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Circus Maximu

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Circus Maximu

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CIRCUS MAXIMUS Júlia Garcia TàniaPladelasala

  2. Ø Whereisit? • Circus Maximus is situated in Rome, Italy, in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills. It was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire.

  3. - Ø When was it built? • Situated in Rome, Italy, in the alley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire. • The Circus Maximus was built in 326 BC and could hold 250,000 spectadors.

  4. Ø Who built it?(architect or emperor) • The Circus Maximus was first built by TarquiniusPriscus, the fith Etruscan ruler of Rome.

  5. Ø A short description about what is it or what was it used for? • The Roman circus was a building that was used for entertainment and there were Roman horse and chariot racing. • - The amphitheatres and the theatre were used to entertain the people, like circus, but in the amphitheatre there were fights between gladiators, animals...

  6. Ø Why do you think it was an important construction in those times? • The circus Maximus was an important construction because more than 12 chariot could run in this circus and 150,000 spectators could go to the there.

  7. Ø Any other relevant information. • There were four chariot facing factions, the blues, greens, whites, and reds representing summer, winter, spring and autumn • Romulus, the first of Rome's seven kings, is said to have held chariot races.

  8. Othercircus • Circusof Maxentius: CircusFlaminius:

  9. Ø Bioghraphy • http://www.slideshare.net/CarlosMolinaBallester/el-circo-romano • http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circ_rom%C3%A0 • http://library.thinkquest.org/26602/entertainment.htm#circuses

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