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Here are the assessment objectives for this assessment. You can write a brilliant essay but it will count for nothing if it doesn’t hit these…. AO1 Respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations
Here are the assessment objectives for this assessment. You can write a brilliant essay but it will count for nothing if it doesn’t hit these… AO1 Respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations AO2 Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings AO3 Make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects AO4 Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts; explain how texts have been influential and significant to self and other readers in different contexts at different times
A full marks answer will be characterised by being SOPHISTICATED, IMAGINATIVE and PERCEPTIVE • Band 5 Candidates demonstrate: • Sophisticatedengagement with writers’ ideas and attitudes. They develop sophisticated interpretations using imaginativelyselectedsupporting textual detail • Sophisticated analysis of aspects of language and structure • Perceptive and imaginative exploration of links/comparisons • between texts • Perceptive and imaginative comment on the significance of the contexts. • Multi-modal submissions demonstrate sophisticated responses which illuminate the texts.
The task and the task converted into a title to fit our texts Explore the ways characters are influenced by their surroundings in the texts you have studied. Explore the relationship between the settings presented in Macbeth and Frankenstein and the behaviour of the main characters
Explore the relationship between the settings presented in Macbeth and Frankenstein and the behaviour of the main characters Macbeth – Public Frankenstein – Gothic Macbeth – Private Frankenstein – Romantic Setting
Macbeth – Public Formal Impressive Calm Focus on order Frankenstein – Gothic Trapped Panic Fevered/ill Mentally disturbance Emotional Frankenstein – Romantic Setting Awe and wonder Size and scale Mental peace Intellectual Macbeth – Private Panic Mental Disturbance Religion The supernatural Death and Violence
We have completed Chapter 5 Now take a row each of the ideas grid Read Chapter 10 and allocate the ideas you are responsible for to the relevant lines. It may be best to do this a paragraph at a time You will need to share your findings…
Over to Macbeth Let’s start with the PUBLIC Macbeth. Macbeth has his guard up in public; he is either a high ranking lord or King. In pairs, one person should read the text and the other the translation. Then, together, decide what ideas, themes etc are present.
Now switch to the Private Here, predictably, we get a totally different and more reliable insight into Macbeth’s character. He is tortured and full of anxiety and fear. Swap roles and read the two extracts. Again, spot the issues and ideas coming out.
At the most basic level, this is the answer.Just find quotes to support each point. Macbeth – Public Formal Impressive Calm Focus on order Frankenstein – Gothic Trapped Panic Fevered/ill Mentally disturbance Emotional Frankenstein – Romantic Setting Awe and wonder Size and scale Mental peace Intellectual Macbeth – Private Panic Mental Disturbance Religion The supernatural Death and Violence