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TRACECA PROJECT EVALUATION. Constanta – Vama Veche Motorway section. Mark the location of the project on the map with a plain, black line or dot. Regional Criteria. Network description The motorway section Constanta – Vama Veche/ border with Republic of Bulgaria:

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  2. Constanta – Vama Veche Motorway section Mark the location of the project on the map with a plain, black line or dot.

  3. Regional Criteria • Network description The motorway section Constanta – Vama Veche/ border with Republic of Bulgaria: • is placed in the south - eastern part of Romania, connecting Constanta port with the Romanian/ Bulgarian border; • the section is part of the Pan–European Corridor no. IV, having the following benefits: connects Bulgaria to Hungary and in the same time with the existing national infrastructure; • it is also considered to be an exit to Ukraine, using the national road infrastructure; • Corridor IV is part of TEN – T and in the same time part of traceca corridor – Romania has got a strategyc position, linking Europe with TRACECA countries. • How is interoperability and connection with other infrastructures handled? • Having a direct link to Bulgarian Border will be the main reason to attract the traffic flow from Bulgaria, to Romania and further to Hungary, route which will be fully operational after finalizing the Corridor no. IV – Nadlac (Hu/ Ro cross border) – Arad – Timisoara – Lugoj – Deva – Orastie – Sibiu – Pitesti – Bucuresti – Cernavoda – Constanta. The section Constanta – Vama Veche (Ro/ Bg) • The location of the future motorway sections is also a benefit for the regional development along the Bulgarian/ Romanian cross-border, the economic environment could be stimulated and eligible for European Regional Funds. • In is a connection between the ports Constanta and Varna, which can be assured after the construction at motorway profile • Alternatives • The alternative considered to be viable is the national road network: DN 39 (E87), which goes toward the cross border point with Bulgaria, national road considered not to be able to comply with present traffic needs. • Technical DescriptionDesign speed: 130 km/hLength: aprox. 53kmMotorway cross-section:platform – 26.00 m; carriageway - 4 x 3.75 m; middle lane – 3.00 m; Emergency lane - 2x2.50 m; shoulders - 2 x 0.50 m; employment bands - 4x 0.50 m; parapets space (outside the platform) – 0.75 mCross-section for link roads:carriageway - 2 x 3.50 m; shoulders - 2 x 1.00 m, out of which: employment bands - 2 x 0.50 m; platform - 10.00 m. • Land acquisition:Estimated area of expropriation for the entire highway route will be approximately 200 hectares of land representing terrain and built settlements.

  4. Economic Criteria • Estimated project repayment time • Forecast years • 3 years for construction • 10 years to cover the initial costs • Investment costs - costs for development of design documentation (feasibility study, feasibility study, engineering design, details of execution);- expenses for consultancy and technical assistance;- Costs associated with obtaining necessary approvals and agreements in principle for the investment;- Expenses for training documents on the procedure for awarding the contract;- total estimated value of the investment. • Estimated running costs • Revenues / break even • Financial Rate of Return of the Investment • Private investors interest in the project • Concession or/and PPP-laws

  5. Technical Criteria • Link or node or upgrade? • Intermodality • The quickest link to the Eastern border with Bulgaria • The link with 2 motorways and 2 country ports to Black Sea (Constanta and Varna) • The link with Constanta Multimodal Terminal • The link with the integrated transport system (Danube river) • Modal shift • Safety • the technical requirements, starting from the design stage, will impose the safety geometrical elements, in line with best design & technologies; • Travel cost saving • the motorway section will have high standards, according to TEM motorway standard – modern, European, economical, for the same price, which is the Romanian vignette; • Travel time savings • the travel distance is reduced with 25% and travel time with 30%

  6. Environmental Criteria • Pollution Reducing the noise & gas emission; • Noise • Energy consumption • Diversion from sensible areas (living areas, preserving natural resources, others) The traffic flow will be taken out of cities – Greener transport; Creating eco ducts in order to protect the fauna;

  7. Political Criteria • When to start? • Government Support • The project is included into Romanian transport strategy • Part of the Romanian Master Plan • Dependance on other step/project • NO DEPENDENCY

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