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Bibb County School District. Program for Exceptional Children Paired Zone Meeting October 27, 2010. Partnering with Parents. 2 Bibb County School District Parent Mentors Nalini Issac 779-8716 Terri Goodridge 779-8677 PEC Social Worker Grace Kraus 765-8625.
Bibb County School District Program for Exceptional Children Paired Zone Meeting October 27, 2010
Partnering with Parents • 2 Bibb County School District Parent Mentors • NaliniIssac 779-8716 • Terri Goodridge 779-8677 • PEC Social Worker • Grace Kraus 765-8625
Emotional and Behavioral Disorder(EBD) • Inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and/or teachers • Inability to learn which cannot be adequately be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors • Consistent or chronic inappropriate type of behavior or feelings under normal conditions • Displayed pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression • Displayed tendency to develop physical symptoms, pains, or unreasonable fears associated with personal or school problems
Emotional and Behavioral DisorderEligibility Documentation Requirements • Comprehensive prior extension of services available in regular program (counseling, regular program modifications, alternative placement) • Psychological and educational evaluations • Report of behavioral observations over a significant period of time
Emotional and Behavioral DisorderEligibility Documentation Requirements • Social History to include history of child’s current problem(s), professional services/interventions considered or provided outside the school • Documentation and analysis of the duration, frequency, intensity of one or more characteristics of EBD
Emotional and Behavioral Disorder(EBD) • Exclusionary Factors • Lack of appropriate instruction • Reading, Math, Writing • Limited English proficiency • Visual, hearing or motor disability • Intellectual disabilities • Cultural factors • Environmental or economic disadvantage • Atypical education history (multiple school attendance, lack of attendance, etc.)
Emotional and Behavioral Disorder(EBD) • Does not include children with social maladjustment unless determined they are also child with EBD • No exclusion based on values/behaviors that are in conflict with school, home, community • No automatic eligibility or exclusion based on court adjudication, involvement with correctional agencies • Classroom behavior problems and social problems(delinquency, drug abuse, diagnosis of conduct disorder) do not automatically fulfill requirements for EBD eligibility
Psychological Services • Case manager’s documentation of appropriate data on eligibility form for re-evaluations and redeterminations of eligibility • Age of psychological alone is not sufficient reason for new comprehensive evaluation • Team should review all data and determine what new evaluations are needed and for what purpose (instructional planning or eligibility)
Reminders/ Pointers IEP meetings-Student IEPs • Use the rubric previously shared to self assess the draft IEP PRIOR to the meeting • Send copy of the notice from SEMS to all participants-be sure to confirm availability of required participants prior to sending notice • IEP Checklist for Forwarding Paperwork must be included with all paperwork submitted to PEC office
Reminders/ Pointers IEP meetings-Student IEPs • IEP Parent Survey • Surveys will be delivered to school in next few weeks • Ask parent to complete at end of each IEP meeting • Give back immediately in sealed envelope provided, or mail back, or send back with student • We want to get these back if at all possible, but emphasize that it is anonymous! • Start giving these at IEP meetings upon receipt of surveys • Data will be shared and used in decision making for district and schools • Final copy off all paperwork to PEC office and parents within 3-5 days of the meeting • Promote active engagement from colleagues, related service providers, parents and students within the meetings
Testing Accommodations • Must be indicated in the student's IEP • Must be Individual Decisions based on INDIVIDUAL needs • All system-wide tests must be listed separately and accommodations noted for each test (Do not indicate “all” tests, this includes benchmarks) • Different accommodations may be needed for different content areas • Must be consistent with instructional accommodations required for the student
Testing Accommodations • Must use accommodations listed in GaDOE’s Assessment Handbook • Most students can and should participate with standard accommodations • Non-standard accommodations must be sparingly • Only state approved accommodations may be considered • Extremely rare cases-prior approval for an accommodation not listed in assessment handbook may be granted but requires 4-6 weeks turn around time
Testing Accommodations • Ga. DOE Website • Top of page-click on Curriculum • Drop Down and click on testing • Right hand side of page “For Educators” • Click on Assessment Manual • See pages 131-136 Also note the Accommodations Manual link in the “For Educators” box- excellent resource for making decisions about accommodations
What is the CRCT-M? • The CRCT-M is a grade-level alternate assessment designed for eligible students with IEPs • Grades 3 – 8 • Reading • English/Language Arts • Mathematics • Students must take the CRCT for any subject in which the student does not take the CRCT-M • All students must take the Science and Social Studies CRCT.
