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This study explores the effectiveness of web-based animation in instructional strategies compared to static graphics. It investigates the impact of animation on attention, presentation, and practice, as well as the influence of prior knowledge on learning outcomes.
Web-based animation or static graphics: Is the extra cost of animation worth it? Zhu, L. & Grabowski, B. L. (2006). Web-based animation or static graphics: Is the extra cost of animation worth it? Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 15(3), 329-347. Advisor : M. P., Chen Reporter : C.H., Yu 2007. 03. 31
動機 • animation can have one of three functions in instruction(Reiber,1990) : • attention-gaining • Presentation • practice. • However, not enough research had been conducted to ascertain its instructional effectiveness. • This lack of empirical research was especially true for animated attention-gaining and practice strategies.
文獻探討 • Information Processing • Animation as an Aid in Information Processing • Animation as an Aid in Dual Coding • Prior Knowledge
文獻探討-Information Processing • The memory system has three main storage structures: • sensory register, which gathers stimuli in the memory system; • short-term memory (STM), which serves as temporary storage; and • long-term memory (LTM), which permanently stores information.
文獻探討- Animation as an Aid in Information Processing • animated arrows used to gain attention: • provide additional ways to ensure selective perceptions of specific presentation features as they are stored and processed in the STM (R. M. Gagne, 1985). • attention-gaining graphics can make relationships between ideas more apparent by facilitating organization.(Levin, Anglin, and Carncy, 1987) • elaboration using animated text prompts • elaboration facilitates retrieval by providing alternative pathways and extra information to generate answers (E. D. Gagne, 1985). • animation can be used with accompanying text to elaborate a lesson fact, concept, rule, or procedure (Rieber, 1990)
文獻探討- Animation as an Aid in Dual Coding • dual coding theory (Paivio’s, 1986) : • visual system & verbal system • learning is enhanced when information is coded both visually and verbally. • Animation, due to its unique dynamic qualities, is more likely to be dually coded “deeper” and “harder” into the long-term memory than are static graphics (Lin, 2001, p. 20). • Animation as an attention-gaining strategy helps in capturing attention and ensuring selective perception, • while animation as an elaboration strategy not only helps toensure selective perception but also facilitates encoding and retrieval processes (E. D. Gagne, 1985).
文獻探討-Prior Knowledge • Prior knowledge has been considered the most important single factor influencing learning (Ausubel, 1968) • prior knowledge as the knowledge, skills, or abilities brought by learners to the learning environment before instruction. (Jonassen and Grabowski,1993) • higher prior knowledge can quickly determine their own learning needs, generate their own learning strategies, and assimilate new information into their existing knowledge structure. (Hannafin, 1997) • Mayer and Anderson (1992) found that students who possessed low prior knowledge attained a higher degree of learning when verbal and visual information were presented simultaneously.
研究問題 • Do animations used only to gain attention or to gain attention and elaborate on the contentimprove participants’ performanceon tests measuring four types of educational objectives? • Do animations used only to gain attention or to gain attention and elaborate on the contentimprove performance of the participants identified as possessing high and low levels of prior knowledge on tests measuring four types of educational objectives? • Is there an interaction between treatment group and prior knowledge level?
簡介 • 2*3因子設計: • two levels of prior knowledge (high versus low) • three treatment groups • 程序. • 前測分高低先備組,115位大學生(58高,57低) • 試題:Dwyer (1978)所發展human physiology測驗題,36題選擇題。 • 分組高低先備知識學習者,系統化分配至三組實驗組中 • 標準化測驗 • (a) drawing test, • (b) identification test, • (c) terminology test, • (d) comprehension test.
實驗設計 • Static graphic (Control group, T1). • Animation as attention-gaining strategy (T2) • Animation as attention-gaining and elaboration strategy (T3)
實驗設計-T1 • contained 1 page of directions and 20 pages of web-based instructional screens with instructional text on the left and the corresponding static graphic on the right. • Two navigation buttons were located at the bottom of each screen: “Back” and “Next.” • Participants clicked through each screen at their own pace.
實驗設計-T2 • 同T1 • These 13 screens contained animations with the static graphic on the right side of the screen and a “Click to See the Animation” button below. • After all of the animations were shown, the static graphic was restored and a set of three buttons appeared: “BACK,”“NEXT,” and “Replay the Animation.”
實驗設計-T2 1 2 3
實驗設計-T3 • 同T2 • An animated text pop-up window highlighting the most important information in the corresponding instructional text was used in combination with animated arrows.
結果 • 前測 • ANOVA indicated that the three groups were not significantly different in terms of their prior knowledge, F(2, 108) = .90, p = .9 14. • 後測成就1 • The means and standard deviations for high and low prior knowledge participants in each treatment group were similar.
結果 • 後測成就2--運用動畫教學(23題) • Again, the means and standard deviations for high and low prior knowledge participants in each treatment group were similar.
結果 • Analysis of Null hypothesis • A two-way MANOVA was run to provide answers to the three research questions. • 二維ANOVA指出在三組間(F(2, 105) = 1.254, p = .289)及高低先備知識學習者之間在信度測驗上(F(1, 105) = .001, p = .978),並沒有顯著差異。 • 三個實驗組在任何一個標準測驗上都沒有達到顯著差異F(8, 206) = .990, p = .445.。 • 而且高低先備知識學習者在任何一個標準測驗下也沒有顯著差異F(4, 102) = .452, p = .771。 • 最後,在實驗組與先備知識程度之間,也沒有顯著的交互作用F(8, 206) = 1.053, p = .398.。