CIRCUS MAXIMUS Júlia Garcia TàniaPladelasala
Ø Whereisit? • Circus Maximus is situated in Rome, Italy, in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills. It was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire.
- Ø When was it built? • Situated in Rome, Italy, in the alley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire. • The Circus Maximus was built in 326 BC and could hold 250,000 spectadors.
Ø Who built it?(architect or emperor) • The Circus Maximus was first built by TarquiniusPriscus, the fith Etruscan ruler of Rome.
Ø A short description about what is it or what was it used for? • The Roman circus was a building that was used for entertainment and there were Roman horse and chariot racing. • - The amphitheatres and the theatre were used to entertain the people, like circus, but in the amphitheatre there were fights between gladiators, animals...
Ø Why do you think it was an important construction in those times? • The circus Maximus was an important construction because more than 12 chariot could run in this circus and 150,000 spectators could go to the there.
Ø Any other relevant information. • There were four chariot facing factions, the blues, greens, whites, and reds representing summer, winter, spring and autumn • Romulus, the first of Rome's seven kings, is said to have held chariot races.
Othercircus • Circusof Maxentius: CircusFlaminius:
Ø Bioghraphy • http://www.slideshare.net/CarlosMolinaBallester/el-circo-romano • http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circ_rom%C3%A0 • http://library.thinkquest.org/26602/entertainment.htm#circuses