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Status of RTH Melbourne Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI Meeting

Overview of network migration, circuits, data issues, and system objectives discussed during the meeting.

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Status of RTH Melbourne Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI Meeting

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  1. Joint ICM on the GTS-WIS MTN and ET-OI meeting Kelvin Wong CBS ET – OI Co-chair RTH Focal Point WMC Melbourne Bureau of Meteorology 700 Collins Street Docklands 3008 Victoria Australia k.wong@bom.gov.au Status of RTH Melbourne Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008 1

  2. Outline GTS regional MTN circuits (Region V) GTS inter-regional circuits for IOTWS (Frame Relay, MPLS, RMDCN, RETIM) Australian Tsunami Warning System (ATWS) DART buoys and sea level station data communication PMEL DART II data issues Table Driven Code Form and CREX data representation Registered user access to Bureau data and products 2 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  3. Network migration of WMC Melbourne Washington DRS Melbourne Noumea Exeter Nadi Tokyo Washington Nadi Indonesia Noumea Singapore Indonesia Exeter Tokyo 2M 2M 2M 1M 1.5M 256k 1.5M Singapore 64k BT Frame Relay Global Frame Relay 64k 64k 256k 256k Frame Relay Frame Relay RMDCN IP VPN MPLS 3 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  4. Beijing IMTN - MDCN Tokyo FR 1.5 M Washington (CIR:32/768) New Delhi FR 192/64 (CIR:16) Bangkok Two 56 FR 64 TCP/IP IMTN - MDCN (CIR:16) FR 256/1.5M (CIR:32) FR 64 Manila Kuala (CIR:16) RSMC Lumpur Moscow Honolulu FR 64 ) IMTN - MDCN 128 (CIR:16 FR 256/1.5 M TCP/IP (CIR:16/32) FR 128 Guam (CIR:32/8) Brunei AFTN+GTS Internet Exeter 9.6 X.25 2.4 X.25 Internet ASMC Micronesia AFTN+GTS Singapore 9.6 X.25 Internet Port AFTN+GTS FR 256 Pago - Pago Apia 9.6 X.25 (CIR:64) Moresby FR 64/256 FR 64/128 (CIR:8) (CIR:8) Honiara Internet AFTN +GTS Internet RTH 4.8 Jakarta TCP/IP RSMC FR 64 Nadi NMC RSMC (CIR:16) FR 64/256 AFTN Papeete (CIR:8) Darwin Centre in other region Port Vila Internet FR 2M FR 128 (CIR: 32) MTN circuit (CIR:384) via Toulouse Noumea FR64 Regional circuit (CIR:8) E - mail gateway to : Melbourne Male Interregional circuit Cook Islands Internet Funafuti Additional circuit Kiribati Wellington Niue Brisbane DRS Non – IP link Samoa Tokelau IP Link Tonga FR Frame relay Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V ( South - West Pacific) 9.2008 CIR Committed Information Rate point - to - point circuits implementation (transmission speed in kbit/s) Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  5. Toulouse RTH Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Offenbach Beijing Beijing Beijing Beijing MPLS 2Mbps MPLS 2Mbps MPLS 2Mbps MPLS 2Mbps FR 1.5 M CIR<32/768kbps> MPLS 1Mbps MPLS 1Mbps MPLS 1Mbps MPLS 1Mbps FR CIR<16/8kbps> FR CIR<16/8kbps> FR CIR<16/8kbps> FR CIR<16/8kbps> Tehran Tehran Tehran Tehran Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Tokyo Washington Washington Washington Washington 75bps 75bps 75bps 75bps 2.4kbps 50bps 50bps 50bps 50bps 100bps 100bps 100bps 100bps Cairo Cairo Cairo Cairo New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi New Delhi MPLS 128kbps MPLS 128kbps MPLS 128kbps MPLS 128kbps 64kbps 64kbps 64kbps 64kbps 64kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps 64 kbps Karachi Karachi Karachi Karachi Internet Jeddah Jeddah Jeddah Jeddah Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka Abu-Dhabi FR CIR<16kbps> Internet 2.4 kbps 64kbps FR 256 CIR<32kbps> Internet Internet Internet Internet Muscat Yangon Yangon Yangon Yangon 2.4kbps Internet 200bps 200bps 200bps 200bps Sanaa Sanaa Sanaa Sanaa Bangkok Bangkok Bangkok Bangkok Djibouti FR CIR<16K> FR CIR<16K> FR CIR<16K> FR CIR<16K> 64kbps 64kbps 64kbps 64kbps Internet Internet Internet Internet FR 256 CIR<16/32kbps> 2.4kbps 2.4kbps 2.4kbps 2.4kbps 9.6kbps Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Colombo Colombo Colombo Colombo Mogadiscio Mogadiscio Mogadiscio