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X-ray Overview

X-ray Overview. John Arthur – LCLS Expt’l Facilities Div May 14, 2009. Current LCLS Organization. LCLS Director Dale Knutson. Accelerator Systems Div John Seeman operate accelerator for science. Experimental Facilities Div Jochen Schneider operate instruments for science. Business Div

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X-ray Overview

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  1. X-ray Overview John Arthur – LCLS Expt’l Facilities Div May 14, 2009

  2. Current LCLS Organization LCLS Director Dale Knutson Accelerator Systems Div John Seeman operate accelerator for science Experimental Facilities Div Jochen Schneider operate instruments for science Business Div Cindy Lowe Engineering Physics Div David Schultz Strategic Projects Div John Galayda LCLS Construction LUSI

  3. LCLS Organization is changing • Joachim Stöhr to become director of LCLS • Accelerator parts to be split off into new directorate • Will take several months to finalize • Will not affect X-ray operations much

  4. Division of responsibility ASD responsibility Undulator Hall XFD responsibility Near Experimental Hall Front End Enclosure Far Experimental Hall

  5. Experimental Facilities Division (XFD)

  6. Experimental Facilities Division Tasks • Manage safe operations in LCLS experimental areas • Manage LCLS user program • Maintain and upgrade X-ray instrumentation • Enable good user science; initiate in-house research

  7. Current XFD Priorities LCLS Construction: Installation in FEE, Hutch 1 Augment scientific and support staff Create structure for safe operations Begin User program LUSI: Accelerate schedule

  8. FEE installation plan Two-phase installation Phase 1 Solid Attenuators Gas Attenuator Calorimeter Beam Direction Slit Gas Detectors K-Mono 5 mm collimator Direct Imager (Scintillator) FEL Offset Mirror Systems Phase 2

  9. FEE installation details • Phase 1 includes all X-ray diagnostics • Most items shipped to SLAC from LLNL, being installed • Most wiring done, testing in progress • First beam by end of June • Phase 2 includes mirrors • Install most component in June • Beam-alignment cameras installed in July

  10. LCLS Offset Mirror Systems 800-2000 eV to Hutch 1 HOMS: Hard x-ray Offset Mirror System SOMS: Soft x-ray Offset Mirror System insertable 800-2000 eV to Hutch 2 Shadow Wall Wall 2 insertable 2000-25000 eV to Hutch 3-6

  11. The first two LCLS instruments AMO Soft X-ray beamline without monochromator, for high-field experiments Funded by LCLS Construction Installation June 2009 Commissioning July 2009 SXR Soft X-ray beamline with monochromator, for materials science Funded by SXR Consortium Installation January 2010 Commissioning March 2010

  12. XFD staffing • XFD began 2009 with some staff in place • J. Schneider, J. Hastings, J. Arthur (upper management) • H. Tompkins (NEH Area Manager) • P. Stefan, S. Moeller (diagnostics physicists) • N. van Bakel (detector physicist) • J. Bozek (AMO scientist) • D. Fritz, A. Robert, S. Boutet, Y. Feng (LUSI scientists) • Matrix support from Laser group, Controls group, DAQ group, Rad Physics A total of about 20 people equal to 12 FTE

  13. XFD staffing • New staff supporting XFD early operations • Z. Van Hoover (XFD Safety Officer) • J. Bringetto (XFD Documentation Specialist) • H. Kamil (LCLS User Admin) • C. Bostedt (AMO scientist) • D. Rich, J-C Castagna, M. Holmes (operations engineers) • Coming soon, needed for AMO commissioning • Floor Coordinators (3 just hired, need 6 total) • Coming soon, not essential for AMO commissioning • Additional technicians • Administrator • Additional scientists

  14. New XFD Operations Structure • Strong ties between XFD and ASD • ASD operating structure used as a model for XFD • Preparing key processes and documentation • XFD directives: describe roles/responsibilities and prescribed actions • XFD training plan and training records plan • SAD, ASE to include NEH • Instrument Readiness Review (IRR) process for adding capability to LCLS experimental area incrementally

  15. Timeline to approval for experimental ops • June • Install/test FEE instrumentation • Hire remaining staff, prepare processes and documentation • Prepare for ARR • Install AMO instrument in Hutch 1 • Accelerator Readiness Review June 30 • Validate operational readiness process, including IRR process • July • X-rays in FEE, commission diagnostics • Finish AMO instrument installation/testing • Instrument Readiness Review for AMO instrument • Resolve any final issues • X-rays to AMO, begin instrument commissioning

  16. LCLS User Program • Goal: safe, efficient operation promoting the best science • LCLS will be a DOE-BES User Facility • Access through proposal/review process • LCLS scientific staff frequently collaborate with users, also maintain independent research programs

  17. User Program Management • LCLS and SSRL are combining resources, creating a common User Administration Group • Managed by Cathy Knotts • Manages User training, User agreements, User metrics • LCLS supports one added User Administrator

  18. LCLS Proposal Review Panel (PRP) PRP members Christina Back (San Diego) Janos Kirz (LBNL) Magid Chergui (ETH Lausanne) Dwayne Miller (Toronto) Lew Cocke (Kansas) Juerg Osterwalder (University of Zuerich) Gianluca Gregori (Cambridge, UK) Metin Tolan (University of Dortmund) Chi-Chang Kao (BNL) Kyoshi Ueda (Sendai) Steve Kevan (Oregon) Edgar Weckert (DESY) Two representatives of LCLS management without voting rights: Jerry Hastings Jochen Schneider

  19. LCLS User Program: Important dates • First proposal round close 9/1/2008 (AMO only) • 2nd proposal round close 5/15/2009 (AMO, SXR) • 3rd proposal round close 10/1/2009 (AMO, SXR, XPP)

  20. LCLS User Program: First experiments • First proposal round: 28 proposals from 16 countries (>200 scientists) • PRP met in December, gave highest rank to ~10 proposals • 10 experiments scheduled for Sept-Dec 2009 • Second proposal round: 62 proposals from 15 countries (nearly 500 scientists!) • PRP to meet in July. Rankings will be used for determining spring 2010 schedule

  21. Summary • XFD is a new department at SLAC, will run LCLS X-ray experimental facilities • XFD and ASD are working together to operate LCLS • XFD will be the interface between LCLS and the world user community • XFD is staffing up and preparing a structure for safe, efficient operations

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