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The Case for A Data Mining Approach to Technical Analysis. If I’m so smart how come I’m not rich yet ??. The Case for Data Mining. You Before Finance 9790. You After Finance 9790. 1. TA Is a Multivariate Recurrent Prediction Problem.
The Case for A Data Mining Approach to Technical Analysis If I’m so smart how come I’m not rich yet ??
The Case for Data Mining You Before Finance 9790 You After Finance 9790
1. TA Is a Multivariate Recurrent Prediction Problem 2.The Four Tasks of A Recurrent Prediction Problem 1) Defining Target (Y), 2) Propose List of Candidate Predictors (X’s) 3) Build Data Base of Solved Examples 4) Selecting X’s, 5) Determining the Prediction Function 3. Humans & Computers Complimentary Information Processing Abilities Humans Uniquely Able to Handle Tasks 1 & 2 &3 But Poor at Tasks 4 & 5 Data Mining Algorithms Optimal for Task 4 & 5 4. TA Practitioners Should Partner-Up With Data Mining Algorithms
5. TA Practitioners Should Abandon Outdated Methods & Focus On Their Proper Role in a Human / Machine Partnership Data Bases Data Mining Data Mining Software Practitioner
1. TA Is a Multivariate Recurrent Prediction Problem 2.The Four Tasks of A Recurrent Prediction Problem 1) Defining Target (Y), 2) Propose List of Candidate Predictors (X’s) 3) Build Data Base of Solved Examples 4) Selecting X’s, 5) Determining the Prediction Function 3. Humans & Computers Complimentary Information Processing Abilities Humans Uniquely Able to Handle Tasks 1 & 2 & 3 But Poor at Tasks 4 & 5 Data Mining Algorithms Optimal for Task 3 & 4 4. TA Practitioners Should Partner-Up With Data Mining Algorithms
There Are Two Kinds of Prediction Problems • Regression: predicting the FUTURE value of a continuous variable • Classification: predicting the class of an object (situation)
In Both Regression & Classification The target variable concerns something that is not yet known!!
In Both Regression & Classification We use information that is known To make the prediction
Two Kinds of Prediction Problems • Regression: we wish to predict the FUTURE value of a continuous variable • This variable is referred to as: the dependant variable, the target variable, Y • The target variable in a regression problem is a continuous variable: • can assume any value within a range • Example: the % change in the S&P500 from now (t0) to a point in time 90 days into the future ( t+90)
Two Kinds of Prediction Problems • Classification: we wish to predict the class of an object whose class is not yet known • The target variable in a classification problem is a discrete variable • Assumes a limited number of discrete values or names ( 0,1), (+1, 0, -1), (benign / malignant) • Example 1: the future class of a company with respect to solvency ( bankrupt / non-bankrupt) • Example 2: the future trend of the market over the next 90 days ( up / down)
What Is A Recurrent Multivariate Prediction Problem? • The same type of prediction is required over and over again. • The same set of information is available each time a prediction is required • The information is a set of values for each of a multitude of variables • These variables are referred by the name “independent variables, predictors, candidate predictors, indicators, etc.
Examples Classification ProblemDoes the Object Belong to Class 1 or Class 2 Recurrent Decision Problems • The same type of prediction is required over and over again. • Medicine: Is a given tumor malignantorbenign • Oil Exploration: At a given location: Is there Oilor No Oil(Drill /Don’t Drill) • Marketing: is given consumer a likely buyer or non-buyer for our product or service • Credit Approval: Is a given loan applicant likely to Repay or Default (Lend/ Don’t Lend) • Technical Analysis: Is the market more likely to advance or decline ( Buy / Sell)
Examples Regression ProblemThe Future Value of A Continuous Y Variable Recurrent Decision Problems • The same type of prediction is required over and over again. • Medicine: survival time for someone with disease X • Oil Exploration: amount of oil a new well is likely to produce • Marketing: What are the likely sales of a product • Technical Analysis: • How much will the S&P500 appreciate over the next month • By how much will stock A beat the market over the next month
Recurrent Decision Problem • The same set of information is available each time a decision is required • Information is a set of values for a multitude of variables
Multivariate Information Setmeasured values for a multitude of variables • Medicine: set of results on medical tests • Blood pressure, cholesterol level, blood sugar, etc. • Oil Exploration: set of values for various geological parameters • Marketing: set of demographic factors describing the person • zip code, owns car yes/no, etc. • Credit Approval: set of credit factors describing the loan applicant • . # years at current address, number of credit cards, payment history
Technical Analysis Information Setmultitude of Indicator Readings at a given point in time • close / moving average = $ 1.075 • 10 day ma / 50 day ma = 1.067 • RSI Indicator = 74 • 5 day ma volume / 25 day ma volume • VIX (Implied Volatility on Stock Options) • Ratio of Insider Sales / Purchases • Ratio of Upside / Downside Volume
This point in time Is characterized by These indicator values 75.5, -2.1,-.55 62.1, +0.1,-.02 75.5 62.1 -2.1 +0.1 -.55 -.02 In Other Words: There Are 3 Candidate Predictor Variables.
