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Welcome to the Team!. Speech, Debate & Oral Interpretation Orientation Meeting. Our Team Website. http://sites.google.com/ site/TitanForensics. The 3 tracks of the Team. SPEECH Extemp, Oratory, Impromptu, Expository DEBATE LD, Student Congress, Public Forum, CX ORAL INTERP
Welcome to the Team! Speech, Debate & Oral Interpretation Orientation Meeting
Our Team Website http://sites.google.com/ site/TitanForensics
The 3 tracks of the Team SPEECH Extemp, Oratory, Impromptu, Expository DEBATE LD, Student Congress, Public Forum, CX ORAL INTERP Duet Acting, H.I., D.I., Duo Interp, Prose & Poetry Interpretation
The 3 tracks of the Team SPEECH Extemp – foreign or U.S. current events research, topics drawn at the tournament, 30 min. prep, perform a 5-7 min. speech. What can you do this summer? Begin your research and knowledge of current issues, go to websites for sample topics to practice, and meet up at CHS for coach B’s help.
The 3 tracks of the Team SPEECH Oratory – an 8-10 min. memorized speech on an important social issue that you write yourself- sort of a “soap box” speech, but one that inspires others to see things in a new or different way. What can you do this summer? Begin your research and brainstorm for topics, go to websites for sample topics to get ideas, and meet up at CHS for coach B’s help.
The 3 tracks of the Team SPEECH Impromptu – supplementary event, unprepared speech (sometimes offered at tournaments, offered as supp. at State & Nationals) Expository – supplemental event, informative speech (only offered as supp. at Nationals)
The 3 tracks of the Team DEBATE LD – Lincoln/Douglas format, cases are value-centered, one on one debate. Topic changes every 2 months (1st released August 09) What can you do this summer? Begin research and knowledge of current issues, go to websites for sample past topics to write practice cases, and meet up at CHS for coach B’s help.
The 3 tracks of the Team DEBATE CX – Cross examination format, cases are plan-centered, two on two debate. Topic changes every year (1st released August 08) What can you do this summer? We currently do not offer CX debate in Frisco.
The 3 tracks of the Team DEBATE Student Congress – group debate of mock legislation (bills and resolutions) on a variety of current social, economical, and national issues. Individual speeches should be well-prepared and thoroughly researched. What can you do this summer? Begin research and knowledge of current issues & meet up at CHS for coach B’s help.
The 3 tracks of the Team DEBATE Public Forum – Persuasive format, cases are persuasion-centered, two on two debate. Topic changes every month (1st released August 09) What can you do this summer? Read about current issues and about PFD on our website and other resources.
The 3 tracks of the Team ORAL INTERP Duet – performance of 12-min. scene from a play with 2 actors. No props or costumes are used. Two chairs may be used. Goal is to interpret the Author’s intent for the scene. What can you do this summer? Research script titles, choose a partner, make scene choices, come up to CHS for coaching & help.
The 3 tracks of the Team ORAL INTERP H.I. – Humorous Interp- performance of 10-min. scene from a play with 1 actor. No props or costumes are used. Goal is to interpret the Author’s intent for the humor in the scene. What can you do this summer? Research script titles, make scene & character choices, come up to CHS for coaching & help.
The 3 tracks of the Team ORAL INTERP D.I. – Dramatic Interp- performance of 10-min. scene from a play with 1 actor. No props or costumes. Goal is to interpret the Author’s intent for the drama & emotion in the scene. What can you do this summer? Research script titles, make scene & character choices, come up to CHS for coaching & help.
The 3 tracks of the Team ORAL INTERP Duo Interp – performance of 10-min. scene from a play with 2 actors. No props or costumes are used. No chairs may be used. Focus is off-stage, and no contact between actors. What can you do this summer? Research script titles, make scene, partner & character choices, come up to CHS for coaching & help.
The 3 tracks of the Team ORAL INTERP Prose & Poetry Interp – performance of 7-min. scene from a short story, novel, or poem collection. Focus is off-stage, and script is held in an Interp Book. What can you do this summer? Read a lot!! Research story or poem titles, make character choices, come up to CHS for coaching & help.
The 3 tracks of the Team How to choose your Events… Think about your interests, talents, and/or limitations (including time restrictions) Visit www.YouTube.com for sample performances Work on possible events over the summer OBSERVE at the first tournament and take a lot of NOTES!
Basic Team Expectations Dress and Act Professionally
Basic Team Expectations Dress and Act Professionally Men: pressed suits and ties at all times, matching/dark socks & shoes Women: pressed dress or pant suits, appropriate hosiery, dark shoes/heels
Basic Team Expectations Dress and Act Professionally Behave professionally and ethically at all times, including cafeteria/free times Do not complain about judges or discuss performances within earshot of anyone
Basic Team Expectations Dress and Act Professionally NEVER argue with your Coach, any other Coaches, or a Judge Be prepared to take lots of criticism, and with grace and an open mind
Basic Team Expectations Use Class Time Wisely! Class time is for practice/research, not for playing (sense of humor ok) Be courteous of others and their feelings & opinions (free speech, but Clear & Present Danger Rule applies) Grades are based on Contracts (ex. Choose a track)
Basic Team Expectations Bring PREPARATION and a GOOD ATTITUDE to competitions Behave with dignityand pride inrepresenting CHS
Basic Team Expectations Come PREPARED - No rehearsals, no tournament YOU are responsible forany/all drop fees Bring all materials you will need
Basic Team Expectations PASS YOUR CLASSESNo pass, no tournaments YOU are responsible forany/all drop fees You are responsible for Grade checks
Basic Team Scheduling TFA (Texas Forensic Association) We will go to around 10 TFA tournaments in the Fall and Spring (about every other weekend) You need to get 10 TFA points to qualify for State You must place in Finals to earn these points TFA State is in March
Basic Team Scheduling NFL (National Forensic League) You need 25 NFL points to become an NFL member (earned at TFA tournaments) We will go to NFL Districts in the Spring You MUST be an NFL member to compete at Districts From Districts, you must place in the top 2 to qualify for Nationals (out of state)
Basic Team Scheduling UIL (University Interscholastic League) We will compete at UIL Districts in the Spring Events offered: Informative & Persuasive Speaking, LD Debate, and Prose & Poetry Interpretation ONLY From Districts, you may qualify for Regionals, and then onto UIL State in Austin
Benefits to ME?? Speech & Debate students excel in written and oral communication, and greatly improve their reading comprehension Debate students think more critically Debate promotes problem-solving and innovative thinking skills
Benefits to ME?? Speech & Debate students become self-directed learners and leaders Debaters are viewed as more mature and professional Debate teaches students to recognize how others think
Benefits to ME?? Debate students tend to have higher grades (the average debate team has a GPA of 3.75 and is often higher) A stunning 98.58% of debate students attend college Debate participation increases chances of being offered scholarship money
Benefits to ME?? Debate increases students self-confidence and assertiveness Debaters tend to enjoy greater success in the work world Debaters are viewed as leaders
Basic Team Motto Event performance, as well as preparation, should be FUN and educational above all else! Welcome to the Team, we’re glad you’ll be a part of the excitement!