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Discovering Learning Styles

Discovering Learning Styles. Project Success Spring 2013 Mary Tausend . What is a learning style?. Learning style is an individuals natural way of processing information in a learning situation. Core of this concept is that people have different ways of learning.

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Discovering Learning Styles

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  1. Discovering Learning Styles Project Success Spring 2013 Mary Tausend

  2. What is a learning style? • Learning style is an individuals natural way of processing information in a learning situation. • Core of this concept is that people have different ways of learning. • Research started in the 1970’s that has now greatly influenced education. • David Klob, Peter Honey & Alan Mumford, Anthony Gregorc, Sudbery, and Neil Fleming have all produced different models on learning style.

  3. What are the different learning styles? • Visual (Spatial) • Aural (Auditory) • Verbal (Linguistic) • Physical (Kinesthetic) • Logical (Mathematical) • Social (Interpersonal) • Solitary (Intrapersonal)

  4. Visual (Spatial) • Prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize and communicate. • Can easily see or visualize outcomes. • Usually have a good sense of direction. • Learning techniques- include color, layout, spatial organization, mind maps, diagrams, visual stories to help memorize

  5. Aural (Auditory) • Prefer to work with sound or music. • Good sense of pitch and rhythm. • Usually can play some sort of musical instrument and music may invoke strong feelings. • Learning techniques- use sound, rhythm and rhyme, use recordings, anchoring technique (use music to help you recall information)

  6. Verbal (Linguistic) • Combines written and spoken word. • Usually able to communicate well in writing and verbally. • Usually like to read and write. • May like tongue twisters, rhymes, and learning new words regularly. • Learning techniques- incorporate speaking and writing, mnemonics, scripting, read out loud.

  7. Physical (Kinesthetic) • Like to use body and sense of touch. • Enjoy physical activities. • Like to do things hands on vs. sitting around. • Learning techniques- use touch, action, and movement to work out problems, use physical objects, remember making diagrams is a physical activity, role playing

  8. Logical (Mathematical) • Enjoy logical and mathematical thinking. • Easily can recognize patterns and connections. • Able to classify information for a better understanding. • Works well with numbers and calculations. • Learning techniques- try to understand reason behind skills, make lists, systems thinking, do not over analyze.

  9. Social (Interpersonal) • Communicate well with others though verbal and non verbal cues. • Good at giving advice and listening to others. • Prefer to learn in groups, classes, or one-on-one with the professor. • May enjoying mentoring. • Works best when able to bounce ideas off others. • Learning techniques- try to work with others, role-playing, share ideas, work on visualizations with others.

  10. Solitary (Intrapersonal) • Tend to be more private and independent. • Able to concentrate well on current topics. • Aware of own feelings and thinking. • Take time to think about current challenges and accomplishments. • Learning techniques- create personal interest in topics, keep a journal, assertions, and modeling.

  11. What is your learning style? • http://www.learning-styles-online.com/ For many resources about the different learning styles and assessments to better understand which one you are.

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