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My Introduction

My Introduction. Name : Kustanto Address: Perum. Puri Malangjiwan 3. N0. 12. Colomadu Highest education: S2 TE UGM Concentration : Computer Systems Informatics. Final Assessment. Presence = 5% Task = @15% Midterms = 30% Final Exams = 35%. Delay Tolerance Attend College

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My Introduction

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  1. My Introduction • Name : Kustanto • Address: Perum. Puri Malangjiwan 3. N0. 12. Colomadu • Highest education: S2 TE UGM • Concentration : Computer Systems Informatics

  2. Final Assessment • Presence = 5% • Task = @15% • Midterms = 30% • Final Exams = 35% Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  3. Delay Tolerance Attend College = 20 Minute • College Syllabus Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  4. Chaper 1.Computer Systems by Kustanto

  5. Input-Process-Output Model (IPO) • Input: keyboard, mouse, scanner, punch cards • Processing: CPU executes the computer program • Output: monitor, printer, fax machine • Storage: hard drive, optical media, diskettes, magnetic tape Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  6. Main Memory CPU and Main Memory Chip that executes program commands Intel Pentium III Sun Sparc Processor Central Processing Unit Primary storage area for programs and data that are in active use Synonymous with RAM

  7. Hard Disk Floppy Disk Secondary Memory Devices Information is moved between main memory and secondary memory as needed Secondary memory devices provide long-term storage, namely: Central Processing Unit • Hard disks • Floppy disks • ZIP disks • Writable CDs • Tapes Main Memory

  8. Monitor Keyboard Hard Disk Floppy Disk Input / Output Devices I/O devices allow user interaction Central Processing Unit Monitor screen Keyboard Mouse Bar code scanner Light pen Touch screen Main Memory

  9. Architecture Components • Hardware • Processes data by executing instructions • Provides input and output • Software • Instructions executed by the system • Data • Fundamental representation of facts and observations • Communications • Sharing data and processing among different systems Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  10. Hardware Component • Input/Output devices • Storage Devices • CPU • ALU: arithmetic/logic unit • CU: control unit • Interface unit • Memory • Short-term storage for CPU calculations Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  11. 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 Main memory is divided into many memory locations (or cells) Each memory cell has a numeric address, which uniquely identifies it Memory

  12. 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 Each memory cell stores a set number of bits (usually 8 bits, or one byte) 10011010 Large values are stored in consecutive memory locations Storing Information

  13. Typical Personal Computer System Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  14. CPU: Central Processing Unit • ALU: arithmetic/logic unit • Performs arithmetic and Boolean logical calculations • CU: control unit • Controls processing of instructions • Controls movement of data within the CPU • Interface unit • Moves instructions and data between the CPU and other hardware components • Bus: bundle of wires that carry signals and power between different components Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  15. Retrieve an instruction from main memory fetch execute decode Carry out the instruction Determine what the instruction is The Central Processing Unit • A CPU is also called a microprocessor • It continuously follows the fetch-decode-execute cycle:

  16. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) • The CPU contains: Performs calculations and decisions Arithmetic / Logic Unit Coordinates processing steps Control Unit Small storage areas Registers

  17. The Central Processing Unit • The speed of a CPU is controlled by the system clock • The system clock generates an electronic pulse at regular intervals • The pulses coordinate the activities of the CPU • The speed is measured in megahertz (MHz)

  18. Memory • Also known as primary storage, working storage, and RAM(random access memory) • Consists of bits, each of which hold a value of either 0 or 1 (8 bits = 1 byte) • Holds both instructions and data of a computer program (stored program concept) Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  19. Storage Capacity • Every memory device has a storage capacity, indicating the number of bytes it can hold • Capacities are expressed in various units: Unit Symbol Number of Bytes KB 210 = 1024 kilobyte megabyte gigabyte terabyte MB 220 (over 1 million) GB 230 (over 1 billion) TB 240 (over 1 trillion)

  20. Memory • Main memory is volatile - stored information is lost if the electric power is removed • Secondary memory devices are nonvolatile • Main memory and disks are direct access devices - information can be reached directly • The terms direct access and random access are often used interchangeably • A magnetic tape is a sequential access device since its data is arranged in a linear order - you must get by the intervening data in order to access other information

  21. RAM vs. ROM • RAM - Random Access Memory (direct access) • ROM - Read-Only Memory • The terms RAM and main memory are basically interchangeable • ROM could be a set of memory chips, or a separate device, such as a CD ROM • Both RAM and ROM are random (direct) access devices! • RAM should probably be called Read-Write Memory ROM RAM

  22. Monitor • The size of a monitor (17") is measured diagonally, like a television screen • Most monitors these days have multimedia capabilities: text, graphics, video, etc. • A monitor has a certain maximum resolution , indicating the number of picture elements, called pixels, that it can display (such as 1280 by 1024) • High resolution (more pixels) produces sharper pictures

  23. Modem • Data transfer devices allow information to be sent and received between computers • Many computers include a modem, which allows information to be moved across a telephone line • A data transfer device has a maximum data transfer rate • A modem, for instance, may have a data transfer rate of 56,000 bits per second (bps)

  24. Networks • A network is two or more computers that are connected so that data and resources can be shared • Most computers are connected to some kind of network • Each computer has its own network address, which uniquely identifies it among the others • A file server is a network computer dedicated to storing programs and data that are shared among network users

