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This annual report provides an overview of the service delivery environment and context of the Department of Basic Education, including legislative mandate, systemic improvements, and program performance.
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BASIC EDUCATION FOR 2012/13 Briefing to the Select Committee on Education and Recreation 6 NOVEMBER 2013
Presentation Outline PART A Overview of the service delivery environment and context PART B Programme Performance PART C Annual Financial Statements
PART A Overview of the service delivery environment and context
Overview of the service delivery environment and context Legislative mandate • The National Education Policy Act (Act 27 of 1996) (NEPA) inscribes into law the policies for the national system of education, the legislative and monitoring responsibilities of the Minister of Education, as well as the formal relations between national and provincial authorities. DBE’s Statutory role is to : • Formulate policy, norms and standards; and • monitor and evaluate policy implementation and impact.
Overview of the service delivery environment and context Key systemic improvements during 2012/13: • Improved learner performance in NSC and ANA • Institutionalization of CAPS in the schooling system • Delivery of the first ASIDI schools • Expanded coverage of workbook distribution • Improved LTSM provisioning in the sector • Growth in ECD services • Collaboration with Teacher Unions on teacher development • Care and support for learners – expansion of NSNP; No-fee schools; health screening • Access to education – near universal coverage
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : NSC PERFORMANCE Comparison of the NSC November 2012 Examination with the final combined results (i.e. November 2012 and 2013 Supplementary Examinations)
SECTOR PERFORMANCE : NSC PERFORMANCE including Supplementary Examinations A summary of the gains emanating from the 2013 Supplementary Examination is as follows: • the total number of candidates that achieved the NSC has increased from 377 829 to 392 178, an increase of 14 349 candidates. • the total number of candidates that obtained admission to Higher Certificate studies has increased from 88 604 to 98 256, an increase of 9 652 candidates. • the number of candidates that obtained an admission to Diploma studies has increased from 152 881 to 156 148, an increase of 3 267 candidates; • the number of candidates that obtained admission to Bachelor studies has increased from 136 047 to 137 251,which isan increase of 1204 candidates. • the overall pass rate has increased from 73.9% to 75.6%.
Average percentage mark in Mathematics by grade and poverty quintile
Average percentage mark in Home Language by grade and poverty quintile
Average percentage mark in First Additional Language by grade and poverty quintile
Percentage of 7 to 15 year old children attending an educational institution, 2002-2011 Source: Statistics South Africa, General Household Survey, 2002-2011, DBE own calculations
ECD - Percentage of 5 year old children attending an educational institution, 2002 – 2011 Source: Statistics South Africa, General Household Survey, 2002-2011, DBE own calculations
Concerns expressed about schooling, 2008 - 2011 Source: Statistics South Africa, General Household Survey, 2009 - 2011, DBE own analysis
PART B Programme Performance
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to theDelivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025. The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Two key posts of Deputy-Directors General and 7 SMS posts were filled – alleviates capacity constraints. • Capacity was developed through the Workplace Skills Plan and the Personal Development Plans of officials. • Efforts to establish a culture of accountability and performance-based reporting and management in the DBE culminated in the finalisation of performance assessments of all officials by the end of the financial year. • The quality of generic management practices in the DBE was assessed using the MPAT tool. The assessment determines the current level of performance of the Department and pinpoints specific areas that are in need of improvement – which are currently being addressed. • The DBE finalised the Quarterly System Monitoring Tools – School and District Planning, Management and Monitoring Tools – and secured approval for them at HEDCOM and CEM. The School and District Planning, Management and Monitoring Tools and a guideline were developed in accordance with school and district reporting requirements as a basis for quarterly reporting and to assist school and district level accountability.
PROGRAMME 1 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Partnerships with various institutions and organisations form part of the Department’s efforts to engage and form a basis of support with strategic stakeholders across the world. In the period under review, the Department negotiated a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education of China. The agreement focused on key national priorities such as further education, peace and security and health and was signed during the State visit by the new President of China, on 26 March 2013. It is anticipated that this agreement will result in international support for improvement of the education of South African learners. • The Department negotiated a second cooperation agreement, between the South Africa government and the British government regarding English in education. The Declaration of Intent is awaiting approval and signing. The agreement is intended to support national efforts to improve literacy across all phases.
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation.
PROGRAMME 2 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Curriculum And Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) • The implementation of CAPS is on track with the implementation in the • Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) and Grade 11 commencing in the 2013 • academic year. • Preparations for implementation in Grade 12 and the Senior Phase in 2014 • are at an advanced stage. The Grade 12 CAPS Orientation was conducted in • all provinces as per the following schedule: • 18 – 22 February 2013: Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga • 25 February – 01 March 2013: Western Cape, North West and • Free State and Northern Cape • 08 – 12 April 2013: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal. • The Senior Phase CAPS orientation programme for all provinces started from • 8th March, and ran till 24th May 2013.
PROGRAMME 2 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The training on the Certificate in Primary Education Language Teaching to • support the introduction of English First Additional Language (EFAL) in the • Foundation Phase was conducted in August 2012. A total of 125 participants • were trained (including 83 district language officials, 23 representatives from • HEIs, provincial language specialists and representatives from each of the • unions). In addition, a total of 40 language officials from districts were trained • in October and November 2012. • The Ministerial Task Team Audit of Reading Programmes finalised its report • on February 2013. The Ministerial Report highlighted areas for concerted and • immediate action especially with respect to teaching children to read, and the • practice of reading in schools across our country. Combined with the NEEDU • report, it showed that provincial efforts in implementing reading interventions • had to be more closely strengthened, supplemented and supported.
