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Preparing for the NCATE Visit: Practical Tips Dr. Marilyn Feldmann Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC. 1. http://www.ncate.org. Sample IRs and SPA Program Reports BOE Training Modules BOE Updates and UAB Summaries Info on Preparing for BOE visit
Preparing for the NCATE Visit: Practical Tips Dr. Marilyn Feldmann Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC 1
http://www.ncate.org • Sample IRs and SPA Program Reports • BOE Training Modules • BOE Updates and UAB Summaries • Info on Preparing for BOE visit • Info on Web Seminars and Conferences • Resources (e.g., DVDs, publications, papers, presentations) • Lots of other valuable information 2
http://aims.ncate.org • Accreditation Info (unit and programs) • Accreditation Process (BOE team, visit reports, BOE evaluations, program review system, annual report system, manage faculty info) • Institutional Information (profile) • Resources 3
http://aims.ncate.orgExamples of Resources • Timeline • IR Template and IR Online Instructions • Guidelines for Completing Required Tables • Exhibits List • Guidelines for Electronic Exhibits Room • Visit Template • BOE Report Template 4
Keep in Mind • NCATE is an institution-wide effort. • NCATE is faculty-driven. • NCATE Standards are developed by the profession, not by NCATE. • We “do” NCATE and assessment, not for NCATE, but to make our programs, candidates, and future P-12 teachers and other school professionals better. 5
NCATE Redesign • Continuous Improvement Option OR • Transformation Initiative Option Begins with Fall 2012 visits
NCATE Redesign (cont.) • Institutions with Spring 2010 to Spring 2012 visits can pilot test parts of either option. • NCATE is e-mailing institutions with timelines for redesigned process and parts they can pilot test. • NCATE is holding numerous web seminars.
Continuous Improvement Option • Move towards “target” level of one or more NCATE Standards • Make case to show that institution meets standards at “acceptable” level • Focus on changes
Transformation InitiativeOption • Exercise leadership for transforming educator preparation to improve P-12 student learning • Submit mid-cycle report to show that institution meets standards at “acceptable” level • Focus on changes • Submit Transformation Initiative Proposal
Examples of Redesign Changes • Focus of IR • NCATE’s revised/limited list of Exhibits • Timeline for Submission of IR to Pre-visit BOE Team • Submission of Response by institution to Feedback Report from Pre-visit BOE Team • Sunday to Tuesday visit by 3-5 BOE Team members
Steps before BOE Visit • Preconditions (first visit only) • Annual reports (continuing visit only) • SPA Program Reports (if required) and Re-submission(s) (if necessary) • Intent Form • Third-party Testimony • Mock Visit/Consultant (if desired) • Submission of IR • Pre-visit 11
Streamlined Components • AIMS (Accreditation Information Management System) is used as a mechanism for assigning teams, sharing information about visits, reading and writing BOE reports online, and conducting evaluations. (Per BOE Update, Fall 2008) 12
Streamlined Components (cont.) • shorter IR • limited and clearly specified Exhibits • some elimination of duplication of reporting assessment data • shorter BOE Report 13
Streamlined Components (cont.) • BOE team will indicate if each element of each standard is met at unacceptable, acceptable, or target level for the initial preparation programs and also for the advanced preparation programs. 14
Streamlined Components (cont.) • In 2009-2010 unit must respond to questions OR respond to each element • For some elements in Standard 1, must include data in IR only for programs that were not nationally reviewed • Summarize data for the unit • Comply with character or page limit 15
Program Review Cycles(new per AIMS for Spring 2009) • February 1 and September 15 (main cycle): IHEs submit initial reports, revised reports, and response to conditions reports. • April 15 (smaller cycle: IHEs submit only revised reports and response to conditions reports originally submitted by the previous September 15. 16
MAT-like Programs(per SASB, 10/08) • “MAT-like programs that are currently scheduled to submit Program Reports in Spring 2009, Fall 2009, and Spring 2010 have the option to defer program review for at least one year while NCATE staff, in consultation with interested parties, develops a new process for evaluating these kinds of programs.” 17
MAT-like Programs (cont.)(Per NCATE Redesign, 5/09) • A new process for the review of MAT-like secondary programs is being developed in collaboration with the appropriate SPAs. A proposal for action will be presented to the Specialty Areas Study Board (SASB) and Executive Board in October 2009.
Low Enrollment Programs(per NCATE Redesign, 5/09) • A new approach to programs with very low enrollments will be developed. A proposal for action will be presented to the SASB and Executive Board in October 2009.
Advanced Programs(per NCATE Redesign, 5/09) • The requirement for the submission of program reports for advanced teaching programs for which NCATE has approved standards (early childhood, middle level, P.E.) will be revisited by the SASB. The requirement may be suspended, at least until NCATE has approved a preponderance of advanced teaching standards from the SPAs.