How does the CRCT-M differ from the CRCT? • Both the CRCT-M and the CRCT measure the Georgia Performance Standards. • The CRCT-M measures the same domains in the same proportion as the CRCT but with 10 fewer items per content area. • The CRCT-M uses test items and reading passages from the CRCT. • Items and passages are revised or enhanced to make the test more accessible to target students.
CRCT-M Participation Guidelines • The completed participation guidelines should become part of the IEP. • IEPs will be monitored for compliance. • IMPORTANT: • Students who met expectations on the CRCT last year (on the main or retest administration) are NOT eligible.
CRCT-M Participation Guidelines • The student’s disability has precluded the student from achieving grade-level proficiency, as demonstrated by the student’s performance on the previous year’s state-mandated test (i.e., CRCT) in the content area under consideration or another state’s assessment, if appropriate. • What is it about the student’s disability that makes it difficult for the student to learn? Indicate where this is documented in the IEP. • The student’s progress to date in response to appropriate instruction, including special education and related services designed to address the student’s individual needs, is such that, even if significant growth occurs, the IEP team is reasonably certain that the student will not achieve grade-level proficiency within the year covered by the student’s IEP. The determination of the student’s progress has been based on multiple measurements (i.e. benchmarks, unit assessments, progress monitoring, etc.), that are valid for the content area under consideration and that have been collected over a period of time. • Indicate where this information is documented in the IEP.
CRCT-M Participation Guidelines • For each content area under consideration, the student has access to and instruction in the GPS for the grade in which the student is enrolled. The student’s IEP includes goals that: 1) are related to the content area under consideration; 2) support access to the grade level content standards; and 3) are designed to promote the student’s progress in the content area GPS. • Indicate where this information is documented in the IEP. • For each content area under consideration, in the previous year the student: • did not meet the standard for the state-mandated test (CRCT or was not proficient on another state’s assessment) OR • reached extending progress on the GAA for the content OR • did not achieve the advanced performance level on the Georgia CRCT-M. (Not applicable for the 2010-2011 school year.)
CRCT-M • 2% of special education population can participate in CRCT-M • Stringent monitoring of who is participating, how IEP documentation supports participation and student performance on the modified tests • More in-depth training for Leads tomorrow • Additional Information on DOE Website • http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/ci_testing.aspx?PageReq=CI_TESTING_CRCTM
More New Rules……..Restraint & Seclusion in Georgia Today New Rules 2010
What is vs. What is not Seclusion • A procedure that isolates and confines the student in a separate area until he or she is no longer an immediate danger himself/herself or others. The seclusion occurs in a specifically constructed or designated room or space that is physically isolated from common areas, and which the student is physically prevented from leaving. Seclusion may also be referred to as monitored seclusion, seclusion timeout or isolated timeout. • Seclusion doesn’t include situations in which a staff member trained in the use of de-escalation techniques or restraint is physically present in the same unlocked room as the student, time-out, in-school suspension, detention or student requested break in a different location in the room or in a separate room. Use of seclusion is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs.
Timeout-Georgia Definition • A behavioral intervention in which the student is temporarily removed from the learning activity but in which the student is not confined. Students can be removed from the instructional activity and placed in another location in the classroom or instructional setting. A student can be placed in time-out for a short, pre-determined period of time if he/she is not confined in a separate room or isolated setting. The classroom staff should be always able to see the child placed in time-out to promote his/her safety.
