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Case Reading Test 卷号: A

Case Reading Test 卷号: A. 注意事项: 1. 请在试卷名字旁写上考试卷号。 2. 每个病例读片时间为 60″ ,不重复读片。 3. 请选择一个您认为最可能的诊断,并将编号 填在答题卷相应的空格内。 3. 完成后请将试卷交与监考老师。 4. 请勿讨论。 5. 如有计算机故障,请及时向监考老师反映. 2009.12. 1. Male,22y/o coughing. A. Lobar pneumonia B. Lobular pneumonia C.TB D. Normal chest. 2.

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Case Reading Test 卷号: A

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  1. Case Reading Test卷号:A 注意事项: 1. 请在试卷名字旁写上考试卷号。 2. 每个病例读片时间为60″,不重复读片。 3. 请选择一个您认为最可能的诊断,并将编号 填在答题卷相应的空格内。 3. 完成后请将试卷交与监考老师。 4. 请勿讨论。 5. 如有计算机故障,请及时向监考老师反映 2009.12

  2. 1. Male,22y/o coughing A. Lobar pneumonia B. Lobular pneumonia C.TB D. Normal chest

  3. 2. Male,65y/o,cou-ghing 2m and coughing up blood 3 day A. Lobar pneumonia B. Lobular pneumonia C. Bronchogenic carcinoma (central type) D. Pneumothorax

  4. 3. Male,15 y/o, sudden left chest pain 6h A. Left hilum neoplasm B. Lobar pneumonia C. Hilum TB D. Left pneumothorax

  5. 18 y/o boy,high fever, coughing and chest pain 4 days 4. A. Lobar pneumonia B. Lobular pneumonia C. pulmonary atelectasis D. Pleural effusion

  6. 5. Male, 77y/o,coughing and asthma 20 yrs • Interstitial pneumonia • Lobular pneumonia • C. Infiltrating TB • D. Pulmonary carcinoma

  7. 6. Female, 16 y/r, knee pain and swollen 1 m A. Giant cell tumor B. Osteogenic sarcoma C. Chronic Osteomyelitis D. Distal femur fracture

  8. 7. Male, 32 y/o, knee pain and swollen 2 w A. Giant cell tumor B. Osteogenic sarcoma C. Acute Osteomyelitis D. Bone TB

  9. 8. Male ,20y/o,thigh pain after injury 3 w A. Osteomyelitis B. Callus forming after fracture C. Shaft TB D. Ewing’s sarcoma

  10. Female, 39 y/o, articulation pain 5y,bilateral hands deformities 9. A. Degenerative disease B. Hypertrophic arthritis C. Traumatic OA D. Rheumatoid arthritis

  11. 10. Male, 70y/o, breathness and chest distress 1d A. Mitral stenosis B. Lobular pneumonia C. Hypertension heart D. Mediastinal neoplasm

  12. 11. Male, 45y/o,the history of duodenum ulcer, sudden abdominal pain 3h A. Myocardial infarction B. GI tract Perforation C. Lobar pneumonia D. Normal chest

  13. 12. Female, 72 y/o, the history of abdomen operation, abdomen pain and distension 2d A. Colon obstruction B. Intestine obstruction C. Sigmoid colon volvulus D. Ulcerative colitis

  14. 13. Female,42y/o,aggressive abdomen pain 2d, A. Ulcerative gastric carcinoma B. Duodenal bulb ulcer C. Gastric ulcer D. Gastric diverticulum

  15. 14. Male, 62 y/o, cirrhosis 12 yrs, haematemesis 2d A. Esophageal carcinoma B. Esophagus varices C. Esophagus diverticulum D. Normal esophagus

  16. 15. Female,56y/o,sudden coma 6h A. Brain contusion B. Brain hemorrhage C. Brain infarction D. SAH

  17. END

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