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National corruption before 1900

National corruption before 1900. Rule of righteous: 1620-1790 Government by gentry: 1790-1828 Government by the humble: 1828-1864 (Jackson and the spoils system). Post- Civil War period (1865-1900). Grant administration – remembered for a lot of scandal: Credit Mobilier Sanborn Contracts

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National corruption before 1900

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  1. National corruption before 1900 Rule of righteous: 1620-1790 Government by gentry: 1790-1828 Government by the humble: 1828-1864 (Jackson and the spoils system)

  2. Post- Civil War period (1865-1900) Grant administration – remembered for a lot of scandal: Credit Mobilier Sanborn Contracts Whiskey Ring Star Routes

  3. Common theme in corruption of scandals through end of Civil War • President’s ASSOCIATES were the ones who enjoyed financial benefits from modernization • (support for modernization theory of corruption) – opportunities that come from a growing and expanding country and economy with gov’t playing increasing role in trade (customs offices), railroads (financing building of RRs), communications (post offices) • Fuels movement for civil service reform

  4. Doss and Ross reading #7 in coursepack • Anti-corruption reform in 1800s – fueled by scandals discussed earlier • Main effort: Pendleton Act (1883) • Public officials can’t raise campaign donations on government property • Government employees should be selected by competitive exams (civil service/merit system), but at first applied to only 10% of federal government jobs. • Presidents can add new jobs to civil service • Technical expertise replaces political loyalty as the main qualification for public service

  5. Political machines – Heyday = late 19th/early 20th century • Definition of machine: Johnston- • “A party organization within which power is highly centralized” and • “The followers/members are motivated and rewarded by divisible material incentives”

  6. Origins of machine • What allows machines to grow and flourish? • * immigration • * rapid growth of cities (urbanization) • * chaotic electoral/administration procedures

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