while the rest of the class have ‘can do’s’ that relate to writing • Publishing – will happen during writing time on Friday. Children illustrate their typed piece of work for the Sparkle Wall
Topic • Classroom culture – We have been finding out about ourselves and others. • Setting up routines and expectations for the year • Rules and behaviour • Developmental – in the afternoons this term we are working on our fine motor skills. We have a variety of activities set up that involve various motor skills. • We will begin Kia Kaha unit soon which focuses on bullying and how to stay safe.
Behaviour Expectations • Three step process • 1. Given warning • 2. Reflection in classroom • 3. Time out in neighbouring classroom (not that I am expecting to have to use this as Room 2 are very well behaved)
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY • Swimming Weeks 9, 10, 11 • Learning Conferences in Week 10 • End of Term One - Friday 19th April
Homework • Reading – browsing book and instructional book will come home Monday – Thursday. • Current Focus book - Alphabet caterpillar, Letter formation, phonics activities based on the letter of the week. (Please don’t colour in the caterpillar. I need to test for this before they can be coloured in). Due Fridays • Poetry - every Friday. Please return book on Monday into labelled box • Additional homework could be learning to tie their shoelaces if they cannot already!
Maths Bag The maths bag will come home with each child for two nights at a time. Included is a book with game ideas and feedback forms. Maths equipment is there to be used and students should be familiar with most of it. Please keep track of what you use so everything comes back for the next child. The children get really excited about taking the bag home!
Release Time • During my BTR on Wednesdays Megan Lamberg will take the class. • During my CRT time on Tuesday afternoons Karrie Bryce will be in to take music and Maori. • I use this time for planning, making resources, photocopying, laminating, observations of other teachers, pd, testing, goal setting, requirements to gain my full registration
Perceptual Motor Programme • Programme focuses on developing skills of coordination, balance, gross and fine motor skills • Will begin on Monday • Please ensure children are wearing normal school uniform
Some Considerations • Fruit Snack - please put in a NAMED separate container also it is great if you can cut up big fruit such as apples • Water Bottle - named with water only please • Please avoid sending any food with nuts in as we have many children throughout the school with nut allergies. • Please clearly name hats and fleeces!! • Uniform check. Please no jewellery, nail polish, colourful hair accessories. Blue and red only.
FRIENDSHIP LIST • I will put up a list for you to add your details if you would like to be included on a classroom friendship list.
Communication • Available to chat briefly mornings and afternoons apart from Tuesdays as this is my meeting day. • Main form of communication is via New Entrant blog. Please subscribe if you haven’t already. Just go to the Fendalton School site • Check the whiteboard outside classroom for notices in mornings. • Please note: emails are answered after teaching time within 48 hours. If you have an urgent or important message please let the office know.
Thank you for coming along this evening. • Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!