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H.M. Nailor Elementary School

H.M. Nailor Elementary School. PBS School – Wide Essential Agreements. Promoting academic excellence by being ... SAFE , RESPONSIBLE , and RESPECTFUL . The Three Essential Agreements. Be RESPONSIBLE Be RESPECTFUL Be SAFE. Name That Song. Play the game “Name that Movie”

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H.M. Nailor Elementary School

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  1. H.M. Nailor Elementary School PBS School – Wide Essential Agreements Promoting academic excellence by being... SAFE, RESPONSIBLE, and RESPECTFUL.

  2. The Three Essential Agreements • Be RESPONSIBLE • Be RESPECTFUL • Be SAFE

  3. Name That Song • Play the game “Name that Movie” Directions: • Two participants will come up. • A song will be played. • The first person to tell what the song is will win a prize. • The audience must not shout out answers. C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Theme Songs\I_love_Lucy_-_Basic.mp3

  4. Assembly Essential Agreements • Enter and exit QUIETLY in a line. • Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself. • Sit with your class in your designated. • Remain quiet and be attentive to the speaker.

  5. Bus Loading Essential Agreements • Exit the room and enter the hallway quietly • Walk on the right side of the hall in the 2nd block • Remain in line until you board the bus

  6. Bus Essential Agreements • Dispose of trash appropriately as you exit the bus. • Talk quietly to those only inside the bus using polite language. • Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself. • Go straight to your seat and sit.

  7. Field Trip Essential Agreements • Keep up with your own belongings. • Dress appropriately. • Use kind words and actions. • Listen to all directions. • Stay with an adult. • Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself.

  8. Cafeteria Essential Agreements • Use quiet, appropriate language. • Dispose of trash appropriately. • Keep all food in the cafeteria. • Remain in your seat. • Always walk. • Clean up your area.

  9. Name That Song • Play the game “Name that Movie” Directions: • Two participants will come up. • A song will be played. • The first person to tell what the song is will win a prize. • The audience must not shout out answers. C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Theme Songs\Scooby_Doo_Show_(original).mp3

  10. Playground Essential Agreements • Keep your hands and feet to yourself. • Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself. • Stay in your designated areas. • Line up when the signal is given. • Play fair and nicely. • Use kind words and actions. • Use equipment properly. • Mulch, sticks, and dirt stay on the ground.

  11. Bathroom Essential Agreements • Floors stay clean. • Leave it clean. • Use it quickly. • Soft voices. • Hands washed.

  12. Classroom Essential Agreements • Come to school to learn • Bring all materials to class • Follow all directions • Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself • Use kind words and actions • Use quiet voices

  13. Hallway Essential Agreements • Keep traffic flowing • Keep hands and feet to yourself • Be quiet • Always face the front • Always WALKon the right side of the hall in the 2nd block.

  14. PBS is for the Staff Too! • Be Safe • Be Responsible • Be Respectful Directions: • Get into groups of five. (Nine groups total) • Discuss ways the staff should meet these School wide expectations. • Share with the whole group.

  15. Group Activity One • Get into groups. • Choose a specific area of the School Wide Essential Agreements . • Create a quick dramatization of inappropriate behaviors. • The audience will guess it, then another group will come to correct the inappropriate behavior according to our School Wide Essential Agreements.

  16. Group Activity Two • Get into five groups. • Change the lyrics to a given song by incorporating our positive School Wide Essential Agreements and how our culture should be. • Be creative. • You have 15 -2o minutes. • Everyone should be prepared to sing their new song.

  17. The Three Essential Agreements • Be RESPONSIBLE • Be RESPECTFUL • Be SAFE

  18. PBS Resources to be used PBS Lesson Plans • Essential Agreements Lesson Plans.doc Respectful, Responsible, Safe • Respectful, Responsible, & Safe.doc Tiger Cash Guidelines • Tiger Cash Guidelines.doc Tiger Cash • TIGER CASH.doc

  19. Always Remember • Model, model, model the behaviors • Reteach the appropriate behaviors • Always be positive • It takes time! • ABSOLUTELY NO YELLING!!!!! Let’s make improvements to the culture and climate at H.M. Nailor Elementary School. Let’s do it the TIGER WAY!

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