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Panel session: “ The role of the Ph.D. graduated students and the international R+D priorities .”. Electronic Engineering Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Panelists. Patrick Cogez , STMicroelectronics Christian Gamrat, CEA‐LIST Jorgen Christiansen, CERN
Panel session:“The role of the Ph.D. graduated students and the international R+D priorities.” Electronic Engineering Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Panelists • Patrick Cogez , STMicroelectronics • Christian Gamrat, CEA‐LIST • Jorgen Christiansen, CERN • Jordi Aubert , FICOSA • Moderator: Pere Losantos, Parc UPC
Panelists Patrick Cogez, Director, University & ExternalRelations, ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France Patrick COGEZ graduated from EcolePolytechnique in 1982 and from EcoleNationale des Ponts et Chaussées in 1984. He also holds a MSc. Degree in Operations Research and a PhD in Industrial Engineering, both from University of California, Berkeley. After starting his career as a civil servant in the French Ministry of Industry, he joined SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics in 1988, as an engineer for Computer-Aided Manufacturing. In 1991, he was put in charge of the Information Systems of the newly created Crolles site, first fabrication unit of the company for the 200mm generation. He became Director for Knowledge Management in 2001, then in 2003 Program Director for STMicroelectronics Central R&D. Since February 2005, he is in charge of the relations with universities for Crolles site and Central CAD and Design Solutions, within STMicroelectronics Technology R&D group. Patrick COGEZ is a member of the steering committee of the research program P3N (national program in Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies and Nanosystems) from the French National Research Agency, of the nanotechnology evaluation committee of the Cluster of competitiveness “Minalogic”, and he is STMicroelectronics representative within the steering committee of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.
Panelists JorgenChirstiansen, Electronics SystemsforExperimentsGroup Leader, CERN, Geneve, Switzerland Jorgen Christiansen holds a Master degree in electronics engineering from Danish technical university 1986. Later he worked 3 years as system development engineer in Scantest systems, Denmark developing IC test systems. In 1989 he joined CERN where he has worked 12 years developing specialized integrated circuits for high energy physics experiments. Since 2003 he coordinates the electronics of the LHCb experiment at CERN. In 2007 he become the group leader of the electronics systems for experiments where he managers a team of 60 staff.
Panelists Christian Gamrat, Seniorexpert in advancedcomputing and nanocomputing CEA-LIST, Paris, France Graduated in Electrical Engineering and Information Processing from the "Université Joseph Fourier" and "EcoleNationaleSupérieured'Electronique et de Radioélectricité" in Grenoble, he started his career at CEA/DSM Grenoble in 1981 on the design of high speed data acquisition systems for solid state and nuclear physics experiments. He got involved in the study and design of Neural Networks computing machines in 1987 and led the team for the MIND-1024 neurocomputer project in 1989. The MIND-1024 neurocomputer has been used for various statistical physics simulation. In 1994, he joined the Parallel Computing Architecture Lab of CEA/DRT near Paris where he finalized the development of the SYMPHONIE embedded massively-parallel computer for use on board military fighter aircraft. In 1997 he started an activity on hardware reconfigurable computing and led the EPICURE national project as well as several other European projects in the field of dynamic reconfigurable computing (PICS, RECOPS). In 2003 he initiated a research on novel computing architectures aimed at future nanotechnologies such as sub 30nm CMOS and molecular electronics. He is currently coordinating two major projects in the field of future computing system architecture: The ÆTHER European integrated project on technologies for future Self-Adaptive computing architecture (FP6-027611 http://www.aether-ist.org/), and project NABAB (FP7-216777) that aims at building bio-inspired nano-fabricated computing circuits.
Panelists Jordi Aubert, Electronics Development Director FICOSA International, Barcelona, Spain JordiAubert is a Computer Engineer, and has been working in the Automotive market for Ficosa for 10 years. He began the activities in the area of shift by wire control software, and later on he was leading the embedded software development at Ficosa. He is now Director of Electronics Development, and is involved on different national and European R+D projects.. FICOSA has been designing and manufacturing components and systems for the automotive industry for more than 50 years, employing more than 7000 people all around the world.
Panel Moderator Pere Losantos, Parc UPC INNOVA Project, UPC, Barcelona, Spain PereLosantos holds a PhD degree in Physics from Microelectronics at Centre Nacional de Microelectronica – CSIC. MrPereLosantos has always been related to innovation and technology transfer. He has worked in small R+D spin-off, also at the local government establishing some network models on technology transfer, as a lecturer on Economics at Open University Catalonia and at UPC, where is responsible for its innovation area. He is with Parc UPC, created in 2005 as an strategic action of the Social Council of UPC university for fostering the research and technology transfer between the university and the industry. One of its instruments, the INNOVA program, provides guidance and consultancy for the creation of spin-off companies and for valorizing the research results and the intellectual property of the UPC university.
Statement: The goal of this meeting is to start changing this trend “UPC Ph.D. graduates, included Electronic Engineering Doctoral Program, mainly go into academic positions at UPC or other universities” 1st Barcelona Forum on Ph.D. Research in Electronic Engineering 8
Question 1: What are the responsibilities and job positions of young (and senior!) Ph.D. graduates in your company/research center? 1st Barcelona Forum on Ph.D. Research in Electronic Engineering 9
Question 2: What different skills (both technical and non technical) would you ask to a recently master and a Ph.D. graduate you plan to incorporate in your company/team? 1st Barcelona Forum on Ph.D. Research in Electronic Engineering 10
Question 3: How do you consider the contribution of young Ph.D. graduated individuals to the success and innovation of your company/research center? 1st Barcelona Forum on Ph.D. Research in Electronic Engineering 11
Question 4: From the particular point of view of the activities of your company/research center, what are the most important research challenges and priorities for the next 10 years? 1st Barcelona Forum on Ph.D. Research in Electronic Engineering 12