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Visualizing the Gospels Using Treemaps and the Composite Gospel Index

This presentation highlights the use of treemaps and the Composite Gospel Index (CGI) to visualize and analyze the Gospels. It explores the macro and micro view of information visualization, the principles of treemaps, and the capabilities of the CGI. Through sample visualizations, the presentation demonstrates how these tools can provide insights into the Gospels. The conclusion emphasizes the potential for further research collaboration in data production and sharing.

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Visualizing the Gospels Using Treemaps and the Composite Gospel Index

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  1. Visualizing the Gospels Using Treemaps and the Composite Gospel Index Sean Boisen (Sean at SemanticBible dot com) Society for Biblical Literature Annual Meeting Computer Assisted Research Group, S21-15 Nov 21, 2005

  2. Outline • Visualization and Treemaps • The Composite Gospel Index • Sample visualizations • Conclusions SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  3. Information Visualization • Macro vs. micro view • Shirkey: “the overall pattern of data often exhibits patterns that emerge from the individual pieces of data, patterns that can be impossible to discern by merely re-sorting the data in spreadsheet format ” • Quantitative vs. symbolic perspective • Dynamic visualizations invite exploration • Shneiderman’s mantra: • Overview first, • Zoom and filter, • Then details on demand. SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  4. Treemaps • A “space-constrained visualization of hierarchical structures” developed by Ben Shneiderman (University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory) • Software is available for non-commercial use at www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/treemap/ • Web examples: • www.smartmoney.com/marketmap (stock performance by industry) • www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/ (Google News) SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  5. The Composite Gospel Index (CGI) • A unified account for representing the Gospel accounts • XML data structure • Standards based to encourage re-use • Supports Web presentation and hyper-linking • Supports automated processing of texts and related features • A reference scheme and abstraction layer • Downloadable from www.semanticbible.org/cgi/cgi-view.html SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  6. ID: Pericope.041.Mark Reference: Mark.1.14-Mark.1.15 An Example CGI Pericope Previous: Pericope.040 PreviousBySource: Pericope.027 PreviousBySource: Pericope.040 PericopeSources ID: Pericope.041 Title: Jesus preaches in Galilee ID: Pericope.041.Luke Reference: Luke.4.14-Luke.4.15 ID: Pericope.041.Matt Reference: Matt.4.12-Matt.4.17 ID: Pericope.041.John Reference: John.4.43-John.4.45 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel." And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and a report concerning him went out through all the surrounding country. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all. NextBySource: Pericope.044 NextBySource: Pericope.043 SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  7. Constructive Principles • Division • Thematic and situational continuity • Alignment • Sequence SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  8. n_sources: 4 n_basetokens: 137 mean_basetokens: 34.25 ID: Pericope.041 n_tokens: 229 mean_tokens: 57.25 Computed Attributes by Pericope & Source ID: Pericope.041.Mark Reference: Mark.1.14-Mark.1.15 n_tokens: 34 n_basetokens: 21 mean_singletons: 0 mean_lowfreqs: 0 Tokens (n=34): Now-after-John-was-arrested-Jesus-came-into-Galilee-proclaiming-the-gospel-of-God-and-saying-The-time-is-fulfilled-and-the-kingdom-of-God-is-at-hand-repent-and-believe-in-the-gospel Novel vocabulary measures (summed across all Gospels): • Singleton = single occurrence of a base token • “lowfreq” = < 3 occurrences of a base token Means are normalized by n_basetokens. BaseTokens (n=21): now-John-be-arrest-Jesus-come-Galilee-proclaim-gospel-God-say-time-be-fulfill-kingdom-God-be-hand-repent-believe-gospel SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  9. Treemap 1: CGI Overview • Purposes: • Illustrate Treemap visualization • Space vs. sequential orientation • Hierarchical organization • Dynamic highlighting and selection details • Compare Synoptics to John • Parameters: • Group by pericope • Label: reference • Size: # of tokens for each source • Color: source SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  10. Treemaps 2 and 3: Single Source Pericopes • Purpose: Explore the distribution by author of single-source pericopes • Parameters: • Group by pericope • Label: reference • Size: mean # of tokens for each pericope • Color: source • Filter: n_sources = 1 • Treemap 3: group first by author, then by pericope SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  11. Treemap 4: Size and # of Sources • Question: are single-source pericopes shorter? • Parameters: • Group by # of sources • Label: reference • Size: # of tokens for each pericope • Color: source • Filter: John SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  12. Treemap 5: Novel Vocabulary • Purpose: explore singleton terms in Luke. • Parameters: • Group by # of sources • Label: reference • Size: # of tokens for each pericope • Color: # of singletons (normalized) • Filter: Luke SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

  13. Conclusions and Next Steps • Treemaps are a useful visualization tool for Biblical studies • Shows the interplay across the Gospels between sources, source uniqueness, and token counts • Producing and sharing data is a fruitful area for research collaboration SBL Annual Meeting, 2005-11-21

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