We can treat this asClassification Problem Class 1: Market Return over the next 20 days is > 0 Class 2: Market Return over the next 20 days is < 0 The Target Variable: The Thing We Wish To Predict Is Discrete Variable that can Assume 2 Values > 0 or < 0 ( we can call this Class 1 or Class 2,
This point in time t0 Is characterized by 75.5, -2.1,-.55 62.1, +0.1,-.02 75.5 62.1 -2.1 +0.1 -.55 -.02 Do These predictors (indicators ) Enable Us to classify (discriminate) Future Up-Moves from Future Down Moves? Class 1 from Class 2
This point in time t0 Is characterized by 75.5, -2.1,-.55 62.1, +0.1,-.02 t+20 t0 t+20 t0
Getting Matters of Time Straightt0 and t+20 • t0 refers to the date on which the prediction or classification is made • This is date of the most recent values of the predictor variables • t+20 or t+n refers to a time in the future that the target variable (Y) refers to • In the bankruptcy prediction problem it is any time over the following two years. • So the future looking horizon of the target need not be a fixed date.
Value of Y is based on Future InformationValues of X’s based on past and current information Future Past Values of Predictors (X) based on What happens Back here & up to from t-n unitl t0 Value of Target (Y) based on What happens out here From t0 until t+n t0 Time
1. TA Is a Multivariate Recurrent Prediction Problem 2.The Four Tasks of A Recurrent Prediction Problem 1) Defining Target (Y), 2) Propose List of Candidate Predictors (X’s) 3) Build Data Base of Solved Examples 4) Selecting X’s, 5) Determining the Prediction Function 3. Humans & Computers Complimentary Information Processing Abilities Humans Uniquely Able to Handle Tasks 1 & 2 & 3 But Poor at Tasks 4 & 5 Data Mining Algorithms Optimal for Task 4 & 5 4. TA Practitioners Should Partner-Up With Data Mining Algorithms
Task 1: Define The Target Variable (Y) The Single Variable We Wish to Predict • Define the type of the problem: Classification or Regression • Classification (Discrimination): Y defined as a class 2 or more distinct classes • Benign / malignant • Lend / Don’t Lend • Buy / Sell / • Strong Buy/ Weak Buy/Weak Sell/Strong Sell • Regression: a continuous quantity (linear regression) • Future % increase in the market • Predicted amount of future purchases
Task 2: Propose Candidate Predictors (X’s) • These are merely candidates because we don’t know yet if any will be useful for predicting the target Y • Predictors must be based on data known at the time the prediction is made: • look back in time from present • Tomorrow’s closing price – No • Today’s closing price or prior closing prices- Yes • Not all indicators need to be useful, but some must be. • Success in predictive modeling requires that some candidate predictors have useful information about the quantity or class to be predicted (Y)
Task 2 is crucial!!!!!If not done well…..all is lost • The TASK of the domain expert……(YOU) • Expert must know which raw data series may contain relevant information • Price • Volume • Open interest • Interest rates, etc • Expert proposes useful ways to transform raw series into indicators • For example in our problem X’s must be stationary. • That expose the information in the raw data series to the data mining algorithm
Skipping Task 3 For A moment Building the Data Base Of Solved Examples From Which DM Algorithm Learns the Model
Tasks 4 & 5 • Selecting Indicators for from Candidate List that warrant a place in the prediction model • Determining which candidates contain relevant non-redundant information about (Y) • The set of indicators that work synergistically • Determining the prediction function • What is mathematical or logical formula for combining the values of the X’s to best estimate the value of Y • A complex configural reasoning problem
What Is A Prediction Function • A mathematical or logical formula for combining the selected indicators to produce a best estimate of the target variable. • Simplest : • 1 predictor model • linear shape: y = ax1+b Y b is value of the Y intercept of line a is the slope of the line X1
Simplest Prediction Model1 predictor & flat (no hills or valleys) in model’s surface The model predicts This value of Y Y Y intercept =b For this value of X1 X1
Multiple Linear RegressionCombines Two or More X’s in a linear way to predict the value of Y • In multiple linear regression the combining function is assumed to be linear (weighted sum) • Y= a1X1+a2X2+a3X3……….anXn+ c. Regression coefficients (weights) are found By the method of Least-Squares Modern Data-Miners Need Not Assume A Linear Form They Allow the data mining algorithm to discover it. It May Be Non-Linear & Arbitrarily Complex
Linear Model : Flat Response (Y) Surface Y Is Linear Function of Two Features X1, X2 Y “A” slope X1 X2 “C” intercept “B” slope Y = A X1 + B X2 + C
Linear Model Is Best Fitting Tilted Flat Surface to the Data Y “A” slope X1 X2 “C” intercept “B” slope Y = A X1 + B X2 + C
The Model’s Prediction is The Altitude of the Y Surface Corresponding to values of X1 and X2 The model predicts This value of Y Y Given this value of X` X1 X2 Given this value of X2
Thinking of A Prediction Model’s Output AsA Super Indicator A new indicator that condenses & combines the information In two or more indicators (variables) Into a new or super indicator
Model Output As a “Super Indicator” • The output of a prediction model is a new variable, produced by function found by regression analysis • The function is a weighted sum of the indicators serving as inputs to the model ( X1, X2, etc) • The function’s weights been optimized to transform values of inputs into a best estimate of the target (Y). • method of least-squares is used to find optimal weights • Weights cause the line or plane to fit the historical data
Multiple Linear RegressionCombines Two or More X’s in a linear way to predict the value of Y • In multiple linear regression the combining function is assumed to be linear (additive) • Y= a1X1+a2X2+a3X3……….anXn+ c. But What If the true shape of the relationship Between the indicators (X1…..Xn) is not a tilted Flat Surface….but something more complex????
