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COMENIUS EUROPE - UNITY IN DIVERSITYHUMAN MIGRATIONS This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Human migration (emigration and immigration) is connected with moving from one place to another for a period of time which is longer than one year. • Nowadays the main reasons of human migrations are economic issues and political situations.
On 9 September 2013 sixteen students and two teachers who belong to Comenius club visited the centre for people who are applying for refugee status or asylum seekers. The centre is in a small town in the north of Poland- Grupa (near Grudziądz).
THE STRUCTURE OF THE CENTRE In the centre they are 255 people who are mainly citizens of Chechnya, Georgia and Russia. The residents are obligated to stay in centre until they will be granted the refugee status. The residents live in their own rooms with bathrooms (one room per family). Rooms accommodate 4-6 people. They can eat meals in common canteens and have a possibility of using medical and social care. They mayalso learn Polishlanguage (if they want to).
In the centre there is also a daycare room for children and teenagers which is run by PAH- Polish Humanitarian Action. Children play there and teenagers receive help when they do their homework.
The students from the Comenius club were asking questions and listening carefully to the answers. The camp worker was an invaluable source of information ‘Children and teenagers from the centre attend to Polish kindergartens and schools. They often have some problems in schools because the system of education in Poland is different from those in Chechnya or Georgia. But the main problem is the knowledge of Polish language. Those children do not know Polish. That is why there are Polish lessons in the centre. Unfortunately, the lessons are much frequented only by teenagers.’
Students from the Comenius club with residents of the centre.
In the centre they are whole families- very often with little children. They wanted to talk with us about their problems and reasons why they had to leave their own countries. Children were very friendly towards us!
The conversation with three citizens of Chechnya ‘ThesituationinChechynaisdifficult… Parentsareworriedabouttheirchildren. Thestreetsare not safebecause many childrenareabductedfromthem. Innocent peoplearekilling. And no one canfeelsafe.’
Their faces express all kinds of emotions: from grief over an uncertain future to hope for a better life…
The visit in the centre made a great impression on us. We are sure that someday we will come back…
My name is DongJu Park. I come from the Republic of Korea- South Korea. I am 19 years old. I have lived in Poland for 14 years. When I came to Poland I was five. I arrived with my family because my father got a job here. I graduated secondary school in Starogard and I passed a ‘matura’ exam. I am going to study at Wrocław University of Technology.
I love living in Poland. Here I have got best friends and a girlfriend. In primary school I had a few problems. Some children did not like my skin colour but later I have beenaccepted by my peers. I have played the piano for seven years and I like drawing. I think that I am good at it :D
I would like to stay in Poland but I do not know if I will not change my mind in the future. After my study I am obligated to come back to Korea to serve in an army. It takes 18 months. When it comes to Polish language I think that it is a very easy language.
My name is Zheng Xiao Chun. I am from China. Before I moved to Poland I had lived in Spain for four years. My husband was the person who talked me into moving to Poland. I run a shop in Starogard. Of course I live with my husband and with my two children.
I like living in Poland. People are very nice for me and tolerant. My daughter goes to Polish school but all teachers in that school speak English. Unfortunately I do not have enough to brush up my Polish. But I hope that my son will have the chance to learn Polish. I also think that we will stay in Poland- or I should say that we are going to stay in Poland.
My home town is Naples. But my wife, Anita comes from Poland and we have two children. Their names are Dominka and Mateo. We came to Poland seven years ago. Before that we had lived in Italy. I have Polish and Italian citizenship. I live in Starogard because this is my wife’s home town. I am an owner of a pizza restaurant with tradition. I did not have any problems when I established my business. • I enjoy living in Poland. Polish people are cool and friendly. But I do not like Polish roads. They are horrible. I do not speak Polish fluently ( I know only a few words) but I understand almost everything. My children speak Polish and Italian- they are bilingual. I really like Polish kitchen, especially: Polish Hunter’s Stew, Polish beer and Polish rolls. • I have visited a lot of places in Poland. I was in: Lublin, Warsaw, Zamość and many others historical towns. I like those towns because many Italian engineers helped to build them. I love a region which is called Mazury. I like Poland because the air is fresh and forests are green.
I am interested in Polish history. I read books about it every day. I think that Polish and Italian have got many in common e.g. Jan Dąbrowski was a Polish general but his roots were in Italy. • I am a very religious person. I read the Bible every day. On Sundays I go to Gdańsk where I attend Mass in Italian. I have made friends with priests from Pelplin. • I visit my family in Naples every Christmas and during vacation. I really love my home town, that is the best place in the world. I do not know where I will live in the future. Because I do not know God’s plan for my life…
My name is SachinBhambure, I am 29 yearsold and I came from India. Iwas born in Pune (The cultural city of India). I pursued my Master Degree in Organic Chemistry from K. C. College, Mumbai University in 2007. After my graduation, I was working with Watson pharmaceutical Ltd. a US Multinational Company then I got an offer fromPolpharmain Starogard Gdanskifor the post of Process engineer R & D.
Without any hesitation I undertook the unexpected opportunity to get to know not only a different social environment, but also climate and new culture together with its people. I must say frankly that at the very beginning I did not have any clue about Poland. What is more, I did not even have an idea that there is such a country somewhere in Europe.
Fortunately, I was motivated sufficiently to try a new life and nowadays after over 4 years of living in Poland I can openly admit that I am pretty satisfied with my decision made in 2009 and, although, in my heart there is always my beloved country, what I have experienced in Poland will stay with me for ever next to the rest of positive encounters during my life.
MINDAUGASBUDZINAUSKAS - LITHUANIA I come from Lithuania. First time I was in Poland in 1999. At that time I was a basketball player. Now I am a basketball coach in Starogard.
I was born in Vilnius. I like living in Starogard. It is a great town. Polish people are ok. When it comes to basketball fans I appraise them highly. The atmosphere during matches is excellent. I am sure that fans love basketball and are interested in it. I know that fans respect me for my work. Polish language is very easy. I was able to speak Polish after one month. I also know Russian, Serbian and English. I do not know where I will live and work in the future. As a coach I cannot plan anything. But I would like to stay in Poland and work for a Polish team.
I come from the USA- Tennessee. I came to Poland in 2006. I am a basketball player. I play for a team which is called Polpharma Starogard Gdański.
I like my life in Poland. Here I have got a family. I think that it is better to live in Poland than in the USA. Poland is a safer country. There is one thing which I hate- Polish roads.! They could be better! • I love Polish food. I like goulash, dumplings, Polish pork schnitzel, żurek (soup made from fermented rye flour) and Polish Hunter’s Stew. But as I player I am on a diet • I have got two children- Michael Junior and Magdalena. They both go to Polish schools. For me Polish is a very difficult language. I understand many words but I do not speak Polish. My son is my teacher :D
I have got two homelands: the USA and Poland. I come from the USA but my family and my friends are here. Poland is a place which I called ‘home’. • I started playing basketball when I was 10. I also like playing computer games, like Xbox (my son is better than me… ) I enjoy going bowling. I can also play table tennis. In college I won the table tennis championship. • When it comes to my future… I will stay in Poland, in Starogard. I am going to be a coach after end of playing career. I dream about learning children and encouraging them to play basketball.
In conclusion • The values of ethnic, national or religious minorities have great influence on Europe, as a continent, Poland and Starogard Gdański. • The international community is obligated to find the best way to protect people belonging to various kinds of minorities. • In Poland the rights of minorities are guaranteed in PolishConstitution and they are consistent to European standards.
Thepresentation was p prepared by studentsfromStanislawStaszic Pu Middle School no. 3 in Starogard Gdanskiwww.uind.eu