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A Briefing on the United States Fire Administration (USFA)

A Briefing on the United States Fire Administration (USFA). A Report by R. David Paulison, U.S. Fire Administrator To the Special IAFC Summit – February 24, 2005. Review the basic organization of USFA Understanding the Budget Trends for USFA Major Projects Underway A Vision for the Future.

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A Briefing on the United States Fire Administration (USFA)

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  1. A Briefing on theUnited States Fire Administration(USFA) A Report by R. David Paulison, U.S. Fire Administrator To the Special IAFC Summit – February 24, 2005

  2. Review the basic organization of USFA Understanding the Budget Trends for USFA Major Projects Underway A Vision for the Future To Better Understand the USFA

  3. USFA and EMI Funding History (dollars in thousands)

  4. National Fire Programs and the Emergency Management Institute have received a total of $4 Million for NIMS and NRP related training and similar funding is anticipated from the NIMS Integrations Center for FY06. A unique effort that is bringing NFP and EMI together as a single team to help train federal, state, local, and tribal agencies on ICS, NIMS, and the NRP Substantial effort is focusing on supporting easily accessed training for local first responders and also the development of a NIMS Model Curriculum. USFA and FEMA are closely partnered with ODP in administration of and support for both the AFG and SAFER Grant Programs for FY05. USFA will be administering distribution of funds from the Heroes Stamp to survivors and those disabled on September 11, 2001. Additional Projects Not Reflected in Budget Figures

  5. Rumor: Maintenance at NETC is being disregarded in anticipation of the closing of the facility. Fact: $400,000 in projects are underway at NETC in FY05 to maintain roofs, roads, and sidewalks and to paint buildings. Rumor: NFA is one step from going out of existence. Fact: The Proposed USFA budget for FY06 reflects an increase of $1.3 Million over FY05 and also includes continuing responsibility and additional funding from the NIC for NIMS/NRP training. Clearing Up the Misperceptions

  6. Rumor: The Executive Fire Officer (EFO) Program no longer includes critical behavioral and leadership evaluation instrumentation that it did in the past. Fact: While some instruments have been eliminated, those considered most valuable to the students continue to be supported in FY05. USFA is also pursuing permanent ownership of appropriate instrumentation for continuing use in future years. Rumor: USFA is unable to handle the present demand from local first responders for internet courses. Fact: While on-line course demand has certainly increased ten fold, interim fixes have reduced pipelines issues for the most accessed courses and $80,000 in permanent pipeline expansion is underway. Clearing Up the Misperceptions

  7. Rumor: Extensive security upgrades at the NETC facility have drained critical funds from NFA and NFP. Fact: While the NETC facility is undergoing significant improvements to its physical security, those costs are being paid by FEMA Headquarters funds so NFA/NFP funds are not being utilized for this purpose. Rumor: EENET remains a stagnant technology at NETC. Fact: Last year funds from other federal agencies helped provide improvements to EENET’s capabilities. New cooperative efforts with local cable providers and the Dish Network will greatly improve delivery of training to a broader audience of both urban and rural first responders within just a few more months. Clearing Up the Misperceptions

  8. Rumor: The National Fire Academy is not addressing new learning technologies to further distribution of its training. Fact: NFA, NFP, and EMI are moving to more blended learning alternatives that incorporate several new distance learning and blended learning approaches to delivery of courses. i.e. the recent partnership with Firehouse.com for Mayday Training. i.e. Instructor certification for NFA’s Management Strategies for Success course utilized EENET capabilities and on-line internet testing to enhance instructor availability and credentialing in a cost effective manner. Clearing Up the Misperceptions

  9. Rumor: USFA is not regularly updating its courses and developing critical new courses. Fact: NFA, EMI, and Noble continue to regularly update and develop new courses based on need and currency. In FY 05, NFP has several high priority revisions and some new courses under development and has dedicated $200,000 to that effort. There is every expectation that efforts such as these will continue in in FY06. Clearing Up the Misperceptions

  10. Begin blending distance learning and classroom learning recognizing the constraints 2-week courses present to first responders while still valuing when appropriate, the networking and professional development that takes place at actual NETC on campus courses. Utilizing new EENET capabilities, especially leveraging new agreements with local cable and DISH network for distribution that more easily reaches both urban and rural audiences. Identifying those additional WMD and Terrorism courses that NFA/NFP should develop and deliver for our Nation’s First Responders. Identifying a Vision for the Future of USFA and Its Programs

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