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What Is “Biocultural Diversity”?

What Is “Biocultural Diversity”?. Interrelationship of all forms of the diversity of life: Biological Cultural Linguistic. Global Overlaps Between Biological and Cultural Diversity.

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What Is “Biocultural Diversity”?

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  1. What Is “Biocultural Diversity”? • Interrelationship of all forms of the diversity of life: • Biological • Cultural • Linguistic

  2. Global Overlaps Between Biological and Cultural Diversity Worldwide, biological diversity (represented by plant diversity) and cultural diversity (represented by language diversity) strongly overlap.

  3. Why Measure Biocultural Diversity? • From correlations to causation • Raise profile of and support for BCD • Guide strategic decision-making

  4. Index of Biocultural Diversity (IBCD)Jonathan Loh and David Harmon • Aggregates measures of biodiversity and cultural diversity • State indicator • National (country) level • Snapshot

  5. Components of the IBCD Cultural diversity (CD) indicators: • number of languages (LD) • number of ethnic groups (ED) • number of religions (RD) Biodiversity (BD) indicators: • number of bird and mammal species (MD) • number of plant species (PD)

  6. Data sources • Ethnologue 14th edition (Grimes 2000): No. of languages • World Christian Encyclopaedia (Barrett et al. 2001): No. of religions; No. of ethnic groups • Global Biodiversity (Groombridge and Jenkins 2002): No. of bird and mammal species; No. of plant species

  7. How the IBCD is calculated • CD = (LD + RD + ED)/3 • BD = (MD + PD)/2 • IBCD = (CD + BD)/2

  8. How scores for the 5 diversity indicators are calculated Using Language Diversity (LD) as an example: LD = log of the number of languages spoken in a given country (Li) divided by the log of the total number of languages spoken in the world (Lworld). LD = log Li / log Lworld

  9. Sample LD calculation:Papua New Guinea PNG has 833 languages. The log of 862 is 2.92. The world has (approximately) 6800 languages. The log of 6800 is 3.83. Therefore, PNG’s LD score is: 2.92 / 3.83 = 0.76 The global LD score is, by definition, 1.00: 3.83 / 3.83 = 1.00

  10. LD: from highest to lowest LD = log Li/log Lworld.

  11. LD: from highest to lowest

  12. IBCD has three interrelated measures: • IBCD-RICH – unadjusted counts of a country’s BCD richness • IBCD-AREA – BCD richness adjusted for a country’s land area • IBCD-POP – BCD richness adjusted for a country’s population size

  13. Expected diversity is based on the species/area relationship log S = c + z log A where S = number of species, A = area, and c and z are constants derived from observation IBCD-AREA: expected log Ni = c + z log Ai IBCD-POP: expected log Ni = c + z log Pi




  17. IBCD-POP

  18. Terralingua 2006

  19. Future directions • Continue to seek more and better data for the IBCD; develop time-series data • Adapt methodology of IBCD to global Index of Linguistic Diversity (ILD) • Develop indicator of Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK) • Possible tie-ins to UNEP programs and CBD 2010 Target

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