Mogadiscio FR CIR<8K> FR CIR<8K> FR CIR<8K> FR CIR<8K> Male Male Male Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi FR CIR <16kbps> FR CIR <16kbps> FR CIR <16kbps> FR CIR <16kbps> 64kbps FR CIR<8kbps> FR CIR<8kbps> FR CIR<8kbps> FR CIR<8kbps> 33.6kbps 33.6kbps 33.6kbps 33.6kbps 64kbps Internet Internet Internet Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Deli 4 M Dar Es Salaam Dar Es Salaam Dar Es Salaam Dar Es Salaam 512kbps 512kbps 512kbps 512kbps 64kbps Moroni FR CIR<16kbps> FR CIR<16kbps> FR CIR<16kbps> FR CIR<16kbps> Internet Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius 128kbps Internet Internet Internet Internet Internet Antananarivo 512kbps 512kbps 512kbps 512kbps 128kbps St. Denis St. Denis St. Denis St. Denis Maputo E-mail thru Internet Pretoria E-mail thru Internet 64kbps New Amsterdam 128kbps Kerguelen Regional or interregional circuits MTN circuits Additional circuits Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne NMC RETIM transmission via Toulouse Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  6. RETIM2000 Satellite Telecom System (Meteo-France) 6 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  7. Australian Tsunami Warning System Objectives To provide a comprehensive tsunami warning system for Australia by June 2009 To support international efforts to establish an Indian Ocean tsunami warning system To contribute to the facilitation of tsunami warnings for the South West Pacific 7 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  8. Deep-Ocean Tsunameter Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) buoys Established Iridium RUDICS account for access to Iridium modems on buoys NOAA PMEL supplied software modified and installed at CMSS CMSS receiving data and controlling buoys via Internet 8 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  9. DART II System & Telecommunication Nodes Iridium Satellite Network Internet Browser RF link RF link Surface Buoy Web Server Acoustic link Iridium Gateway CMSS Tsunameter RUDICS Server DART II System 9 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  10. DART buoy messages from RUDICS DART U12P D$1I 07/28/2008 00:15:00 1514144 3329265 3329274 3329289 3329305 1* 3F D$1I 07/28/2008 01:15:00 1504144 3329326 3329351 3329373 3329399 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 02:15:00 1504144 3329429 3329462 3329495 3329531 1* 39 D$1I 07/28/2008 03:15:00 1514144 3329569 3329605 3329644 3329683 1* 3B D$1I 07/28/2008 04:15:00 1504144 3329720 3329757 3329792 3329829 1* 30 D$1I 07/28/2008 05:15:00 1504144 3329865 3329901 3329932 3329964 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 06:15:00 1504144 3329995 3330020 3330043 3330060 1* 33 D$1I 07/28/2008 07:15:00 1504144 3330075 3330087 3330096 3330105 1* 3A D$1I 07/28/2008 08:15:00 1504144 3330108 3330108 3330108 3330103 1* 38 D$1I 07/28/2008 09:15:00 1504144 3330094 3330083 3330074 3330060 1* 31 D$1I 07/28/2008 10:15:00 1504144 3330048 3330036 3330022 3330008 1* 3B D$1I 07/28/2008 11:15:00 1504144 3329989 3329973 3329957 3329941 1* 39 DART U12P D$0 07/28/2008 13:05:10 1547.9752 S 15830.8198 E* 45 D$1I 07/28/2008 12:15:00 1504144 3329924 3329910 3329896 3329884 1* 3C D$1I 07/28/2008 13:15:00 1504144 3329871 3329863 3329855 3329851 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 14:15:00 1504144 3329845 3329841 3329839 3329838 1* 3B D$1I 07/28/2008 15:15:00 1514144 3329839 3329838 3329835 3329834 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 16:15:00 1504144 3329832 3329831 3329826 3329821 1* 38 D$1I 07/28/2008 17:15:00 1504144 3329817 3329809 3329796 3329788 1* 3D 10 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  11. DART buoy bulletins distributed on GTS SZOC40 AMMC 281820 DART 55012P 210182053 D$0 07/28/2008 13:05:10 1547.9752 S 15830.8198 E* 45 D$1I 07/28/2008 12:15:00 1504144 3329924 3329910 3329896 3329884 1* 3C D$1I 07/28/2008 13:15:00 1504144 3329871 3329863 3329855 3329851 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 14:15:00 1504144 3329845 3329841 3329839 3329838 1* 3B D$1I 07/28/2008 15:15:00 1514144 3329839 3329838 3329835 