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PA Dutch 101

Learn how to use adjectives in Pennsylvania Dutch, including different situations that affect their endings. Practice exercises provided.

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PA Dutch 101

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  1. PA Dutch 101 Video 32: Adjective Endings. Adjective Endings.

  2. Adjective Endings • In English as in PD, adjectives are used to describe a noun. • In English, adjectives are generally used after linking verbs or immediately before nouns. • After a linking verb: • The house is big. • Before a noun: • The big house...

  3. Adjective Endings • In PD, adjectives that follow linking verbs do not take an ending: • EsHausiss gross. • However, adjectives that precede nouns take special endings. • There are three different situations that affect adjective endings.

  4. Situation 1 – Following a Definite Article • The following endings are used when a noun is following a Definite Article (der,die)

  5. Situation 1 – Following a Definite Article • Der yungMann schreibt der yungeFraa en Brief. • Die grossSchulissgraad um’s Eck rum. • EsaltBuchkummtvundemalteMann.

  6. Situation 2 – Following a Indefinite Article • The following endings are used when a noun is following a Indefinite Article (en)

  7. Situation 2 – Following a Indefinite Article • En yungerMann schreibt re yungeFraa en Brief. • En grossiSchulissgraad um’s Eck rum. • En aldesBuchkummtvun me aldeMann.

  8. Situation 3 – Not following anything • The following endings are used when a noun is not following a Def. or Indef. Article.

  9. Situation 3 – Not following anything • YungerMann, wukummscht du bei? • DickeKinnersollewennicheresse un meh schpiele!

  10. Special Notes: • The following rules apply to adjectives: • Final B becomes a W: • Der Hundisslieb. – Der iss en liewerHund. • Final T becomes a D: • Der Hundissgut. – Der iss en guderHund. • Adjectives that end in E add an N: • Die scheeFraaiss do. – En scheeniFraaiss do. • 2 or more adjectives that modify the same noun, take the same endings: • En scheenigudiKatz schloft in re Scheier.

  11. Iewing - Practice • Der ___ (alt) Schulmeeschderiss am lese. • Der altSchulmeeschderiss am lese. • En ___ (reich) Fraakaaft me ___ (aarm) Mann en ___ (warm) Rock (m). • En reichiFraakaaft me aarmeMann en warmer Rock. • ___ (gut) Kaffi (m) schmecktmirarrigviel. • GuderKaffischmecktmirarrigviel.

  12. Some things to think about: • Adjective Endings can be very difficult at first, but don’t give up! • Try to memorize the ending charts as quickly as possible. • For each situation ask yourself these three questions: • 1. What is the Adjective following? • 2. What is the Gender of the Noun? • 3. What Case is the noun in?

  13. Finally • Many native PD speakers do not always use the correct endings, don’t be discouraged by that. Learn the endings and use them properly!

  14. Bis die naegschde Video, Macht’s gut un schwetztDeitsch! E-Poschtschreiwe: busterpa@yahoo.com

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