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Part 3 of Pathology of Anemias. acquired Hemolytic anemias. Immune hemolytic anemia, Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. DIC.
Never say No, never say, ‘I cannot’, for you are infinite. Even time and space are as nothing compared with your nature. You can do anything and everything. -- Swami Vivekananda
Shashidhar Venkatesh Murthy A/Prof & Head of Pathology College of Medicine & Dentistry ….. foundation of clinical medicine Clinical Pathology: RBC 1.3: Hemolytic Anemia - Acquired
Pathogenetic Classification of Anemia: Top 6 Anemias: 1. Iron Def. A 2. Megaloblastic 3. Anem. Of Chronic Dis. 4. Aplastic An. 5. Immune Hemolytic – Warm 6. Immune Hemolytic - Cold Decreased Production: Nutrient Deficiency. Iron def (IDA) / Megaloblastic (MBA) Hemopoietic cell defect: Anemia of chronic disorders (ACD) Aplastic anemia (AA). Dysplastic anemia. Myelodysplastic Syndromes Increased loss / destruction: Blood loss anemia – Acute / Chronic - bleeding. Hemolytic anemia – Congenital / Acquired. Acquired / External injury. Immune AIHA (Warm/Cold) Mechanical, Drugs & Parasites Congenital / Internal RBC defect Defective Membrane (Spherocytic an) Defective Hemoglobin (Sickle cell an.) Deficient Enzyme (G6PD) 2 3
1. Pallor Haemolytic Anemia: Introduction Anemia due to Increased RBC destruction life span (<120d) - Abnormal forms Bilirubin Jaundice (Unconjugated) RBC production – BM Hyperplasia & Reticulocytes. Acute: Pallor, Jaundice (normal urine) Chronic: Splenomegaly, pigment gall stones. Intravascular & Extravascular Hemolysis*. 2. Jaundice Jaundice 3. Pigment Gall stones Globins Iron Immune Mech. Infection Conjugation Bil. Conj Normal Porphyrin Bil. Unconj 4. Splenomegaly
Intravascular Hemolysis. Breakdown of RBC within Blood Vessel Etiology: Immune, Mechanical, Enzyme def. transfusion mismatch, drugs, infections. Lab diagnosis: Absent Haptoglobins. Haemoglobinemia Haemoglobinuria Haemosiderinuria Clinical features: Shock, Renal failure, Renal failure In Extravascular Hemolysis: Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia only* 5
Hemolytic anemia: Morphology Abnormal RBC shapes spherocytes in WIHA, target forms in thalasssemia etc. Polychromatophils. (Immature RBC - large, bluish, no central palor - Reticulocytes) Nucleated RBC small nucleus inside reticulocyte. Giems stain (routine blood film) Bluish, Large RBC ( MCV) Warm Ab Hemolytic Anemia Thalassemia 7
Hemolytic Anemia: Reticulocytes Methylene blue stain for cytoplasmic RNA Reticulocyte RBC Giemsa stain (routine blood film) Bluish, Large RBC ( MCV) Reticulocytosis Increased RBC production
Only educated person is one who has learned how to learn and change. -- Carl Rogers
Haemolytic Anemia: classification Acquired / External Injury: Immune: IgG / Warm & IgM / Cold Physical: valve dis, March Hb.nuria, trauma, burns. Drugs: α-Methyldopa, cephalosporins, ibuprofen etc. Parasites / infections (malaria, septicemia (DIC) Congenital / Internal defects: Defective Membrane: Spherocytic anemia. Defective Haemoglobin: Sickle cell anemia, Thalassemia Deficient Enzyme: G6PD deficiency anemia. Cell Mem Hb Enzymes 10
Immune Hemolytic anemia IgG/IgM: Causes: RBC Antibody (Commonest.) Pathogenesis: Warm / IgG coated RBC lysis in spleen. Drugs, Idiopathic. (predominantly extravascular) Cold / IgM - (Infections, Lymphoma) RBC Clumping & complement fixation lysis in BV & Liver. (predominantly intravascular) Morphology: Spherocytes (warm) / RBC clumps (cold). Clinical Features: Anemia, Jaundice. Splenomegaly in chronic. Diagnosis: Comb’s test *. IgG IgM IgG Antibody COLD WARM WARM / IgG COLD / IgM
AIHA: Lab diagnosis – Coombs test. Patient RBC Patient Serum Direct Coombs Test: (for antigen on patient RBC) Indirect Coombs Test: (for antibodies in the serum.) Pos Neg Online Video Tutorial 12
MAHA - Microangiopathic Hemolytic An. Mechanical damage: Etiology: DIC, TTP, HUS Valve disease / Artificial valves. March Hemoglobinuria. Morphology: Fragmented RBC: Schistocytes. Polychromasia – reticulocytes. 13
The only person who never makes a mistake is a person who never does anything…! - Theodore Roosevelt 14
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The pessimist waits for better times, and expects to keep on waiting; the optimist goes to work with the best that is at hand now, and proceeds to create better times. -- Christian D. Larson