PROGRAMME 2 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • An impact evaluation of the reception grade (Grade R) has been finalised, and preliminary findings are that while the effects of school-based reception grade provision are indeed beneficial, quality improvements are essential to ensure consistent and sustainable benefits. • A Diagnostic Review on Early Childhood Development has been finalised together with an implementation plan that will guide implementation for the Departments of Social Development and Basic Education. • The adaptation of workbooks for Braille for Grades 7-9 was completed and teacher guidelines for Sign Language as well as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) were developed. • The HRD strategy for Inclusive Education (IE) was approved in 2012 and made available to provinces and Higher Education Institutions in an effort to improve the supply and development of professionals in the inclusive education subsector.
PROGRAMME 2 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The three-year plan for the development of the National Catalogue of textbooks coincided with the phased-in implementation of CAPS, with the National Catalogue being developed a year ahead of implementation to enable provinces to procure textbooks timeously and ensure that learners and teachers have the necessary learning and teaching materials at the start of the academic year. • Between April 2012 and March 2013 the following National Catalogues were released: • Grades 4–6 and 11; • Addendum for Grades1–3 • Grades 7–9 and 12; • Addendum for Grade 10 (Afrikaans SAL); • Grade 11 ( Afrikaans SAL and Agricultural Management Practice).
PROGRAMME 2 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The DBE developed and released the Basic Education Sector Plan for the procurement and delivery of LTSM in provinces. Provinces aligned their management plans to the DBE plan so that all procurement activities leading to the delivery of LTSM to schools were completed within agreed timeframes. • The DBE monitored and supported PEDs in managing the procurement and delivery of textbooks and stationery for the 2013 school year. Monitoring included: • The LTSM forum which met once a quarter. Representatives from the publishers associations and officials responsible for procurement, curriculum, instructional materials provisioning and coordination attended the meetings. • In the third quarter, two meetings were held as the delivery of LTSM to schools was reviewed. To support the procurement and delivery of LTSM in provinces two monitoring visits to provinces were undertaken. Between October and December 2012, the DBE requested weekly progress reports on the delivery of LTSM to schools which were communicated to all structures in the system. • The National Guidelines for School Library and Information Services were launched on 13 August 2012, to support the consolidation of the culture of reading in public schools. The guidelines cover a range of library models, including classroom libraries, mobile libraries, cluster libraries and school community libraries.
PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources.
PROGRAMME 3 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Maintaining stability in schools in support of curriculum delivery and learner performance is a critical focus of HR planning, provisioning and monitoring. A National Education Human Resource Framework (including human resource strategies and related guidelines) was developed and approved. The framework contains interventions to enable the introduction of a three-year post establishment and closed vacancy lists that will assist provincial education departments to: • place educators additional to the post establishment; • improve the absorption and deployment of Funza Lushaka bursars; • effect the translation of temporary educators to permanent staff where appropriate. • Proper implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) not only supports effective teaching , but also helps to improve levels of accountability. During the period 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 IQMSmoderators conducted a total of 13 527 school visits. These visits were for purposes of IQMS monitoring, data capturing in the Eastern Cape, monitoring of school readiness and monitoring the writing of National Senior Certificate examinations.
PROGRAMME 3 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • Teacher Centres assist the achievement of the aim of improving teacher quality by supporting teachers at the local level. A survey of teacher centres completed in the reported period yielded information on how the 112 centres in the country could play a more active role in providing support to teachers in the public school system and thus positively impact on the quality of basic education. Linked to this process was the development of Norms and Standards for Teacher Centres, which will assist in ensuring uniformity across the network of Teacher Centres. • Teacher Union Collaboration. The objective of the Memorandum of Agreement with teacher unions is to facilitate the achievement of the teacher professional development targets set out in Action Plan to 2014 and the ISPFTED. In implementing the collaboration, the evaluation of plans developed by unions was completed and allocations made to unions, totaling R70 million, to commence with implementing teacher development programmes.
PROGRAMME 3 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The Funza Lushaka bursary allocation from National Treasury has increased from R109.7 million in 2007 to R671.9 million in 2012. In 2012/13 the number of bursaries awarded increased to 11 715. The DBE developed a proposal for improving the Funza Lushaka bursary programme information management system to facilitate tracking bursars, from the granting of the bursary to the point of being placed in a school as qualified teachers. • This year saw the introduction of a district-based recruitment programme that targeted learners from rural and poor communities (quintile 1-3 schools) to assist them to access Funza Lushaka bursaries. District-based recruitment was rolled out to provincial education departments, with a total of 2 000 bursaries set aside to benefit learners from quintile 1-3 schools, of whom 1 173 were recruited and registered to study in the 2013 academic year at Higher Education Institutions across the country. • The Policy on the Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Districts has been gazetted. It determines national policy for the planning, provision, financing, staffing, coordination, management, governance, programmes, monitoring and evaluation of education districts. Through this policy, education districts can be provided with the necessary roles, delegated authority, functions, resources and skills to enable them to perform their core functions, which is the support of schools.
PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment.
PROGRAMME 4 : HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations were written between 22 October and 30 November 2012. The administration of the examinations was successful with no serious irregularities that could compromise the integrity of the examinations. • Examination results were processed and released to candidates on 3 January 2013. Four reports were produced to adequately consolidate all the data to be presented to the PEDs, the stakeholders in education and the media. The Diagnostic Report on Learner Performance highlighted areas of weaknesses and provided suggestions for improvements in teaching and learning. • The Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System (LURITS) aims to collect unit record data for each learner in the country from Grade R through to Grade 12. A total of 20 564 schools and 8 940 799 learners were successfully uploaded to LURITS as at 31 March 2013 with 2012 data.