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The Great Global Convergence

The Great Global Convergence. 1400-1800. The Great Convergence is the connecting of the Old World with the New World. Starts with the attempt to take over the Canary Islands in 1402. Cause and Effect. 1402 is important as the Spanish begin trying to take over the Canary Islands

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The Great Global Convergence

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  1. The Great Global Convergence 1400-1800

  2. The Great Convergence is the connecting of the Old World with the New World Starts with the attempt to take over the Canary Islands in 1402

  3. Cause and Effect • 1402 is important as the Spanish begin trying to take over the Canary Islands • Took them till 1496 to take over • Taught Spain *and Europe lessons that would affect the future • Same thing happened when Portugal took over the Madeiras Islands

  4. Results of Canary and Madeiras Conquest • Europeans learned 1-Them, their plants, and animals could survive in new places 2-They could be successful in conquering the people who lived there 3-Locals would become sick easily *making it easier to take over 4-Learned that slaves, especially African slaves, made good substitute workers 5-Having the right products could make them rich

  5. Impact of Columbus • 1492 Columbus sails the ocean blue • 1493 Columbus stole all he could see • The Columbian Exchange starts when Columbus gives locals “red caps, strings of beads, and other trifles of small value”-from Columbus • Received high value goods in return • Begins the economic (making money/creating wealth) exploitation (taking advantage of) of The New World

  6. Suffering Native Americans • Due to the Columbian Exchange several groups suffered greatly • Native Americans- died in huge amounts due to new diseases • Natives had no immunity to Afroeurasian (Africa/Europe/Asia rolled into one) diseases • Native Americans were used as slaves • Because Natives were dying very fast and the labor force was being reduced…

  7. SufferingAfricans • Europeans needed labor (workers) • Africans were used • Taken from Africa-mostly West Africa • Africans became a commodity (something that has value and fills a need) • Africans become valuable as slaves • Leads to the Slave Trade

  8. Other Effectsof Columbian Exchange • Plants and animals begin to move back and forth • Europeans learn that crops can be grown in the similar climates of Europe and New World • By the 1600s American products (think North and South America not USA) were very important in Europe and Asia • Examples: Maize (corn) sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers • Over 1/3 of all crops grown in China today came from North America!

  9. Economic Impact • Europe, Asia, and Africa were already trading with each other • Due to the discovery of the New World America becomes connected/linked into the world wide economy • This was mostly through the slave trade; foods produced from the Plantation system • European countries were the major force providing slaves • Made European countries incredibly rich

  10. Slave Trade pt. II • Slaves provided two benefits • Workers/labor force • But they also produced crops that were sold in other markets for huge money

  11. What Europe Learned • Owning areas/land/colonies in The New World=Money…Lots of it • Money=Power • European countries; Spain, Portugal, and eventually England, France, The Netherlands are the biggest players

  12. The Big Picture from the Global Convergence • The Global Convergence has 5 main results: • 1-Human connections become much more complex; Old World and New World become connected • 2-Columbian Exchange sends plants, animals, diseases, and people across the globe • 3-A global economy-People making money by buying/selling/trading all across the world

  13. 4-Europe becomes the center of political and military power-This will be seen especially as Europe begins to create colonies all over the world • 5-Europe becomes a place of new ideas. The Enlightenment, Renaissance, and the Scientific Revolution occurs

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