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Choosing NTRUEncrypt Parameters. William Whyte NTRU Cryptosystems March 2004. Agenda. Parameter Generation How to pick parameters to obtain a given security level? We present a recipe for parameter generation Will 1363.1use this recipe, or simply the constraints that come out of it?
Choosing NTRUEncrypt Parameters William Whyte NTRU Cryptosystems March 2004
Agenda • Parameter Generation • How to pick parameters to obtain a given security level? • We present a recipe for parameter generation • Will 1363.1use this recipe, or simply the constraints that come out of it? • Multiple parameter forms • Standard form, product form • Possible bandwidth savings – NTRU-KEM • Key validation • But first…
Review: NTRU parameters • N, dimension of polynomial ring • NTRU works on polynomials of degree N-1 • Polynomial multiplication is convolution multiplication: terms of degree > N are reduced mod N. • For 80-bit security, N = 251. • Increases roughly linearly with k for k-bit security • q, “big” modulus • All coefficients in polynomial are reduced mod q • For 80-bit security, q = 239. • Increases roughly linearly with k for k-bit security • p, “small” modulus • Reduce mod p during decryption • p = 2, 2+X or 3 for all security levels. • Sizes: • Public key, ciphertext size = N log2 q = 2004 bits for 80-bit security • message size (bits) = N log2 ||p|| = 251 bits for 80-bit security
Review: NTRUEncrypt Operations • Key Generation • Generate f, g, “small” polynomials in Zq[X]/(XN-1). • Public key h = p*f-1*g mod q; private key = (f, fp = f-1 mod p). • Encrypt (Raw operation) • Encode message as “small” polynomial m. • Generate “small” random polynomial r • Ciphertext e = r*h + m mod q. • Decrypt (Raw operation) • Set a = f*e mod q. • “mod q” = in range [A, A+q-1]. • Set m = fp * a mod p.
Review: Why Decryption Works • a = f * e (mod q) = f * (r*h + m) (mod q) = f * (r*p*g*Fq + m) (mod q) = p*r*g + f*m (mod q) since f*Fq = 1 (mod q) • All of the polynomials r, g, f, m are small, so coefficients of p*r*g + f*mwill (usually) all lie within q of each other. • If its coefficients are reduced into the right range, the polynomial a(x) is exactly equal to p*r*g + f*m. Then fp * a = p*r*g*fp (mod p) + fp*f*m (mod p) = m (mod p). • Current parameter sets for 280 security include means for choosing this range. Choice of range fails on validly encrypted message one time in 2104. • “Decryption failures” • Attatcker gains information from decryption failures: wants to choose funky r, m.
Review: SVES-3 encryption mLen 00… b m ID Hash r r*h XOR Hash m’ r*h + m’ e
Parameter Generation • Input: k, the desired level of security • Process: • Choose N • Set N to give necessary bandwidth • Choose form of f, g, r • Ensure combinatorial security • Choose q, p • Set q to prevent decryption failures • Ensure that these parameters give appropriate lattice security • There are many different ways of making these choices. • These are the proposed ones for X9.98 • Note: extremely provisional and may change as the analysis proceeds • Currently writing up a paper to formalize them
Choose N • With binary messages, N is the number of bits that can be transported • For k bits of security for key transport, want to transport 2k bits of material • Prevent birthday-like attacks based on future use of material • For SVES-3, want to use at least k bits of random padding • Gives security against enumeration attacks if encryption scheme is used to transport low-entropy messages • Set N to be the first prime greater than 3k.
Choose form of f, g, r • Our choice: • Take f = 1+pF • Speeds up decryption: f-1 mod p= 1, so we eliminate a convolution • Take F, g, r to be binary with df, dg, dr 1s respectively. • Number of additions necessary for convolution is df*N. • Alternatives: • Take f not to be of form 1+pF • Slows down decryption but reduces q (see next choice) • Take f (or F), g, r to be of the form (e.g.) f = f1 * f2 + f3. • “Product form”: • Number of additions necessary for convolution is (f1 + f2 + f3)*N. • Performance benefit
Binary F, g, r: Combinatorial Security • F, g, r have df, dg, dr 1s respectively • Brute force-like search on F, g, r can be speeded up by meet-in-the-middle techniques. • Using these techniques, number of binary convolution multiplications needed to break f is • Each multiplication requires df.N additions • … perhaps divided by 2-8 if we use wordsize cleverly • In general, use number of multiplications as security measure • Attacker will go for easiest of (f, g), (r, m); pick df = dr = dg.
df, dg, dr for different security levels • N and df, using the above criteria: • df ~= 0.185 N.
