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Stay updated on ISM news and upcoming events. Join the ISM meeting on November 6, 2013, and get insights on Code Camp, working sessions, and more. Explore tasks, group activities, publications, and conferences related to ISM.
INTEGRATED SCENARIO MODELLING: ISM news and coming eventsI. VOITSEKHOVITCH and J. GARCIATF Leader : G. Falchetto Deputies: R. Coelho, D. Coster EFDA CSU Contact Person: D. Kalupin ISM meeting November 6 2013
Agenda • I. Voitsekhovitch and J. Garcia “ISM news and coming events, preparation to the last ISM working session” 2. J. Garcia “News from the October meetings: H-mode Workshop and IOS ITPA” 3. I. Voitsekhovitch “EUROFUSION Consortium Call for Participation in Work Packages – modelling proposals”
Last ITM Code Camp • Lisbon, IST Congress Centre, November 18 - 29 2013 • Practical information is available on the Code Camp webpage http://www2.efda.org/cc2013-5/index.php (username: itm, password: cc2013) • ITM Annual Meeting will take place as a part of the Code Camp on November 21 and/or 22 • Discussion on workflows and frameworks is planned on the 20th, with special guests from US • Finalization of 2013 PS activities • Covered by EURATOM mobility
ISM working sessions • 1st ISM working session will take place 11-15 March at EFDA-Garching (joint with ITM CC) • 2nd working session: 3-7 June, Cadarache, joint ISM - IO meeting on integrated modelling • 3rd working session: December 2-6 2013 JET/UK: - finalization of the activities of 2013
ISM WS December 2-6, JET: participants IST: Joao Bizarro Filomena Nave Jorge Ferreira (remotely) ÖAW: Florian Köchl CEA: Jeronimo Garcia Benedetta Baiocchi CCFE: Irina Voitsekhovitch Yuri Baranov Luca Garzotti Paula Belo IPPLM: Irena Ivanova-Stanik
ISM WS December 2-6, JET: working groups ACT-1: Support to the validation and physics application of the ETS and ITM workflows: T1. Benchmarking of new modules integrated within ETS workflows, following the ETS development (in collaboration with EDRG, IMP3, IMP4-ACT4 and IMP5-ACT1) I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Nave, P. Belo Depending on the status of neutral model in ETS after the Lisbon Code Camp: ETS - JETTO benchmarking of neutral model
ISM WS December 2-6, JET: working groups Act-1: ETS validation and application of ITM workflows to physics studies • Modelling of ITER scenarios with ETS workflows, based on the existing scenario developed with CRONOS, JETTO and ASTRA V. Basiuk, J. Garcia, Ph. Huynh, X. Litaudon b. Effect of NTM on transport and confinement in Hybrid Scenarios (JET, AUG, ITER) S. Nowak, V. Basiuk, O. Sauter, A. Merle, Ph. Huynh c. Core impurity transport and radiation in JET (C & ILW) and ASDEX-Upgrade (W wall) Yu. Baranov, I. Ivanova-Stanik, J. Ferreira (remotely) d. Self-consistent (Te, Ti, ne, j) predictive modelling for JET plasmas with the ETS – contribution to EPS 2013 A. Figueiredo, J. Ferreira (remotely), D. Kalupin, V. Basiuk, Ph. Huynh Task close to completion Task completed
ISM WS December 2-6, JET: working groups Act-2: Interpretative and predictive modelling for existing experiments 1. Turbulent transport analysis with TGLF, QualiKiz, GLF23 for JET hybrids - EPS 2013 contribution. B. Baiocchi, J. Garcia 2. Comparison and modelling of JT-60U and JET plasmas in typical operational domains. Role of fast ions in hybrid scenarios. J. Garcia 3. Simulations of density profiles in JET hybrid discharges L. Garzotti, S. Moradi (remotely), I. Voitsekhovitch 4. Integrated core+edge+MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET - EPS 2013 contribution F. Köchl 5. JET current ramp up/down modelling, effect of W accumulation during the ramp up J. Bizarro, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch
ISM WS December 2-6, JET: working groups ACT3: Modelling for future experiments (ITER, JT-60SA) • 1D JT-60SA scenario modelling with transport models validated in ISM-ACT2 J. Garcia • Predictive modelling with first principle models for ITER: - integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling I. Ivanova-Stanik, F. Köchl, I. Voitsekhovitch - four-field simulations for JET & ITER I. Voitsekhovitch
Journal publications 2013 • X. Litaudon et al, “Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: from present-day experiments toward ITER”, Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 073024 • G. M. D. Hogeweij et al, “Optimizing the current ramp-up phase for the hybrid ITER scenario”, Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 013008 • J. Garcia et al, “Determination of the off-axis current for the sustainment of the q-profile on JET hybrid scenarios” Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 55 (2013) 085006 • João P. S. Bizarro et al, “Modelling the Ohmic L-mode ramp-down phase of JET hybrid pulses using Bohm{gyro-Bohm transport in JETTO”, Nucl. Fusion, submitted to JET Pinboard • E. Barbato et al, “Temporal simulation of Lower Hybrid Current Drive in JET discharges“, Nucl. Fusion, submitted to JET Pinboard • I. Ivanova-Stanik et al, “Integrated core- SOL simulations of ITER H-mode scenarios with different pedestal density”, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2013
Conferences 2013 • A.C.A. Figueiredo et al, “Modelling of JET hybrid scenarios with the European Transport Solver”, EPS 2013 • B. Baiocchi et al, “Turbulent transport analysis of JET H-mode and hybrid plasmas using QuaLiKiz, TGLF and GLF23”, EPS 2013 • F. Köchl et al, “Integrated core + edge + MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET”, EPS 2013 • P. Siren et al, “Current profile modelling in JET and JT-60U identity plasma experiments”, EPS 2013 • I. Ivanova-Stanik et al, “Integrated core- SOL simulations of ITER H-mode scenarios with different pedestal density”, Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2013
Conferences 2013 (cont.): • 14th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers, Fukuoka, Japan , 2-4 October 2013 • G.M.D. Hogeweij et al Modelling of ITER-like current ramps in JET with ILW: lessons for ITER regarding H-mode and li control • J. Garcia et al Physics comparison and modeling of JET and JT-60U core and edge: towards JT-60SA predictions • IOS ITPA topical group meeting, 7-10 October 2013, Japan • I. Voitsekhovitch, C. Kessel Proposals on modelling of density profiles in ITER baseline (presented by C. Kessel) • I. Ivanova-Stanik et al Integrated core-SOL-divertor-impurity simulations for ITER H-mode (presented by J. Garcia)