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HOW DOES IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT AND WEED CONTROL INFLUENCE ON EXOTIC PLANT ASSEMBLAGES?. Alejandro Juárez, Xavier Solé & Josep Antoni Conesa Departament d’Hortofructicultura , Botànica i Jardineria Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Agrària . Universitat de Lleida. INTRODUCTION.
HOW DOES IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT AND WEED CONTROL INFLUENCE ON EXOTIC PLANT ASSEMBLAGES? Alejandro Juárez, Xavier Solé & Josep Antoni Conesa Departamentd’Hortofructicultura, Botànica i JardineriaEscolaTècnica Superior d’EnginyeriaAgrària. Universitat de Lleida
INTRODUCTION Catalan western plain: - Stronglycontrastedtemperatures - Lowannualprecipitation (380mm) - Summerwaterdeficit Thelandscapeconsistsonsemiaridplantcommunities in mosaicwithrainfedcrops
INTRODUCTION Implementation and extension of irrigatedcrops, as fruittreeorchards, havetransformedtraditionallandscape in recentdecades Theseirrigatedcropswereestablishedbecause of theirlargerproductivitycomparedtotraditionalrainfedcrops
INTRODUCTION Irrigatedfruittreeorchards favor theentry and maintenance of exoticweedspecies: 1. Waterfacilitatesdiasporeentry 2. Highdisponibility of water and nutrients 3. Elevatedtemperatures in summer 4. Open structure of theorchards Consequences: Affectnegativelytothecropyield and maydevelopinvasivebehaviour in surrounding natural habitats 2 3 4 1
INTRODUCTION Management of irrigatedfruittreeorchards Irrigation system Weed control Floodirrigation Mecanicallyon inter-rows Herbicideapplicationunderthetrees Dripirrigation
INTRODUCTION Hypothesis: Orchard management determines weedrichness and diversity and could favor thepresence of exotic flora • Objectives: • Findrelationshipsbetweenirrigationsystem and richness and diversity of native and exotic flora • Analyzedifferences in richness and diversity of native and exotic flora between inter-rows and underthetreelines • Assesswhetherthereis a synergisticeffectbetweenthesetwofactorsonrichness and diversity of native and exotic flora
MATERIALS & METHODS 75 fieldswithdripirrigationsystem 75 fieldswithfloodirrigationsystem July-September 2009
MATERIALS & METHODS Phytosociologicalsurveys (Braun-Blanquet) 1m 10m 3 X 2m 3 X 5m
MATERIALS & METHODS DATA ANALYSIS Origin of species: Natives and exotics (Bolòs & Vigo, 1984-2001) -Total -By family -Depending on: irrigation system Plot position in field -By origin Shannon-Weaverdiversity (fromcover data forthesamegroups as richness) Richness pi = Ri / R (Ri: relative cover of the i species; R: total cover of all species). Two-wayANOVAtoevaluatetheeffect of irrigationsystem , plot position and theinteractionbetweenthesetwofactorsonrichness and diversity
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Total: 179 species 40 families Flood irrigated: 104 species 32 families Drip irrigated: 157species 36 families Inter-rows: 86 species Under the tree: 92 species Inter-rows: 133 species Under the tree: 118 species
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Setariaadhaerens Sorghumhalepense Eleusine indica Echinochloa colona In bold: exoticspecies Bromuscatharticus Paspalumdistichum Setariapumila Euphorbiaprostrata Cyperusrotundus
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Amaranthusalbus Setariaadhaerens Astersquamatus In bold: exoticspecies Conyzabonariensis Cynodondactylon Crepisbursifolia
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Mean Shannon diversityindex Mean richness (number of species) in % FI: floodirrigation DI: dripirrigation
RESULTS & DISCUSSION TWO WAY ANOVA FOR RICHNESS/PLOT D: drip irrigation F: flood irrigation IR: inter-rows TL: tree line
RESULTS & DISCUSSION TWO WAY ANOVA FOR SHANNON DIVERSITY INDEX D: drip irrigation F: flood irrigation IR: inter-rows TL: tree line
CONCLUSIONS • Dripirrigatedorchardshave a larger total richnessthanfloodirrigatedorchadsbecausetheypresentdifferentenvironmentswithcontrastingconditions: irrigatedunderthetree and rainfed in the inter-rows • Floodirrigatedorchardshave a higher Shannon diversitybecausecover of weedsishigher and more homogeneouslydistributed • Exoticweedspresents in orchards are differentdependingonirrigationsystem • Floodirrigationfavorsboththepresence and diversity of exotic flora tothedetriment of native flora
CONCLUSIONS • Dripirrigationorchardsshelter more nativeweedsbecause inter-rowsmaintaintypicalmediterranean stress conditions • Belowthetreerows in bothirrigationsystems, there are thelowestrichness and diversity of speciesbecausetheherbicideapplicationocurrsthere • Thereis a synergisticeffectbetweenirrigationsystem and weedmanagement (plot position) overnative and exoticweedsthatfavorsexoticweeds in the inter-rows of floodirrigation and nativeweeds in the inter-rows of dripirrigation
IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT Thechoice of irrigationsystembecomes a crucial aspect in thedesign of a managementsystemaimedtopreventtheestablishment of exotic flora in mediterraneanareas
Thankyouforyourattention Acknowledgements: FinancialsupportprovidedbyAGAURPhDgrants Generalitat de Catalunya