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Lee County’s Just Read, Florida! District Plan. 2006-07 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Plan Dianne Johnson, Ali Conant C. Keith Woodfin, John Scheller. What is a comprehensive research-based reading plan?.
Lee County’s Just Read, Florida! District Plan 2006-07 K-12 Comprehensive Research-Based Plan Dianne Johnson, Ali Conant C. Keith Woodfin, John Scheller
What is a comprehensive research-based reading plan? • The comprehensive reading plan assures all stakeholders that reading is a priority in the state of Florida. • The plan ensures that districts in Florida are aligned in their approach to solving reading deficits of their students. • The plan will ensure that reading is funded annually as a part of the public school funding formula (Reading Coaches and reading materials).
Lee County School District’s Plan focuses on three major assurances: 1.Leadership at the district and school level is guiding and supporting the initiative. The analysis of data drives decision making.
Lee County School District’s Plan focuses on three major assurances: 2. Professional development is systematic throughout the district and is targeted at individual teacher needs as determined by analysis of student performance data and staff feedback.
Lee County School District’s Plan focuses on three major assurances: 3. Measurable student achievement goals are identified and clearly described. Appropriate research based instructional materials are used to address specific student needs.
Monitoring Reading Initiatives at the School Level • Elementary classrooms will implement a 90-minute reading block. • The principal will form a Reading Leadership Team (RLT). • A standardized lesson plan for each content area, which includes reading strategies. • Assessments will be used and analyzed to drive decisions and monitored by the principal and the RLT. • Principals and RLT will identify model classrooms based on teacher performance and student achievement.
Monitoring Reading Initiatives at School Level Continued… • Opportunities for weekly school-based professional development will be offered. • Principals and RLT will identify professional development needs and provide related materials. • Principals will monitor implementation of plan and professional development through classroom walk-through visits.
Staff Evaluations Related to Student Achievement • School Improvement Plans must be academic and one goal must be tied to reading. • Principal evaluations include academic goals. • IPDP and evaluations are tied to student reading achievement.
Funding Sources for K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan • There will be some state funding provided through the K-12 Comprehensive Reading Entitlement Grant.
District Plan for Implementation of Assessment Driven Reading Professional Development • School personnel will be knowledgeable about the components of effective reading instruction. • Valid SBRR inservices will be made available to school and district staff. • IPDP will be based upon assessment and learning needs. • Cadres will be developed with all content areas. • Reading Leadership Team will analyze and identify individual school reading needs and request assistance as appropriate from District Reading Coordinators.
Elementary: High Quality, Explicit, and Systematic Instruction in the Reading Classroom • Whole group instruction • Differentiated instruction • Explicit and Systematic instruction • Immediate Intensive Intervention (minimum of 30 minutes/day) • Print Rich Environment
Elementary Student Achievement and Instruction • Core reading programs based on SBRR will be utilized in all schools. • Teachers will provide systematic and explicit instruction in the five components of reading. • Instruction will be provided during a 90 minute uninterrupted reading block including an initial lesson from the CCRP. • Differentiated instruction which focuses on the needs of the students must be provided.
Elementary Supplemental Reading Programs • Supplemental reading programs (SRP) must be based on SBRR. • They may be used during the 90 minute reading block. • Additional time may be dedicated to literacy instruction including immediate intensive intervention using Supplemental Reading Programs.
Elementary Intervention Programs • Intervention programs must be based on SBRR. • Intervention programs are in addition to the 90-minute reading block. • Diagnostic assessments will determine need for immediate intensive interventions. • iii must provide systematic explicit instruction in one or more of the five areas (strategy based learning)
Elementary Educational Software & Materials • Educational software provided for student instruction and reinforcement of skills will supplement, not supplant, instruction by a highly qualified teacher. • Educational software may be integrated within the 90-minute reading block as well as immediate intensive intervention if appropriate. • Reading instruction will include use of materials that build intrinsic motivation to read versus extrinsic motivation.
Psychology 101 • Educators have been told that it is our responsibility to motivate the students. • It is not our responsibility to motivate them, they were born motivated and entered kindergarten motivated to learn.
Psychology 101 continued • According to Piaget, children are most like adults in their feelings and least like adults in their thinking. • It is not the responsibility of educators to motivate students but to determine what is causing them to lose their motivation and stop such practices.
The Reading Analysis Check and Decision Tree • District data from assessments will be used to guide instruction at grades K-5.
Reading Analysis Check Activity • Create a scenario for a student who has a reading difficulty. • Identify: • grade level • reading strengths • reading areas needing growth • assessments and activities to be used at each step of the flow chart
System for Communicating Assessment Data Across Grade Levels • Assessment data will be communicated across grade levels. • School RLT will analyze assessment data to share across grade levels. • Grade level articulation meetings will occur.
Elementary’s Plan for Meeting Needs of all At-Risk Student Subgroups • The district will meet the needs of all at-risk subgroups as identified under No child Left Behind by using the Tier 1, 2, and 3 approach in statute. • See Tier Chart for Reference
Accelerated Reader • The major focus of reading instruction during the 90 minute reading is the SYSTEMATIC EXPLICIT INSTRUCTION of Reading Skills. However, Reading First schools do have many students reading on/above grade level and therefore, as of this time, AR may be used as a Center Activity for small group instruction, as long as it does NOT take up more time than any other center activity during the 90 minute block (no more than 15-20 minutes).
Accelerated Reader • EXCEPTIONS: Students who are Substantially and/or Minimally Below on the Stanford Ten, or who are Level One or Two on FCAT Reading, should have Centers that provide for explicit systematic instruction/practice on the reading skill areas that they have not yet mastered and which are keeping them from reading on grade level. These students’ AR reading and assessment would be outside the 90 minute reading block.
Elementary’s Plan for Authentic Literature • Students will have access to fiction & non-fiction texts • Assessments for determining reading level • Media specialists are a resource • Use classroom libraries as part of reading instruction
Elementary’s Plan for Incorporating Writing • Writing which supports reading skill acquisition may be incorporated into the 90-minute reading block.
K-12 Plan Wrap Up • It is a plan to … • It is used by… • It is monitored by… • The Reading Leadership Team … • Reading deficiencies are addressed by… • What can/cannot be taught in the 90 minute reading block?
Winning the Race! • “The race belongs not only to the swift and strong-but to those who keep on running.” -author unknown