  25. A Computer Specification • Consider the following specification for a personal computer: • 600 MHz Pentium III Processor • 256 MB RAM • 16 GB Hard Disk • 24x speed CD ROM Drive • 17” Multimedia Video Display with 1280 x 1024 resolution • 56 KB Modem

  26. Interconnection system computer CPU Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  27. Software Component • Applications • Operating System • API: application program interface • File management • I/O • Kernel • Memory management • Resource scheduling • Program communication • Security • Network Module Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  28. Communications Component • Hardware • Communication channels • Physical connections between computer systems • Examples: wire cable, phone lines, fiber optic cable, infrared light, radio waves • Interface hardware • Handles communication between the computer and the communication channel • Modem or network interface card (NIC) • Software • Network protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, ATAPI Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  29. Computer Systems All computer systems, consists of the following: • At least one CPU • Memory to hold programs and data • I/O devices • Long-term storage Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  30. Protocols • Common ground rules of communication between computers, I/O devices, and many software programs • Examples • HTTP: between Web servers and Web browsers • TCP/IP: between computers on the Internet and local area networks • ATAPI: between a CPU and CD-ROMs Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  31. Standards • Created to ensure universal compatibility of data formats and protocols • May be created by committee or may become a de facto standard through popular use • Examples: • Computer languages: Java, SQL, C, JavaScript • Display standards: Postscript, MPEG-2, JPEG, GIF • Character set standards: ASCII, Unicode, EBCDIC • Video standards: VGA, XGA, RGB Chapter 1 Computer Systems

  32. Chapter 5 Telecommunications System

  33. Telecommunication model O’Brien 125 • Terminals • office equipment , telephones , ... • Telecommunications processors • modems, multiplexers, front-end processors, ... • Telecommunications channels and media • copper wires, coaxial cables, fiber optic cables, satellites, ... • Computers • host computers, network servers, ... • Telecommunications control software • telecommunication monitors, network operating systems, ...

  34. Telecommunication Components O’Brien 126 5 components Telecom Channels and Media Telecommunications software Telecom processors Telecom processors End-user workstation Computers

  35. PC-workstation PC-workstation PC-workstation LAN O’Brien 127 - 128 Databases and Software packages Shared hard disk Network Server Shared printer PC-workstation PC-workstation PC-workstation Port to other networks

  36. WAN - Internetwork LAN’s Mainframe, hosts network in US network in Europe LAN’s Internet network in Australia Cisco corporation network

  37. Client/server network Company A Internet Router Firewall Intranet Firewall Router Company B Intranet Mainframe host system text: O’Brien p 178

  38. Client - Server Clients comm. server server DB. server Print server Clients comm. server DB. server server

  39. The Internetwork-enterprise The Internet Intranets Extranets Enterprise Intranets Intranets Supplier Client Intranets Electronic Commerce Other Organizations text: O’Brien p 180

  40. Media and Channels Medium Transmission speed Metal wire .0012Mbps - 10 Mbps Microwave .256 Mbps - 100Mbps Fiber optics .5Mbps - 1,000Mbps • Signals • analog • digital • Cables • Twisted-pair interference • Coaxial cable 20x more expensive 5.500 simultaneous phone calls • Fiber-optic 1 fiber 30.000 phone calls • Wireless • microwave • satellites • Radio, Infrared, Cellular Radio, Mobile computing • GPS global positioning system text: O’Brien p183 - 186

  41. Communication hardware • Modems 9.600 14.400 28.800 bps • Transmission mode • Simplex 1 circuit , 1 direction • Half-duplex 1 circuit, 2 directions, difficult co-ordination • Full duplex 2 circuits, 2 directions • Transmission accurateness • parity bits forward and backward error correction • Processors • multiplexers frequency, time or statistic time distribution • front-end processors to handle routine communication tasks with peripheral equipment text: O’Brien p 187 - 189

  42. Network Topology • Star • all communications go via the central system • Bus • can easily be extended at the ends • Ring • more secure

  43. Star network O’Brien 147 - 148 With direct connections Point-to-point lines - Efficient , also for high speeds - With a large number of workstations cabling might be a problem

  44. Star network (multiplexed) Access via multiplexed lines eventually rented - local speed up to 2000 char/sec , 1M char/sec very expensive - internationally 1000 char/sec commonly available

  45. Bus network Shared usage of a broadband network Multidrop lines - more complex hardware - simpler cabling system O’Brien 191

  46. Ring Networks O’Brien 147 Ring Network - more equal basis

  47. Public data networks PAD = Packet Assembler and Disassembler Data Network PAD E.g..: DCS 1000 - 6000 char/sec , cost / volume data ( X25 ) Due to high connection cost ($ 30.000 year) usage of PAD

  48. ISDN ISDN ISDN Integrated services Digital network - universal network for telephone and data - > 6000 char/sec

  49. Communication Systems13th lecture Chair of Communication Systems Department of Applied Sciences University of Freiburg 2008 49 | 51

  50. Textbook Overview • Web site: http://www.wiley.com/college/englander • Part 1 (Chapter 1) • Computer system overview • Part 2 (Chapters 2-5) • Number systems and data formats • Part 3 (Chapters 6-12) • Computer architecture and hardware operation • Part 4 (Chapters 13-18) • Software – operating systems, applications, development environments • Part 5 (Supplementary Chapters 1-3) • Digital logic, addressing modes, and communication channel technology Chapter 1 Computer Systems

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