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The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone

The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone. Open Court Unit 2_Lesson 5. Word Knowledge. Line 1: video evidence provide providence Line 2 : biennial bilateral monograph monolith Line 3: piece Greece theories sheet

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The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone Open Court Unit 2_Lesson 5

  2. Word Knowledge Line 1: video evidence provide providence Line 2: biennial bilateral monograph monolith Line 3: piece Greece theories sheet Line 4: undercover intermission midcourse intravenous submarine S1: The solution was not evident until the researcher unveiled his findings. S2: The members of the bilingual group felt unity in their common cause. S3: Many researchers tried to decipher the hieroglyphics on the piece of rock. S4: During the play’s intermission, we discussed the huge submarine set.

  3. Vocabulary blockade (block-ade): a shutting off of an area by troops or ships to prevent people or supplies from going into or out of it. (pg. 200) Inscription (in-scrip-tion): something that is written, carved, or engraved on something such as a piece of wood or stone. (pg. 198) equivalents (e-quiv-a-lents): two or more things that are equal, as in value, force, effect, or meaning; corresponding (pg. 204) associated (as-so-ci-at-ed): to be connected (pg. 207) translate (trans-late): to express in or change into another language. Pg. 198)

  4. Spelling • midterm • underneath • subterranean • interfere • intravenous • midyear • midmonth • midcourse • intermission • undercover • midsummer • underground • submarine • interchange • intramural • midnight • understated • submission • intercede • interstate

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