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Grace Fellowship Church GraceDoctrine

Explore the significance of believers as temples of God in the Church Age, guarding against false influences and immorality while understanding the indwelling Spirit. Discover the architectural blueprint of the temple, unity through Christ, and principles shaping the Church's growth and purpose. Embrace the role as a 'brick' in God's dwelling place, fortified against the intensifying Angelic Conflict. Unveil the sanctity and strength found in the union with the Holy Spirit. Delve into the teachings of Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard at Grace Fellowship Church.

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Grace Fellowship Church GraceDoctrine

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  1. Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Sunday, August 3, 2008 Grace Fellowship Churchwww.GraceDoctrine.org

  2. 1 John 4:4, The Indwelling Spirit. 1 John Series

  3. Doctrine of the Church Age Believer as the Temple of God1 Cor 3:16-17; 6:19-20; 2 Cor 6:16; Eph 2:21

  4. E. Eph 2:21-22

  5. We have seen:a) The Tabernacle and permanent Temple was the dwelling place for the Shekinah Glory, the Lord Jesus Christ.

  6. b) Mat 26:61; John 2:19-21, Jesus Christ was the prototype temple of the Church Age believer.Resurrection in view

  7. c) 1 Cor 3:16, the believer-temple should not be corrupted by negative outside influences of false teaching and cosmic viewpoint.Eternal Rewards in view

  8. d) 1 Cor 6:19-20, the believer is to guard the temple of God against false religion and immorality.Living the unique spiritual life in view.

  9. e) 2 Cor 6:16, the temple of God has no relationship with unbelievers. Avoid intimate relationships with those who will drag you down. Separation or Sanctification in view

  10. f) Eph 2:21-22, God is the architect and builder of the overall temple, and strengthens and empowers us to stand firm during the intensified stage of the angelic conflict.

  11. There are two walls brought down by our Lord's work on the Cross.

  12. 1) The dividing wall between Jew and Gentile, being the racial barrier.

  13. 1) The dividing wall between Jew and Gentile, being the racial barrier.2) The dividing wall between God and man, being the sin barrier.

  14. 1) The Racial Barrier did not exclude gentiles from salvation, but did exclude them from the spiritual heritage of Israel.

  15. 2) The Sin Barrier prohibited man from entering into relation with God. Therefore, God reconciled man to Himself through the work of Christ on the Cross.

  16. “In whom”, Christ the corner stone. Without the work of Christ on the Cross the building could not be erected.

  17. “Being fitted together”, action in progress where God is continually working throughout the Church Age to build the dwelling place for both the Holy Spirit and the Shekinah glory.

  18. “Is growing into”, since the Day of Pentecost the Church has been growing and growing into the temple of God. It will continue to grow until the Rapture of the Church.

  19. Principles:1. The Church continues to grow during the present dispensation in spite of all satanic efforts to hinder it. Satan has never been able to stunt the growth of the Church.

  20. 2. On earth the Church is called the Body of Christ in anticipation of phase three. When the body is completed the holy temple will be called the Bride of Christ - phase three.

  21. 3. Every Church Age believer is one more brick or board in the building, and each is perfect in itself because it is said to be holy.

  22. 4. A new concept emerges; Satan’s target of old was Christ and Israel. His target now is the Church, the Body of Christ. This is the intensification of the Angelic Conflict.

  23. 5. The Church is the target because every believer is a Royal Priest and Ambassador, His representatives.

  24. 6. Therefore, each believer is fortified and strengthened, and will remain in the building, it cannot be removed.

  25. Communion

  26. Offering

  27. Sunday, Aug 3, 2008 Tape # 08S-029 The Indwelling of God the Holy Spirit, Pt 8 Communion ~ 1 John Series 1 John 4:4; Eph 2:11-3:21 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2008 Grace Fellowship Church

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