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Conflict Minerals Compliance in Electronics Industry

Learn about Conflict Minerals compliance rules, how to ensure compliance, and the impact on the supply chain and suppliers. Understand the steps involved, from product-level applicability to due diligence and auditing requirements. Stay updated on the Conflict Minerals rules and how they affect your business.

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Conflict Minerals Compliance in Electronics Industry

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  1. Conflict Minerals June 12, 2014

  2. Agenda • What is Conflict Minerals? • How does a company ensure Conflict Minerals Compliance? • What is the impact CM Supply Chain & Suppliers? • Q & A

  3. What is Conflict Minerals? (Dodd-Frank Section 1502) • The four conflict minerals, also referred to as “3TG metals” or “3TGs” are: • Tantalum • Tin • Tungsten • Gold • The SEC’s Conflict Minerals rule requires public companies to determine: • whether “conflict minerals” are contained in their products, and • if so, whether they are sourced from the DRC or surrounding countries (together, the “Covered Countries”). 3

  4. Electronics Industry is in the middle this:

  5. Conflict Minerals Rule Compliance Overview • First of the annual SEC filings is due no later than May 31, for previous calendar year. • Compliance requirements include: • Step 1: Determine whether each product is subject to conflict minerals rules • Yes, if conflict minerals are “necessary to production or functionality” of a product that we sell and that we manufacture or “contract to manufacture” • Step 2: Develop and conduct reasonable country of origin inquiry (“RCOI”) • If we know or have reason to believe that conflict minerals in our products originated in the covered countries, and did not come from scrap or recycled sources, must proceed to Step 3 (Supply Chain Due Diligence) • Step 3: Exercise due diligence on the source and chain of custody of our conflict minerals (follow recognized framework UN OECD) • Must ultimately determine whether our purchase of parts/components containing 3TGs is financing the rebel groups in the DRC

  6. Step 1 -- Determining Product-Level Applicability The process of determining if products are covered under the conflict minerals rules involves multiple validations. Note – products that cannot be ruled out must be left in-scope. Product E Product C Product A Product D Product Applicability Considerations Product B • Product sold to a customer, during the reporting year • For service companies this is more difficult in that primarily services are being sold, Enter “Stream of Commerce”? Product D • If manufacture, or contract with a 3rd party to manufacture, a component or product, then it remains in scope and needs to be examined for conflict minerals. • If some influence over the manufacturing or design of any components or parts, they should remain in consideration. • If unknown whether components/products contain CM, then must inquire of suppliers (reasonable country of origin inquiry (RCOI)). Product A Product B Manufacture or Contract to Manufacture Product? Product B Product D • necessary to functionality; necessary to production: if the 3TG is contained in a product that we manufacture or that is manufactured for us, and is intentionally added, it is in scope. Contain 3TG? Product B In-Scope Products

  7. Step 2 --Conducting Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry • Companies are required to conduct and inquiry to the suppliers of the 3TG parts as to the source and status of the minerals. Requesting a response at the part levelis needed to know your source mineral for products sold.

  8. Step 3 –Due Diligence – Smelter Certifications • As a result of the RCOI , companies who knew some or all of their mineral sources would list them. http://www.conflictfreesourcing.org/

  9. Step 2 –Why Conflict Free is so hard to achieve Example : Part containing 3TG – Supplier response at Company Level This supply chain remains undetermined, this response is not for a part, rather for all the parts from a supplier. Even with the Smelters listed and Conflict Free, it still does not tell what sources and origins for a particular part.

  10. Step 3 Due Diligence • We are required to perform due diligence on any suppliers responses that source from the DRC or adjoining countries according to a specific recognized framework. OECD DD Guidance is 5 step process. http://www.oecd.org/daf/inv/mne/GuidanceEdition2.pdf

  11. 5 Steps

  12. Independent Private Sector Audit (ISPA)* • Each company that is required to furnish a conflict minerals report must also obtain and furnish an independent audit of the report. (to start 2 yrs. for big, 4 yrs. for small cos. - no audit needed) • Option for an Attestation or Performance Audit (done by CPA or by certified non-CPA auditor) • „„Auditor to examine the design of the due diligence framework described is accordance with a nationally or internationally accepted framework and that the due diligence described is actually what the company undertook. * Intel is the only company I am aware of that had an ISPA. *

  13. Wall Street Journal June 2, 2014 “Conflicted Disclosure” *expected no. to be 5,000 to 6,000 http://online.wsj.com/news/article_email/companies-detail-use-of-conflict-metals-1401751678-lMyQjAxMTA0MDAwNDEwNDQyWj

  14. Conflict Minerals Impact on Supply Chain and Suppliers • Suppliers of Conflict Minerals must : • Comply with Company CM Policies • RFX will include CM Conflict Free parts as a requirement • Source Minerals from Certified Smelters • Participate in providing transparency even if not subject to rule • Project target date when conflict free souring is realized • Supply Chains will: • Begin to organize around conflict-free sources • Smelters not certified may lose business to certified

  15. Q&A Final Rule: UN OECD Guidance: Conflict Free Initiative: (EICC/ GeSI Template and Smelter Program) http://www.oecd.org/daf/inv/mne/GuidanceEdition2.pdf http://www.conflictfreesourcing.org/conflict-minerals-reporting-template/ http://www.conflictfreesourcing.org/conflict-free-smelter-program/ http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2012/34-67716.pdf

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