Seclusion & Timeout • A student may be removed to another location where they work with staff member who is trained in de-escalation • Student may request break to go to another location as a form of self-imposed de-escalation if adult is present (choice or opportunity room?) • What if a student is frequently placed in timeout? • Staff should analyze the behaviors that result in the student being placed in time-out and other interventions should be considered and implemented to help prevent the student from always being placed in time-out.
School Safety Plans & Seclusion • Schools/programs that used seclusion in the past must identify other responses to those situations in which students are an imminent danger to themselves or others….the school safety plan should be based upon a continuum of safe interventions.
Mechanical Restraint- Defined • Use of any device or material attached to or adjacent to a student’s body that is intended to restrict the normal freedom of movement and which cannot be easily removed by the student. Use of Mechanical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs. • Ex. Straightjackets, straps & handcuffs (except by law enforcement agents)
Mechanical Restraints: What it isn’t • The term does not include an adaptive or protective device recommended by a physician or therapist when used as recommended by the physician or therapist to promote normative body positioning and physical functioning, and/or to prevent self injurious behavior. The term also does not include seatbelts and other safety equipment when used to secure students during transportation. But staff should be trained in proper use and removal during emergencies. • This rule does not give you an out for parental approval/recommendation over physician or therapist recommendation.
Adaptive/protective device & Self-Injurious behavior • Must be recommended by a MD or therapist and used in accordance • Only used in situations where student is demonstrating self-injurious behaviors • Students should receive FBA & a BIP should be developed when utilizing these devices.
Physical Restraint -defined • Direct physical contact from an adult that prevents or significantly restricts a student’s movement. The term physical restraint doesn’t include prone restraint, mechanical restraint, or chemical restraint. • It also does not include: providing limited physical contact and/or redirection to promote student safety providing physical guidance or prompting when teaching a skill, redirecting attention, providing guidance to a location, or providing comfort. (Limited contact is not defined by the state )
Regulation of Physical Restraint • The use of physical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools except in those situations in which the student is an immediate danger to himself or others and the student is not responsive to less intensive behavioral interventions including verbal directives or other de-escalation techniques. • All physical restraint MUST be immediately terminated when the student is no longer in an immediate danger to himself or others OR if the student is observed to be in severe distress.
“Limited physical contact necessary to promote student safety” is not PR. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to prohibit a school system, school or program employee from taking appropriate action to diffuse a student fight or altercation. School staff must take reasonable actions needed to protect students from harm. Staff may use physical restraints to break up a fight when the students are in imminent danger to themselves or others and the students do not respond to less intensive interventions. AP’s in charge of discipline, crisis intervention teams & staff who work with EBD should most likely be trained. Staff who have to restrain students on an on-going basis needs to be trained. Again, nothing in this rule prohibits staff from defusing a fight or physical altercation. Fight, fight!
Prone Restraint- Prohibited • A student is intentionally placed face down on the floor or another surface, and physical pressure is applied to the student’s body to keep the student in the prone position.
Restraint Prohibition, cont’d • Notwithstanding the forgoing, physical restraint is prohibited in Georgia public schools and educational programs: • (i) as a form of discipline or punishment • (ii) when the student cannot be safely restrained and • (iii) when the use of the intervention would be contraindicated due to the student’s psychiatric, medical or physical conditions as described in the student’s educational records.
Facial screen, positive practice/overcorrection, quiet-hands/hands down, and basketball, but not prone restraint. Preconditions include Data must show reinforcement alone was unsuccessful MD or licensed psychologist recommendation Clinical literature supports use To reduce severe aggression or self-injurious behavior Documented in the IEP or BIP May not cause pain or discomfort Personnel must be trained prior to the use Data collection must demonstrate the targeted problem behavior is improving as a result Must revise/discontinue if no decline in problem behavior after a reasonable period of time. Parent/guardian consent IS required. Brief/reductive holds do not appear to be PR at all under Rule. Brief or reductive holds?
