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SDLC. Nilesh Gangrade Feb 26th, 2011. Agenda. Project Vs Product Vs Process Project Engagements Client Expectations SDLC SDLC Methodologies SDLC Activities Industry Trends. Project vs Product vs Process. What is a Project?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SDLC Nilesh Gangrade Feb 26th, 2011

  2. Agenda • Project Vs Product Vs Process • Project Engagements • Client Expectations • SDLC • SDLC Methodologies • SDLC Activities • Industry Trends

  3. Project vs Product vs Process • What is a Project? • a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. • What is a Product? • A product is the outcome of a completed project. A software product is generally consisting, • Program (source and executables) • Data • Documents • What is a Process? • Process is the framework used to achieve the end results

  4. Project Engagements • Presales • Showcasing expertise • Case studies • Community reputation/blogging • Open source initiatives • POCs • Formal Kick off (PIN) • SOW

  5. Client Expectation • With in stipulated budget • Timely completion • Meets quality criteria • Functional • Non functional • Inexpensive Maintenance • Easier further development/Enhancements • Easy to scale

  6. SDLC • What is it? • It is a standard process or framework for planning and controlling the creation of an logical system • Why • Reduce Risks associated with the project • Minimize scope creep by providing a process for managing changes • To track the entire project • To track the schedule variation • To measure the cost variation • To track the size variation • To track the SQA activity

  7. SDLC Methodologies • Waterfall Model • Spiral Model • Iterative and Incremental • Rapid Prototyping • Agile (scrum)

  8. Waterfall Model

  9. Spiral Model

  10. Iterative Model

  11. SDLC Activities • Project Planning and Scheduling • Configuration Management • Requirement Engineering • Design and Development • Tracking and Measurements • Testing or SQA • Closure

  12. Project Planning • Cost and Effort estimation • Plan for resource acquisition • Define Policies for • Issue Management • Escalation Hierarchy • Quality Management • Scope Management (base lining) • Change Management • Risk Management • Prepare a PMP • Review with stakeholders

  13. Configuration Management • Hardware and Software Selection • Development and production h/w • Technology Stack • Testing tools • Acquiring Skilled Resources • From with in Org or Outside • Version Control System • CVS,SVN,Perforce • Defining Conventions • Naming conventions and guidelines • Defining Roles • Define Controlled Items

  14. Requirement Engineering • Functional and Nonfunctional • SRS, PRDs • Methodologies • Interviewing and Questionnaires • Requirement Workshop • Brainstorming • Storyboards • Use-cases • Role playing • Baselining

  15. Design and Development • Architecture decision • SOA based • BPM • Client Server • ESB • Competitive Analysis • Selection of Best approach/Framework • Open sourced vs. licensed soft wares • Deployment ,Build and Release Plan

  16. SQA Activities • Test Coverage • Test Plan Preparation • Peer Review • Requirement Traceability Matrix • Plan Execution • Test Environments • Integration • Production Acceptance Testing/Staging • CTE

  17. Closure • Audit • Client Feedback • End user Feedback • Closure Meeting • Handing over all project data • Closure note

  18. Questions Thank You

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