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Welcome to Mrs. Allinder’s Language Arts & Social Studies Class!

Welcome to Mrs. Allinder’s Language Arts & Social Studies Class!. Here are some things you need to know about me. I believe in a GOOD attitude, all the time, no matter what ! Smiling makes you and the people around you feel good!

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Welcome to Mrs. Allinder’s Language Arts & Social Studies Class!

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  1. Welcome to Mrs. Allinder’sLanguage Arts & Social Studies Class!

  2. Here are somethingsyouneed to know about me. • I believe in a GOOD attitude, all the time, no matterwhat! Smilingmakesyou and the people aroundyoufeel good! • It’s not about whatyou know whenyou’re in my class, it’s about how hard youwork! • I wantyou to enjoymy class! • I wantyou to besuccessful!

  3. A little more about me! • I wasborn in Senatobia, Mississippi and grew up in Hernando, Mississippi. • I graduatedfrom Hernando High Schooland went on to Northwest CommunityCollegethen to Ole Miss where I graduatedfromcollege.

  4. A little more about me! I was a cheerleaderat Northwest CommunityCollege!

  5. My Dog, Lucy Meet Lucy Born : September 6th 2007 Breed : Teacup Chihuahua

  6. My Brothers Jonathan Todd 20 Years Old Born: 26th Jan. 1993 Walker Todd 13 Years Old Born: 10th Aug. 1999

  7. My Husband, Scott

  8. What do I like to do? I abosolutely LOVE teaching!!!! Coming to schooleverydayto teachyouguyssomething new is SO much fun!

  9. When I’m not teaching… I enjoybaking, cooking, and hanging out withfamily and friends!

  10. Now it’s time for Mrs. Allinder’s Expectations and Guidelines! Our mission thisyearis to becomecompetentreaders, writers, and thinkerssowecanbesuccessful and excel in school and in life.

  11. Our Classroom Rules“The Five Ps” • 1. Prompt: Be on time. Enter the classroom quietly. Turn in homework. Immediately go to your assigned seat and begin your board-work. • 2. Prepared: Bring all materials, necessary work, and be dressed properly following the dress code. • 3. Productive : Stay on task. Follow directions. Remain in your seat unless you’ve been given permission to get up. • 4. Polite: Be nice to EVERYONE! Swearing, teasing, talking back, and bullying will NOT be tolerated. • 5. Patient: Wait respectfully and calmly for your turn. Listen and stay seated when someone else is talking.

  12. Consequences 1. Warning & Documentation: you will receive a student infraction card to be signed and returned by the end of class 2. Action Plan : the action plan will be filled out by the teacher, student, and parents 3. Parent Contact - Letter or Note sent home - Phone call home - Parent Conference 4. Office Referral/Write Up

  13. Rewards • Verbal Acknowledgement • Good note/phone call home • Homework Pass • Gum Day • Free Time Pass • Dip in the TREAT BOX

  14. Let’s Begin Procedure • Enter the classroom quietly • Get out all necessary materials for Welcome Work • Begin your Welcome Work

  15. Give Me Five Procedure • Eyes on speaker • Quiet • Be still • Hands free (put things down) • Listen carefully

  16. No Homework Procedure • Should something come up where you forgot your homework or you just don’t have it, you will receive a Pink Slip. • This slip must be returned to me the next school day along with your homework.

  17. Make Up Work Procedure • Should you be absent for any reason it is your responsibility to get the work you missed. Make-Up work will be posted on the Make-Up Work board in the classroom for you to get and return within 5 school days. You must sign the Make-Up Work binder letting me know you received your make-up work. • IF YOU DON’T TURN IN MAKE-UP WORK YOU WILL RECEIVE A 0 IN THE GRADE BOOK FOR THE ASSIGNMENTS YOU MISSED!

  18. Tardy Procedure • Enter the room quietly • Place tardy slip in the tardy basket • Sign the tardy list

  19. Pencils Procedure • Should you come to class without a pencil, I will have some for you to borrow. • You MUST return my pencils at the end of class in order for you to ever borrow another pencil. • There are 2 jars located on my desk for pencils, one for sharpened pencils and the other for unsharpened pencils.

  20. Asking Questions Procedure • If you have a question during whole group instruction you should always raise your hand and wait patiently for me to call on you. • If you have a question during an activity you must “Ask 3 before Me”, which means you can ask a classmate, research on the computer (or your own device), or look in a dictionary before coming to ask me the question. • I LOVE helping students find an answer but I would like for you to try to find it on your own before coming to me.

  21. Group Procedures 1. You are responsible for YOUR job and the results of the group. 2. If you have a question, ask your support buddies (group members). 3. You must be willing to help if a support buddy (group member) asks you for help. 4. If no one can answer the question, one person raises their hand to ask the teacher.

  22. Paper Procedures (when you turn in papers) • Place your paper in the middle of the group when you’re finished • Group captain turns group papers to the correct bin

  23. Testing Procedures 1. Set up your privacy folder 2. Wait quietly as the tests are being handed out 3. Leave your test face down until given permission to begin 4. When you’re finished quietly turn your test in to the testing bin 5. Begin finished activity

  24. Dismissal Procedures • Pack up all your belongings • When your group is called line up quietly in the hallway

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