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Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Rychert. 1 st Grade Grassy Lake Elementary School. Unity. Parents WELCOME. We are a team. Communication between parent and teacher is vital to the success of our children. We are here for you and you are here for us and together we are here for your child.
Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Rychert 1st Grade Grassy Lake Elementary School
Unity Parents WELCOME • We are a team. • Communication between parent and teacher is vital to the success of our children. • We are here for you and you are here for us and together we are here for your child.
Agendas and STAR books • Most important communication tool • Will have homework and behavior information • Needs to be brought to school everyday • Have to be checked and initialed daily
Can be found on the class website We will update with new info each month or as needed. We will also send a hard copy at the beginning of each month. Specials for each day Important dates/events Please check it every month. Monthly News
Homework • Reading homework is handed out on Mondays and due on Fridays. • Math homework is handed out daily but all due on Fridays. • Homework should only take about 15-20 minutes each night to complete, plus an additional 20 minutes of reading each night. (Bag of books and log can be used for these additional 20 minutes) • Please let us know if homework is becoming a struggle.
Grades are given based on student’s performance on weekly and chapter tests. 1st grade grades are given for Reading, Language Arts and Math. A through F grades are given on the report card every nine weeks. 100-90 = A 89-80= B 79-70= C 69-60= D 59- below= F Reading-Weekly stories with comprehension and vocabulary tests Math-End of the chapter tests and the Review/Test page from math book. Weekly addition and subtraction tests. Spelling-Weekly spelling list with a focus on a skill and test on Friday with a spelling sentence Phonics and Grammar- tests are given on each skill. Curriculum/Grades
Behavior Classroom Rules • I will respect myself. by using listening ears by following directions • I will respect others. by keeping my hands to myself by using kind words by working quietly by using listening ears • I will respect my environment. by using helpful hands and feet
Good Bee-havior! No Sticks: Great day! You will see a positive stamp on this day in the agenda. One Sticks: Student was given one verbal reminder about their behavior. They will still get a positive stamp in the agenda. Two Sticks: Student was spoken to 2 times about their behavior. They will cool down for 5 minutes of our group activity and walk the track. It will be noted as frown face in the agenda. Three Sticks: Student had to be spoken to 3 times about their behavior. They will have time to think in the opposite classroom (Mrs. Rychert or Mrs. Fox). They will have a private conference with me discussing their behavior. During their “time to think” they will fill out a sheet of paper explaining their behavior and how they were feeling. Please look for this in the agenda. It will need to be signed a returned the following day. Four Sticks: Student had to be spoken to 4 or more times during the day. They will go to the Quiet Room for Fun Friday that week and would have already done a “time to think” sheet. Fun Friday: Students must earn three days of a positive stamp in a week to participate in Fun Friday at the end of the week.
Class Website • In order to save paper and printing, our weekly class information is on the web. You can access the website by logging onto http://lake.k12.fl.us then select Grassy Lake Elementary under “select a school” drop down menu. Go to the classrooms tab, then first grade, and finally, Rychert and Fox. Our website will have the weekly news, homework, class photos, and other information. • Please register. We will send email reminders when the website is updated
Special Events • Johnny Appleseed day – September 27th 8:15-11:00am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • Parent/Teacher conferences- week of October 24th more info to follow • Pumpkin Day- October 31st 8:15-11:00am VOLUNTEERS NEEDED • Fall Festival- October 20th 6-8pm • Turkey Parade- November 22th @ 9:00am. • Holiday Show and Breakfast- December 16th @ 9:00am • Multicultural Timeline Project- last week in January • Flat Stanley (think of someone you might send your flat child to) • Field Day- last week of school • Field Trips to be announced at a later date.
Reading Incentives • Raz-Kids: First grade students will be doing Raz-Kids reading in the place of AR. Students can access the Raz-kids website and read and take quizzes at school and at home. The website is www.raz-kids.com. Log in under rychertl. Awards will be given each nine weeks when reading goals are met. • Scholastic Book Orders will come home monthly. Great way for you to get inexpensive books for you child and build our classroom library. • Read, Believe Achieve: A parent and child effort. They will be due at the end of each of the first 3 nine weeks. Medals will be given out at end of year award ceremony. Your bag of books sent home weekly CAN BE used towards R,B,A and homework.
Smiley Math • Challenging math sheets to enrich math skills • Begin in Nov. • Go home every Wednesday and are due the following Wednesday. • Students will be rewarded for correct answers. • A trophy will be rewarded if students meets 300 points. • These are mandatory as per administration.
Success in 1st Grade • It takes parents, teachers and students working together • Communicate frequently • Check and sign agendas daily • Do homework assignments on time • Check website weekly • Review completed class work sent home
Class Expectations • Be responsible for yourself • Bring needed materials/STAR book daily • Follow verbal and written directions • Stay on task • Always do your best • Do your homework every day • Have a great year!
Thank You all for coming! If you need to contact us please email us at rychertl@lake.k12.fl.us or foxr@lake.k12.fl.us write us a note. We love to hear from you! Your Partners in Education, Mrs. Lindsay Rychert Mrs. Rachael Fox