Pick q, p • Our choice: • Pick p = 2, q to be the first prime greater than p.min(dr, dg) + 1 + p.min(df, N/2)with large order mod N. • This gives zero chance of decryption failures • Minimum q to do so consistent with choice of p, df. • Best lattice security • Alternatives: • Take p = 2+X or 3, q = first power of 2 greater than p(1).min(dr, dg) + 1 + p(1).min(df, N/2) • Taking q to be power of 2 speeds up reductions • Larger value of p leads to larger q and worse lattice security • Take p = 2, q = largest prime less than first power of 2 greater than p(1).min(dr, dg) + 1 + p(1).min(df, N/2) • Speeds up reductions at expense of lattice security • Allow a non-zero chance of decryption failures, if it can be determined to be less than 2-k. • Reduces q, improves bandwidth and lattice security
df, q for different security levels • N, df, q, using the above criteria:
Check Lattice Strength • We characterize the lattice by two variables: • c = (2N) . (2)||f||/s. = 2||f||(pe / q) • Length of shortest vector [ (2)||f|| ]… • Divided by expected length of shortest vector for lattice of the same determinant [ = (N q/pe) ]… • Scaled by (2N) . • a = N/q. • Experimentally, breaking time is very sensitive to c, somewhat sensitive to a. • Experimentally, for fixed c, a, breaking time is exponential in N. • For all the parameter sets given in the previous slide, we have a >= 1.25, c >= 2.58.
Lattice Strength • Based on the above experiments: • Neglecting zero-forcing; also neglecting fact that the lattices under consideration are stronger than the ones experimented on.
More Notes on Parameter Generation • Note how df affects lattice strength: • For these parameters, q ~= 2pdf, ||f|| ~= df, c ~= ||f||/q • c is ~independent of df! • More precisely: ||f|| >= (df/2). Run expts for c = (pe / p) = 2.066? • Rounding q up to next prime reduces min(c) slightly, not much. • If we use the number of additions, not multiplications, as measure of combinatorial security, we can reduce df by typically 10-25% • Gain decreases as N increases • Reducing df reduces q potentially improves bandwidth • Using product form (f = f1 * f2 + f3) improves efficiency but increases q • Increased bandwidth, but typically only by one bit • Using trinary (f, g) gives greater combinatorial security • So many appealing choices…
Product Form • Interested in meet-in-the-middle attacks on product form • df1 = df2 = df3 • Standard search, described in Tech Note 4, takes on (f1*f2) and (f3) • Could also remove a 1 from f2, add df 1s to f3 • df =~ 0.032 N for N = 251, 0.028 N for N = 769
Product Form Speedups, Keygen, Lattice Consideration • Speed up typically factor of 2 over standard form • Keygen will get slow for larger N -- haven’t done calculations • For even larger N, guessing zeroes becomes better than guessing f • Increased df doesn’t affect lattice strength (much) • c = 2.05 experiments would still be fine • Bandwidth increases only for k=160 and 192, by 1 bit per coeff
NTRU-KEM? ID b Hash1 r r*h XOR Hash2 m’ r*h + m’ e K Hash3
Parameters for NTRU-KEM • Still taking p = 2. • Now, only have to transmit about 2k bits, so can save bandwidth • For k-bit security: • Pick N = 2k • Pick df = N/2 • Increase N until combinatorial security is > 2k. • Take df, dr, dg, to be the same • Take f=1+pF • Set q as before
Parameter Sets • This gives the following (note: c >= 2.05, so we omit it). • In some cases, slightly increasing N decreases log2(q); we’ve done this where it helps. Note: q needs rounding up.
Speeding up? • The parameters above successfully reduce bandwidth • Can we improve speeds? • Taking small polynomials to be {-1, 0, 1} improves combinatorial security • Taking them to be {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2} would do even better, but… • The wider the polynomials are, the wider2 their products are
Trinary polynomials • Take p to be 3. • f, g, r, m could be trinary • Two different forms: • Balanced: Equal +1s and –1s • Biased: Minimum possible number of –1s • Set N/2 1s, N/2 0s • If this doesn’t give enough combinatorial security, set some of the 0s to –1s. • Once there is adequate combinatorial security, see if we can reduce the number of 1s • End with dg+ 1s, dg- -1s • Combinatorial security estimated as sqrt ((N pick dg+)(N pick dg-)) / N • This needs to be made more precise
Polynomial width • Consider a*b: • a has da+ +1s, da- -1s • b has db+ +1s, db- -1s • Maximum value if all +1s line up, all –1s line up. • Minimum value if all +1s line up with –1s. • Maximum width is Min(da+, db+) + Min(da-, db-) + Min(da+, db-) + Min(da-, db+) • Advantage of having one balanced, one biased is we reduce this width compared to two balanced or two biased. • Take f, r to be balanced trinary • Gives lowest Hamming weight • Take g to be biased trinary • Consider m on next slide
Choosing N and encoding m • Say we choose N to be ~2k • Then biased polynomials have very few –1s. • Want to transmit k bits of entropy • Attacker can meet-in-the-middle on m’ • Could draw m’ from a space of 3N polynomials • But this might be tiresome • Open question: exactly how tiresome? Certainly tiresome in that output of Hash2 needs to be encoded as random trinary vector, involving repeated mod 3 divides of big integer • Suggestion: Take b, output of Hash2, m’ to be binary • Once m’ is generated, flip some terms (only 1s or only 0s) to –1s to obtain combinatorial security • If more than (say) 4 need to be flipped, generate another b.
