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Project Imp.Ac.T “ Improving Access to HIV/TB testing for marginalized groups ” Nadia Gasbarrini Fondazione Villa Maraini
Project Imp.Ac.T “Improving Access to HIV/TB testing for marginalized groups” Nadia Gasbarrini Fondazione Villa Maraini The Project “Imp.Ac.T. – Improving Access to HIV/TB testing for marginalized groups” (Ref.: 2009 12 01) has received funding from the European Commission under the Health Programme 2008-2013. However, the sole responsibility for the study lies with the author and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein".
Imp.Ac.T. – General information • Co-financed by the EC under the Programme of Community Action in the field of Health (2008-2013) • Project Coordinator: Villa Maraini Foundation (IT) • Partners: Foundation Regeboog Groep (NL), SANANIM (CZ), OZ Odyseus (SK) and Gruppo Abele (IT) • Collaborating partners: public clinical centres for infectious diseases in Rome, Turin, Prague and Bratislava (in Rome “INMI Spallanzani”, in Turin “Ospedale Amedeo di Savoia”) • Duration: 27 M, from 1 September 2010 to 30 November 2012
Imp.Ac.T.- General Aims • To broaden the access to HIV and tuberculosis (TB) testing, prevention, treatment and care for vulnerable groups, such as drug users (DUs) and migrants DUs. • To reduce the gap between DUs/migrants DUs and health care services and reduce inequalities in their access to treatment. • To define a new kind of provider-initiated counseling and testing strategy, to be adapted even for other hard-to-reach groups.
Imp.Ac.T.- Background and justifications • IN EU, an estimated 15% to over 50% HIV+ people are unaware of their infection. • The proportion of TB cases with positive HIV serostatus in EU range from 2% to 15%. • Late diagnosis increases risk of opportunistic infections, such as TB, and onward transmission. • DUs and migrants are ‘hard to reach' groups for health care providers. • Low-threshold facilities are important entry-points for contacting ‘hard-to-reach’ drug users. • Evidence suggests that individuals that are aware of their HIV infection engage less in risky behaviors related to sex and injecting drug use.
Imp.Ac.T.-Specific objectives • To develop a model for improving the effectiveness of HIV and TB testing and counseling among DUs and migrants DUs; • To increase the percentage of DUs and migrants having access to HIV and TB testing; • To ensure that people living with HIV and TB receive treatment for both conditions; • To promote healthier ways of life and risk reduction among drug users and migrants DUs; • To assess the effectiveness of street HIV and TB testing in terms of proportion of new infection identified.
Imp.Ac.T.- Expected outcomes • Increasing number of persons tested for HIV and TB and notified TB and HIV cases among those unaware. • Reduction of HIV and TB transmission not only among DUs and migrants, but in the whole community. • Easier access to treatment and care for marginalized groups, through better cooperation between low-threshold facilities and health care services. • Increasing awareness of local authorities about the need of developing targeted interventions for drug users and migrants.
Imp.Ac.T.- Target Group • Clients of low-threshold services (street units; drop-in-centres; night shelters; out-patient-clinics…) in Rome, Turin, Bratislava and Prague; • All kind of DUs, with a particular focus on Problematic DUs (using EMCDDA definition: injecting or with long duration/regular use of opioids, cocaine and amphetamines); • Migrants DUs (first generation; documented and undocumented); • Being over 18 years of age; • Not being tested for HIV in the last three months.
Imp.Ac.T-Methodology The project consisted of three phases: • Development of common tools and methodology for HIV and TB testing among DUs in low-threshold services; • Implementation of HIV and TB tests in low-threshold services for the target population; • Analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of such intervention and dissemination of results.
Phase 1:Development of common tools and methodology(7 months: September 2010 – March 2011) • Organization of workshops/seminars for exchange of experience among the partners and analysis of weaknesses and challenges of current HIV/TB testing strategies. • Development of tools for training courses for the multidisciplinary staff working in low-threshold services for DUs. • Identification of specific indicators/determinants for monitoring and reporting of new diagnosis among these target groups.
Phase 1:Development of common tools and methodology (Implemented activities) 1° Workshop in Amsterdam 20-22 January 2011 Finalization of the Study Protocol: • Recruitment methods and tools • Pre- and post test counselling • Testing methods • Data collection: questionnaire and database • Follow up
Phase 1:Development of common tools and methodology (Implemented activities) 2° Workshop in Turin 1-3 March 2011 Finalization of: • Training manual: structure • Training courses for the staff of low-threshold services • Focus groups with clients for data collection
Methodology: Recruitment • Approaching by social/outreach workers; • Information about the project and the testing: informative leaflets on HIV and TB; • Response Monitoring Form: check eligibility and willingness to participate
Methodology: Pre and post counselling • Informed consent (written or verbal according to country rules); • Information: HIV and TB infections, benefits and potential risks of testing; • Prevention counselling: risk assessment and reduction • Post-test counselling: both in case of reactive and negative results
Methodology: HIV Testing • Rapid test DETERMINE HIV ½, third generation; • High sensitivity (100%) and specificity (99.75%); • By finger-stick sample; • Result in 15 minutes.
Methodology: TB Testing • No latent TB infection, but ACTIVE TB detection • Clinical screening: Risk assessment + medical examination by doctor/ nurse • Sputum collection: 2 samples required in case of positive screening • In Prague, no sputum test but referral to X-ray
Methodology: Questionnaire for data collection • Developed by the researcher • Collection of demographical, social and epidemiological data • Assessment of risky behaviours (drug use and sexual intercourse) • Administrated while waiting for HIV test results
Methodology: Database • 1 developed by Villa Maraini on website • 1 online survey tool developed by Sananim for direct administration • Entry of all questionnaires and test results
Methodology: Follow up • Agreement with clinical centres/collaborating partners • Referral of HIV reactive cases and TB suspected cases (positive to first sputum examination; positive to screening in Prague) • Tools: schedule of appointment; referral paper; accompaniment of clients by social workers • Exchange of data with clinical centres on testing results
Phase 2:Implementation of HIV and TB tests in low-threshold facilities(April 2011- June 2012) • Training courses in each project site for the staff providing HIV/TB testing (social workers, psychologists, health professionals) • Pre-intervention focus groups with the target groupon risk behaviors, knowledge of HIV and TB transmission, history of testing • HIV and TB counselling and testing in low-threshold services managed by project partners and other NGOs • Follow-up of preliminary positive cases • 1° Experience-Sharing Meeting in Bratislava to discuss problems and find solutions
Phase 3: Analysis and assessment of the intervention (May – November 2012) 2° Experience-Sharing Meeting in Prague, May 2012: • Presentation of data collected and testing results; • Discussion of main problems encountered; • Definition of the content of the Guide Manual on best practices; • Organization of National Conferences and Final Conference for dissemination of project results.
Phase 3: Analysis and assessment of the intervention (May – November 2012) • Analysis of data of all the tested individuals by the researcher; • Evaluation of the project: self-evaluation form and evalution interviews; • Development of Guide Manual on HIV/TB testing for DUs and migrants in low-threshold services; • National Conferences in Prague and Bratislava, for dissemination of results at national level; • Final Conference in Rome, for presentation of project results at international level.
Imp.Ac.T. - Key deliverables • Project website: www.projectimpact.eu • Training Manual on HIV/TB counselling and testing of DUs/ migrants in low-threshold services • Training Courses on HIV/TB testing for service providers • Guide Manual on HIV/TB testing for DUs and migrants in low-threshold services • National Conferences in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Italy • Final Conference • HIV and TB tests for marginalized groups: DUs/PDUs, migrants DUs, sex workers, alcoholics, homeless