(A) Parents must be provided information re: policies Beginning of year/upon enrollment Multiple means…may include handbook & website. (B) Written parental notice when physical restraint is used to restrain their student w/n a reasonable time not to exceed one school day from the use of restraint. Copy of incident report Email/handwritten note by mutual agreement Parents must be notified immediately when students are removed from the school or program by emergency medical or law enforcement personnel Applies if student is an immediate danger to himself/herself or others When the child is injured in a restraint ( Good idea/best practice but not a legal compliance issue at this time) Documentation is critical because this same documentation can work for you or against you in the long run! Policy & Parental Notice
Students name & date Location of restraint Precipitating Behavior/Antecedent Observations of students behavior & status Injuries to student to staff Total time spent in restraint (or seclusion?) Staff participating Signatures of staff Review incident reports weekly Monthly summaries recommended. Staff should be trained on how to collect data/documentation FBA training Guidance on Documentation
Documentation: Purpose & Outcomes • Effectiveness of Interventions to be considered when…. • Student must be repeatedly restrained, OR • Time spent using restraint exceeds recommendations. Options to consider include - Conducting FBA & developing a BIP - Consult to examine other interventions - Consider other placement options
So why the new rule? • Congress thinks…. • Restraint & seclusion have resulted in injury or death • R/S sometimes used as discipline, compliance tool or as substitute for appropriate ed. support • Safe, effectiveness & evidence- based alternatives are available • State/localities vary greatly in frequency/nature of R/S use • R/S of children is limited in other settings (hospitals, mental health, etc.) • R/S is not therapeutic or effective in calming/teaching students
Requesting Funds for Professional Learning Opportunities • Request for Professional Learning Leave of Absence Form (from school office) must be completed • Specific procedures are defined in the PEC Procedures Manual online in Section 17- “Budgets” • Professional Leave PEC Fund Request Form • Answer all questions • List all expenses-use mapquest or such for mileage • Carpool when possible • Double or more occupancy if possible • Meals reimbursed according to Ga. State Rules
Requesting Needed Instructional Supplies, Equipment, Materials • General Education Funds should provide same materials for PEC Students • Federal Funds (IDEA) are for costs beyond that of typical students • QBE special education allocations are for instructional materials at the school level- these should be exhausted prior to requesting IDEA funds (Oct. 31, 2010 Deadline)
Requesting Needed Instructional Supplies, Equipment, Materials • Specific procedures are defined in the PEC Procedures Manual online in Section 17- “Budgets” • Complete a “PEC Requisition Form” • All information must be completed and accurate • Requires principal’s signature • Forward completed form to Zone Coordinator • Secretary to Director notifies person submitting the order by email of approval upon ordering date • If you do not hear within a few days, contact your zone coordinator and/or Tonya Davis
Progress Monitoring –Rainbow Folders • Folders should be in place for all students • Look for tools associated with current instructional programs and materials • When developing new goals always consider how you will measure and how often • Documentation of progress should be a decision determined when goal is written • Aimsweb probes and CBMs are helpful
PEC Administrative Assistants’ Assignments • Central/Northeast Pam Kent • Southeast/Rutland Jesteen Glover • Westside/Howard Pamela Rugen • Special Entities Carol Flynn (Ombudsman, Elam, NW) • Data Management Todd Russell • Budget Coordinator Beverly Ferguson • AdmAss’t to Director Tonya Davis
Bibb PEC Online • Department Calendar • Procedures Manual-partially uploaded • Forms • Coming Soon…. Upcoming Events and Due Dates ***Log in to Schoolwires district page is required***
Thank You! At school, what has the greatest impact on student achievement and success? Hard work, dedication and devotion to our children can be seen every day in your actions! YOU… the teacher!