3329834 1* 3E D$1I 07/28/2008 16:15:00 1504144 3329832 3329831 3329826 3329821 1* 38 D$1I 07/28/2008 17:15:00 1504144 3329817 3329809 3329796 3329788 1* 3D SZIO01 KWNB 290019 DD23401S 211001901 D$0 07/28/2008 01:12:59 0854.6955 N 08832.7564 E* 16 00-0NN 00E SZIO01 KWNB 290018 DD23401P 211001832 D$1I 07/28/2008 18:15:00 1474142 3466346 3466367 3466392 3466419 1* 35 D$1I 07/28/2008 19:15:00 1474142 3466449 3466478 3466508 3466541 1* 3C D$1I 07/28/2008 20:15:00 1474142 3466574 3466607 3466639 3466670 1* 33 D$1I 07/28/2008 21:15:00 1474142 3466697 3466726 3466752 3466773 1* 30 D$1I 07/28/2008 22:15:00 1474142 3466794 3466810 3466825 3466834 1* 38 D$1I 07/28/2008 23:15:00 1474142 3466845 3466846 3466847 3466840 1* 3E 00-0NN 00E 11 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  12. New data representation code forms for more effective data exchange in sea level / DART data PMEL DART II format violated some GTS operational practices end of line uses <CR>, GTS uses <CR><CR><LF> start of message uses hex ‘1E’, GTS does not allow this character Coordinated with NDBC to use WMO buoy number as station identifier Drafted new CREX templates for sea level data and DART buoys for ET-DRC meeting 1-5 Sep 2008 New descriptors to report multiple sensors for tide gauges Pre-operational implementation with WMO/IOC member states 12 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  13. Sea Level Station Data Communication • Phase 1 • Market evaluation & Cost analysis • Network architecture & Equipment design • Phase 2 • Construction • Deployment & commissioning • Phase 3 • Refinement • Documentation 13 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  14. ATWS Telemetry Requirements • Reliable in all transmission conditions • Marine hardware/profile (no dishes) • Highly reliable engineered solution with demonstrable reliability (target > 99.8) • Fixed cost model • Access to service provider engineering resources • Guaranteed throughput and resources providing 200 bytes at 1 minute intervals • Scalable • Coverage available in the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Australia Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  15. Mobile Network Solution • Originally installed as CDMA, network migrated to Next G due to upgrade of network provider • Telstra Next G data network • AUD$29 per month on 70 Mbytes plan • Budget for domestic sites $50 per month Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  16. Secondary Authenticator BOM DRS Brisbane internal frame access Next G Data modem/router Secondary Message switch Backup Telstra Next G Frame link-1 BOM Weathernet Frame Primary Telstra IP WAN Primary Message switch BOM Primary Melbourne internal frame Primary Authenticator Mobile Network Solution Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  17. Satellite Solution • C band product brought to market • THISS Technologies StreamSAT Prima system • Budget for international sites AUD$500 per month • AUD $450 per month transmitting 200 bytes per min. Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  18. THISS Network Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  19. Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  20. Australian Baseline Station at Portland, Victoria Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  21. Typical THISS Installation Honiara, Solomon Islandsin South Pacific Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  22. Satellite Coverage - Current NSS 5 Pacific Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  23. Satellite Coverage - APSTAR 5 Indian Ocean Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  24. Satellite Coverage - Proposed migration MeaSat 3 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  25. Registered user access to Bureau data and products on the web 25 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  26. Registered ftp user accessftp://ftp.bom.gov.au/register/bom102/********/ 26 Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

  27. Thank You Joint ICM GTS-WIS MTN & ET-OI 23-26 Sep 2008

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