Multiple Linear RegressionCombines Two or More X’s in a linear way to predict the value of Y • In multiple linear regression the combining function is assumed to be linear (additive) • Y= a1X1+a2X2+a3X3……….anXn+ c. Modern Data-Miners Do Not Assume the Model Surface Is Linear (free of hills and valleys) They Allow the data mining algorithm to discover its Shape, Which May Be Non-Linear
Suppose the authentic relationship Between X1 & X2 and Y Looks Like This Y X1 X2 Y = f ( X1 , X2 ) 3
Forcing A Linear to Describe Non-Linear Phenomenon Misses The Boat! The Model Fails to Capture The Authentic Patterns in the Data Linear Model’s Predictions Too Low Y – future trend Linear Model’s Predictions Too High X1 X2 – TA indicator X2 Financial Markets Are Most Likely to Be Complex Non-Linear Systems 2
Tasks 4 & 5Must Be Performed by Data Mining Software Task 4 Which, if any, of the candidate predictors Contain information relevant to Y ? X1 Candidate Predictors: A Set of Indicators Proposed By Human Expert X2 Outcome Y To Predict X3 ? f ? Y = f (x) Complex System X4 Combining Function X5 Task 5 What is the shape of the mathematical function best combines the indicatorsinto a Predicted Value of Y Xn 6
Tasks 4 & 5Must Be Performed by Data Mining Software Task 4 Which, if any, of the candidate predictors Contain information relevant to Y ? X1 Candidate Predictors: A Set of Indicators Proposed By Human Expert X2 Outcome Y To Predict X3 ? f ? Y = f (x) Complex System X4 Combining Function X5 Task 5 Note!! In When the DM method used Is Multiple Linear Regression The Prediction Function Is Assumed to Be Linear Task 5 What is the shape of the mathematical function best combines the indicatorsinto a Predicted Value of Y Xn 6
1. TA Is a Multivariate Recurrent Prediction Problem 2.The Four Tasks of A Recurrent Prediction Problem 1) Defining Target (Y), 2) Propose List of Candidate Predictors (X’s) 3) Build Data Base of Solved Examples 4) Selecting X’s, 5) Determining the Prediction Function 3. Humans & Computers Complimentary Information Processing Abilities Humans Uniquely Able to Handle Tasks 1 & 2 & 3 But Poor at Tasks 4 & 5 Data Mining Algorithms Optimal for Task 4 & 5 4. TA Practitioners Should Partner-Up With Data Mining Algorithms
Human Experts & Data Mining AlgorithmsHave Different But ComplementaryInformation Processing Abilities They Synergize Where Human’s Are Strong, DM Algorithms Weak Where Humans Experts Are Weak, DM Algorithms Strong
Definition: Configural Thinkinga multitude of variables (indicators) must be considered simultaneously as an inseparable configuration (pattern). Considering each variable individuallywill not provide the correct conclusion.
Creative Posing Problems (Y) Proposing candidate indicators (Xs) Weak Configural Reasoning Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant X’s Combining multiple variables Human Intelligence Strengths & Weaknesses: 3
Lack Creativity Unable to pose questions (define Y) Unable to propose candidate indicators (define X’s). Excellent ability to handle numerous variables simultaneously Configural Can identify relevant non-redundant indicators. Can formulate multivariate prediction functions. Machine Intelligence (Data Mining) Weaknesses &Strengths 3
Who or What Should Handle the 5 Tasks? • Define Y • Propose Candidate Indicators X’s • Build Data Base of Solved Cases • Indicator Selection: which Candidate X’s Are relevant and non-redundant • Determining optimal combining function: a mathematical model that combines useful X’s into a prediction or classification decision A Task for Automated Data Mining Algorithms
Studies of Human Experts Solving Multivariate Recurrent Prediction ProblemsShows…….. • Experts realize the necessity for configural reasoning (combining variables in complex non-linear fashion) • Experts are under the impression that they are combining information in a complex configural manner but studies show…. • Experts rely primarily on simple linear rules for combining information • Their performance is poor • Inconsistent–same set of information elicits different decision on different :Correlation .6 • Correlation among experts is also low