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You say : Galici is small. School sports ground and surroundings with gardens. In the background, Belvis mountain with the Minor Seminary building. School surroundings. School corridors with some student works. Mural with fibreboard works. World Poetry Day.
IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO OF COMPOSTELA) Comenius Project “Biodiversityofrivers”
Yousay: Galiciissmall IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO OF COMPOSTELA) Comenius Project “Biodiversityofrivers”
School sports ground and surroundings with gardens. In the background, Belvis mountain with the Minor Seminary building. Schoolsurroundings IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
School corridors with some studentworks Mural with fibreboardworks WorldPoetry Day IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Design classroom for Compulsory Secondary level students. Computer room, to be shared by compulsory secondary education students. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
School Assembly Hall during a conference. On the left, an interpretation of the Guernica painting by Picasso, made of fibreboard by Arts students. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Awareness campaign against gender abuse The Ría de Arousa(Pontevedra) has the largest surface area of any of Galicia's rías, or indeed of any in Spain. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
The Ría de Arousa(Pontevedra) has the largest surface area of any of Galicia's rías, or indeed of any in Spain. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Paper figures, by students. - working on volume. High relief clay human faces by students. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Students in the chemistry laboratory Oak growing in the biology laboratory IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Self-portraits by Non Compulsory Secondary Education students ArtisticDrawingClassroom Schoollibrary IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Exhibition of Pablo Neruda poems. Acrylic paintings by Art students. IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Farmingaromaticplants in theschoolfrontyard. Schoolgym IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
School gardening, changing the landscape. In the middle, oregano flowers (top) and pennyroyal (below). IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project
Distilling aromatic plants. Sage (on the left) and common lavender (on the right). IES DE SAR (SANTIAGO) - Comenius Project