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ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES in Michigan. In the 1600s, the Native Americans bartered and traded with the European Explorers so that each group could get what they needed or wanted. In the 1700s, the pioneers moved to the frontier lands and provided for themselves. Some trading took place.

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  1. ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES in Michigan In the 1600s, the Native Americans bartered and traded with the European Explorers so that each group could get what they needed or wanted. In the 1700s, the pioneers moved to the frontier lands and provided for themselves. Some trading took place. By the 1800s, the settlers could travel to towns and small cities to barter or buy the goods and services they needed or wanted. The lumbering and mining industries grew very quickly during the mid-1800s. Railroads were built to move goods from one area to another. Farmers grew enough food to use as cash crops. At the turn of the century, men like Henry Ford began automobile companies. The auto industry grew into one of the most profitable industries in MI. By the end of the 1900s, however, foreign competitors, such as Honda and Toyota, slowed the growth of the American companies. Now, in the early 21st Century, there are six major economic activities in Michigan. Read on to learn about each one of them.

  2. Lumbering with, Leo, Cole, Mathilde, and, Charisse! Past The saw mill has a circular saw, tools for lumberjacks, and it also have a map of Michigan that shows its rivers and forests. Until the 1880s, lumber companies got their logs from the forest to the sawmill by floating them down rivers. Timber cruisers located streams and surveyed nearby lands for marketable logs. Lumber companies acquired logs in one of three ways: by buying logs already cut, by purchasing stumpage. Lumbering was dangerous. Present Because of the scarcity of lumber in the mid west areas our states forest where very valuable and people started planting more tree. Because there was a shortage, or scarcity ,of lumber in the Midwest, Michigan’s forests were a valuable resource. Future We think the forest will get bigger. We think the lumbering industry will continue.

  3. Agriculture(farming) Past When farmers had to use animals for there work like milking the cows and getting eggs from the chickens ,however they did not have tractors and stuff like that. Present Now we use tractors and our machines do our work but we do the some stuff. Future We might have special seeds that grow right away when we plant them.

  4. Tourism • Introduction • Okay are you ready to learn about tourism is a popularity of a cretin place and we are going to talk about Michigan's tourism • Past • The tourism in the past is fishing because Michigan has lots of big lakes and it gives Michigan money by the boats that coast money • Present • I think that it would snowboard because they cost money and because snowboarding was invented in Michigan • Futurenew sports car because cars cost a lot of $ so that would be good and because lots of people need cars.

  5. Technology in Michigan By Conner, Ian, and Lindsey • (Past) we think it was really hard back then • because they did not have flip cam’s, computers, and camera’s. • (Present) technology is flip cam’s, computers, and camera’s. We think it is pretty easy now. • (Future) we predict that in the future there will be robots and droids that do computer work. We think it will be really really easy because they will probably have robots and droids.

  6. Mining is…Read below to find out • Past-Native Americans used Michigan copper as early as 5,000 B.C. They made jewelry like bracelets, head bands, and stuff like that • Present-Michigan is one of the most popular states in the country that produces minerals. • Future-We think the future of mining will be that robots will mine instead of people, and it will be much easier and popular. PAST PRESENT FUTURE

  7. RESEARCH Medical research is made to provide information on health or diseases. The purpose of medical research is to see how are bodies work. Why do we get sick and what we can do stay well ? The study and tested broccoli and broccoli sprouts. Researchers found and killed the cancer stem cells. And prevented new tumors from growing.

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