Recipe • Choose N to be first prime > 2k • Choose F, r to be balanced trinary • (Actually, choose dr+ = dr- +1 for invertibility) • Choose g to be biased trinary • Choose f = 1+pF • f(1) should not be 0 mod 2 • Say m’ will have no more than 4 –1s • Maximum width is df + dr + dg- + 4 • Set q = the first power of 2 greater than this width
Parameter Sets • This gives the following (note: c >= 2.11, so we omit it) • df ~= 0.115 N, compared to 0.185 for SVES-3; time = N2.
Notes: • We gain a speedup of a factor of about 2 over standard SVES-3 • Comparable to (though slightly worse than) speedup from move to product form • Could consider product form here too, but there seem to be few advantages • Bandwidth is about 0.65 of SVES-3 bandwidth • Bandwidth is between 16 k and 18.3 k for security k • Goes slightly worse than k, slightly better than k ln k. • Lattice strength is a BIG question here • Not clear that you can get 80 bits of lattice strength at N=163 • Equally, not 100% clear that you can’t…. • Can increase lattice strength by beefing up dg+, but this only goes so far • Requires an additional SHA at the end • But on fewer SHA compression blocks • End up with about 2*0.65 = 1.3 as many SHA calls
Parameter Generation: Summary • Outlined a possible parameter generation routine for NTRU • Put in k, turn the handle, out come the parameters • Parameters can be validated by third parties • Specific parameter generation routine may change, but basic method remains the same: • Choose N • Choose form of f, g, r, m • Choose q • Check lattice strength; if too low, increase N to next prime and try again.
Open Questions • How many parameter sets do we want? • Optimize speed • Optimize bandwidth • Optimize for 8-bit processors? • Can be done by increasing N decreasing q < 256 (or 128) • Do we ever want to allow decryption failures for k > 80?
Open Research Questions • Is it okay to use SHA-160 as the core hash function for k > 80? • I think yes, but this needs discussion
Key Validation • What can go wrong with an NTRUEncrypt public key h? Should be random mod q. • Might be all zeroes • Reveals message immediately • If q is composite and gcd(hi, q) != 1 for all hi, might be possible to recover message from ciphertext by simple modular reduction. • If h is too thin, such that r*h will have very few mod q reductions (< 2k effort to guess reduction locations), can recover message from ciphertext by linear algebra. • Possible simple key validation procedure: • Check that keys are not all the same value • Check that sufficient number of hi have gcd(hi, q) = 1 • Check that width of h > c. q/df, c > 1 some parameter set dependent constant.
Key Validation (2) • More sophisticated: • Measure how “random” h looks. For example: • Chance that a given mod q value does not occur anywhere in h = (1-1/q)N • Find value l such that for random h the probability that l distinct values do not occur anywhere in h is less than 2-k. • A different bound may be appropriate • Count the number of distinct values that do not occur in h and reject if greater than l. • Next draft will contain suggested text.
Issue: Forward Secrecy (1) • NTRU key generation is efficient • Can generate ephemeral keypairs easily • This + next slide propose three ways of getting perfect forward secrecy using this fact • Do these actually give forward secrecy? • Do they give mutual authentication? • Should they be included in the standard? • (1) Say Alice has static keypairs (as, As). • Bob generates ephemeral keypair (be, Be), sends Alice EAs(Be). • This may have to be signed • Alice uses Be as the public key for key transport or key agreement • Afterwards, Bob disposes of (be, Be).
Issue: Forward Secrecy (2) • (2) Say Alice and Bob have static, certified keypairs (as, As), (bs, Bs). • Bob generates ephemeral keypair (be, Be), sends Alice EAs(Be). • Alice uses both Bs and Be in two runs of a key transport or key agreement mechanism, combines the two transported keys to get a single shared key. • Afterwards, Bob disposes of (be, Be). • (3) Say Alice and Bob have static, certified keypairs (as, As), (bs, Bs). • Bob generates ephemeral keypair (be, Be), sends Alice EAs(Be). • Alice generates ephemeral keypair (ae, Ae), sends Bob EBs(Ae). • Alice uses Be to transport secret k1 to Bob • Bob uses Ae to transport secret k2 to Alice • Bob and Alice combine k1, k2 to get shared secret k. • Note: need to define encryption carefully above: will probably be symmetric+public-key operation
That’s it! • Questions?