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Steam Traps and Applications: Selection, Calculation, and Recommendations

Learn about the role of steam traps in heating systems, selection criteria, calculations, and recommendations for efficient operation. Explore tracing applications, winterizing, and common issues faced with heat exchangers.

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Steam Traps and Applications: Selection, Calculation, and Recommendations

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  1. Steam trapsApplications and Recommendations

  2. Role of the steam traps Basically : • To get rid of the condensate . • To eliminate air and CO2 But also : • To prevent steam to escape into the condensate return. And: • To make heating systems as efficient as possible . • To prevent their corrosion . • To get rid of impurities .

  3. Main selections criterions • Sub-cooling or not . • Air and CO2 elimination . • Resistance to water hammers . • Resistance to dirt . • Freezing resistance . • Life time . • Energy efficiency

  4. Main lines Ideally ,the steam trap should : • Reactimmediately. • Not subcool or back up the condensate . • Be resistant to water hammer . • Be freeze resistant

  5. Calculation of pipe diameter Calculation of the radiation losses Calculation of start-up loads Pressure drop in steam lines

  6. Pressure By-pass valve Steam Air D1 D2 H Isolating valve 100 m 100 m Q = 36000 kg/h D1 = 10” Steam pressure : 15 bar Steam temperature : 200°C Ambiant temperature : 0°C Steam front velocity : 1 m/s Flow across BP valve : kg/m*m/s KVS BP valve in critical flow Opening time of BP valve :

  7. Tracing applications Ideally the steam traps should : • Work efficiently at low load (< 5 kg/h) . • Be dirt resistant . • Be freeze resistant . • Work with high back pressure .

  8. General purpose of a tracer - To keep process fluids at process temperature - To prevent thickening or solidification of products - To prevent freezing

  9. Options - Attached tracers Product Clamp strap Steam tracer - Welded tracers ( short or continuous welds ) - Heat conducting paste - Wrapped copper tubing

  10. Jacketed pipes Steam Product

  11. Calculation of the tracing system Insulation 8O mm Lowest outside t°= - 10°C Steam pressure : 10 bar Steam t° : 184°C Product line t°= 80°C Tracers

  12. Example : Product t° to be maintained : 80°C Lowest outside t° : - 10°C Product line pipe size 8’’ : 220 mm Pipe thickness 18 mm Insulation thickness 2 80 mm Thermal conductivity of pipe wall1 55 W/m.K Thermal conductivity of insulation 2 0.07W/m.K Heat transfert coefficient product to wall 1 465 W/m².K Heat transfert coefficient wall to air 2 10 W/m².K

  13. 1° Let’s calculate the heat loss of the product line : Q = S . k . t With k = 1 ---------------------- 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 1 2 1 2 W/m².°C

  14. Solution : S =  . D . L = 3.1416 x (0.22 + 0.16 ) x 1 = 1.194 m²/m k = 1 = 0.803 W/m².k ______________________ 1 + 1 + 0.008 + 0.08 465 10 55 0.07 Dt : -10°C + 80°C = 90 °C

  15. Q = 1.194 m²/m . 0.803 W/m².K .90 = 86 W/m = 0.086 kW/m x 3600 kJ/h 2000 kJ/kg = 0.15 kg/h.m of steam

  16. What is the amount of heat actually transmitted by a 1/2” steel tracer ? Q = S . k .t With S = 0.047 m²/m for a 1/2” tracer k = 10 W/m².K t = steam t° - air t° = 184°C - (-10°C) Q = 0.047 . 10 . 194 = 91 W / m = 0.091 kW/m . 3600 kJ/h 2120 kJ/kg = 0.16 kg/h.m of steam ---> 1 tracer is enough !

  17. Quick selection table for 1/2” tracers Product lineWinterizing Solidification t°Solidification t° 25 to 65°C 65 to 150 °C 2” 1 1 2 3” 1 1 3 4” 1 2 3 6” 2 2 3 8” 2 2 3 10” 2 3 6 12” 2 3 6 14” 2 3 8 16” 2 3 8 18” 2 3 10 20” 2 3 10

  18. Heat exchangers Ideally the steam traps should : • Make heating systems highly efficient thus not allowing condensate subcooling . • Get rid of non-condensible gases . • Be resistant to water hammers . • Work with back pressure .

  19. Temperature regulator / control valve 6 Bar(g) 165°C Heat exchanger 1500 kW 70°C secondary fluid outlet t° 70°C in 2000 kg/h Condensate return 2 Bar(g) back pressure 10°C primary fluid inlet t° Q = 15850 l/h

  20. Frequently encountered problems ... • Flooded heat exchangers • Temperature swings • Cold traps • Water hammers • Mechanical stress • Leaking gaskets • Corrosion

  21. V max Non condensibles Condensate Deposits V=O

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