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VSC? re V italize and S timulate C reativity. by Tracy Slezak and Martha Barwick http://nets-implementation.iste.wikispaces.net/. Our Purpose.
VSC? reVitalize and Stimulate Creativity by Tracy Slezak and Martha Barwick http://nets-implementation.iste.wikispaces.net/
Our Purpose Discover practical tools that will promote creativity and innovation within your elementary classrooms as you implement the Voluntary State Curriculum. Examples and student work will be shared that will enable your students to “demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology” (NETS-S 1).
ReadWriteThink Book Cover Creator VSC Grade 5 ELA 3A3b: Identify and explain the events of the plot VSC Grade 3 ELA 4A2c: Compose to inform using summary and selection of major points and examples to support a main idea
ReadWriteThink Character Trading Cards VSC Grade 3 ELA 3A3d: Identify and analyze characters
ReadWriteThink DoodleSplash VSC Grade 3 ELA 3A3 Use elements of narrative texts to facilitate understanding
ReadWriteThink Fact Fragment Frenzy VSC Grade 5 ELA 4A7c: Select appropriate information for note taking and organizing information
Poetry Digital Photos and PowerPoint VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2b Describe in prose and poetry by using purposeful imagery and sensory details with active verbs and colorful adjectives ReadWriteThink Shape Poems Diamante Poem Acrostic Poem
Poetry Revolutionary War Acrostic VSC Grade 5 ELA 4A7 Locate, retrieve, and use information from various sources to accomplish a purpose VSC Grade 5 ELA 2A2 Develop and apply comprehension skills by reading a variety of self-selected and assigned print and non-print informational texts, including electronic media VSC Grade 5 1A3 Social Studies Analyze how individuals' roles and perspectives shape the American political system Betsy Ross James Madison
VP for the United States of merica. Madison tried and tried, and he finally went own in history as the 4th President. He was definitely MADISON mportant to the history of our tates. He had a leading role in the passage of the Bill f Rights. James Madison was ever inadequate.
orn on New years day 1752 . Her husband died from xploded Gun powder. She made he first flag and she also ewed more than one flag. Betsy Ross ou can see the original flag in Fort McHenry her eal name is Elizabeth Griscom f all the children she was the 8th child of a devout Quaker couple he changed the six sided stars to five sided, her second husband was captured by the British
Black-Eyed Susan Collaboration Riddles: Imagination Cubed VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2b: Describe in prose and poetry by using purposeful imagery and sensory details with active verbs and colorful adjectives Intel Education: Visual Ranking Tool VSC Grade 5 ELA 3A3b: Listen to critically, read, and discuss a variety of literary forms and genres To learn more about Black-eyed Susan Book Awards
Animal Reports Animal Reports With Text Features Letterpop.com VSC Grade 4 ELA 2A2 • Use print features such as large bold print, font size/type, italics, colored print, quotation marks, underlining, and other print features encountered in informational texts • Use graphic aids such as illustrations and pictures, photographs, drawings, sketches, cartoons, maps (key, scale, legend, graphs, charts/tables, and diagrams, other graphic aids encountered in informational texts Animal Reports and Discovery Education Streaming VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2: Compose oral, written, and visual presentations that express personal ideas, inform, and persuade
Informational Text How To Paragraph VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2c: Compose to inform using a structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end and a selection of major points, examples, and facts to support a main idea
Informational Text Publisher Travel Brochure VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2c: Compose to inform using a structure with a clear beginning, middle, and end and a selection of major points, examples, and facts to support a main idea VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2d: Compose to persuade using significant reasons and relevant support Agree or disagree with an idea and generate convincing reasons with relevant support Information Source: Time For Kids – Go Places
Persuasive Writing Earth Day T Shirts VSC Grade 4 ELA 4A2d: Compose to persuade using significant reasons and relevant support Agree or disagree with an idea and generate convincing reasons with relevant support
Kid Pix Kid Pix Story Pyramids VSC Grade 3 ELA 3A3b: Identify and explain the elements of a story Kid Pix Story Illustrations VSC Grade 1 ELA 3A3c Use elements of narrative texts to facilitate understanding - Sequence the important events
Mapping in Excel A Community Map VSC Grade 4 Math 1C1: Locate points on a number line and in a coordinate grid
Quilts Pathways to Freedom on Thinkport VSC Grade 4 Math 4E. Transformations Indicator 1: Analyze a transformation Objective:Identify and describe the results of translations, reflections, and rotations, Assessment limit:Use a horizontal line translation, reflection over a vertical line, or rotation of 90° clockwise around a given point of a geometric figure or picture
Symmetry Pattern Maker VSC Grade 3 1A2: Identify, describe, extend, and create non-numeric growing or repeating patterns
Math WebQuest Natural Wonders of the World Codes and Ciphers VSC Grade 3 7C1: Present mathematical ideas using words, symbols, visual displays, or technology VSC Grade 3 7D1c: Identify mathematical concepts in relationship to life
Using Video to Communicate Creating Science Movies VSC Grade 4 Science 1C1: Recognize that clear communication is an essential part of doing science because it enables scientists to inform others about their work, expose their ideas to criticism by other scientists, and stay informed about scientific discoveries around the world. VSC Grade 4 ELA 7A: Use organization and delivery strategies at an appropriate level • Demonstrate appropriate volume, articulation, enunciation, intonation, pacing, timing, and stress • Demonstrate appropriate timing • Use appropriate non-verbal techniques to enhance communications
Publishing AudioCastsReader's Theater, Poetry, Student Comments, Math Models VSC Grade 4 ELA Standard 7.0 Speaking Student will communicate effectively in a variety of situations with different audiences, purposes, and formats. A. 1. Use organization and delivery strategies at an appropriate level. Objectives • Demonstrate appropriate volume, articulation, enunciation, intonation, pacing, timing, and stress • Demonstrate appropriate timing, fluency, pacing, rate Resources: • www.audcity.com • http://www.storylineonline.net/ • http://www.cueprompter.com/ • http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/ • http://learninginhand.com/podcasting/index.html PhotoStory Field Trip
ISTE NETS*S Implementation Find our presentation, discuss it with us, and add your own creative ideas at http://nets-implementation.iste.wikispaces.net/ Contact us at: Martha Barwick Tracy Slezak Library Media Specialist Fourth Grade Teacher Bakerfield Elementary Fountain Green Elementary martha.barwick@hcps.org tracy.slezak@hcps.org