IR Tip #1 • The IR is the FIRST impression that the BOE team makes of your institution. • We all know how important FIRST impressions are!!! 22
IR Tip #2 • BRAG !!! The IR is your opportunity to tell about many of the wonderful and exciting things that you and your colleagues do to prepare P-12 educators. 23
IR Tip #3 • Include NCATE’s 11 required tables in IR (see “Guidelines for Completing…”): - Overview: Tables #1 and #2 and #3 - Standard 1: Tables #4 and #5 - Standard 2: Table #6 - Standard 3: Table #7 - Standard 4: Tables #8 and #9 and #10 - Standard 5: Table 11 24
IR Tip #4 • In the Overview: - Describe the unique characteristics of the institution and the unit. - Tables #2 and #3 (programs offered) are probably the most important tables in the IR--be sure they are accurate and agree with State Department’s list!!! 25
IR Tip #4 (cont.) - Clearly describe the differences among the traditional, alternative route (e.g., Teaching Fellows, PACE), off-campus, and distance-learning programs 26
Conceptual Framework (CF) • Represents guiding structure and vision of unit • Is shared by all stakeholders • Is addressed throughout all standards • Is reflected in all assessments • Has elements to address in IR 27
Standard #1: Candidate Knowledge, Skills, Dispositions • 1a. Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates (I & A) • 1b. Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates (I & A) • 1c. Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills for Teacher Candidates (I & A) 28
Standard #1 (cont.) • 1d. Student Learning for Teacher Candidates (I & A) • 1e. Knowledge and Skills for Other School Professionals (A) • 1f. Student Learning for Other School Professionals (A) • 1g. Professional Dispositions for All Candidates (I & A) 29
Data Needed for Continuing Institutions Fall 2009 and Afterwards: SPA Program Reports: 3 years of data Site Visits: 3 years of data (per NCATE’s web site) 30
Data Needed for First-Time Institutions February 1, 2008 and Afterwards: SPA Program Reports: 1 year of data Spring 2009 and Afterwards: Site Visits: 3 years of data (per NCATE’s web site) 31
IR Tip #5 • BOE will read all SPA National Recognition Reports and review a sample of the SPA Program Reports. (per BOE Update, Fall 2008) 32
IR Tip #6 • Since the SPA Program Reports are submitted at least 1 year prior to the BOE visit, the data for the subsequent year(s) must also be available for the BOE team. 33
IR Tip #7 • Institutions will not repeat in their IRs the data for programs that were nationally reviewed. They should include under Standard 1 in the IR information about the assessments and data for programs that were not nationally reviewed. (per BOE Update, Spring 2008) 34
IR Tip #8 • Also in the IR, summarize and discuss what the data tell about candidate performance for the unit. • Data from follow-up studies of graduates and employers are expected to be provided and discussed in the IR for each element of Standard 1. 35
IR Tip #9 • Candidate assessment data must be disaggregated by campus programs, off-campus programs, and distance learning programs for the national program review process and for unit accreditation. (per BOE Update, Fall 2007 ) 36
IR Tip #10 • At least 80% of completers in initial programs combined and in advanced programs combined must pass state licensure test in content field for Standard 1 to be MET. 37
IR Tip #11 Element 1d.: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates (I) Per Acceptable rubrics: “Teacher candidates focus on student learning. Teacher candidates assess and analyze student learning, make appropriate adjustments to instruction, and monitor student progress. They are able to develop and implement meaningful learning experiences for students based on their developmental levels and prior experience.” 38
IR Tip #12 • Element 1d.: Student Learning for Teacher Candidates (A) Per Acceptable rubrics: “Candidates in advanced programs for teachers have a thorough understanding of the major concepts and theories related to assessing student learning and regularly apply these in their practice. They analyze student, classroom, and school performance data and make data-driven decisions about strategies for teaching and learning so that all students learn. They are aware of and utilize school and community resources that support student learning.” 39
IR Tip #13 • Element 1f.: Student Learning for Other School professionals (A) Per Acceptable rubrics: “Candidates for other professional school roles are able to create positive environments for student learning. They understand and build upon the developmental levels of students with whom they work; the diversity of students, families, and communities; and the policy contexts within which they work.” 40
IR Tip #14 • Clearly state in the IR the professional dispositions that candidates are expected to demonstrate. 41
IR Tip #15 • The two professional dispositions that NCATE expects institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that all students can learn. (per NCATE’s revised Glossary) 42
Standard #2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation • 2a. Assessment System • 2b. Data Collection, Analysis, and Evaluation • 2c. Use of Data for Program Improvement 43
IR Tip #16 • Consider writing the response for Standard 2 before the response for Standard 1. 44
IR Tip #17 • Real Reason to Assess - Because it’s the right thing to do - Because it will make programs, candidates, P-12 teachers and other school professionals better 45
IR Tip #18 • What to Avoid: - Considering assessment a mandate - Making assessment too complicated - Collecting too much data - Not using data 46
IR Tip #19 • The following strands should be reflected in assessment instruments: - Conceptual framework - Professional and State standards - Dispositions - Diversity - Use of technology 47
IR Tip #20 • Standard 2 is often NOT MET because: - Faculty can not articulate the assessment system. - Assessment loop has not been closed. 48
IR Tip #21 • Develop “Assessment Handbook” (not required by NCATE): - Professional education unit - Conceptual framework - Transition points - Key assessments - Alignment with standards - Monitoring candidate progress 49
IR Tip #21 (cont.) - Assessment of unit operations - Fairness, accuracy, consistency, elimination of bias - Use of technologies - Procedures for data collection, aggregation, disaggregation, analysis, dissemination, and use - Timeline - Assessments and scoring guides/rubrics 50