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VV Mineral Vaikundarajan Discards All Allegations Against Company As Baseless

An organization called Meenavar Viduthalai Iyakaam has lodged an FIR against companies for being involved in illegal beach mining. A petition to stop illegal activities was submitted at the District Police Office in Tuticorin district.<br><br>The recent allegation of illegal beach sand mining has put several mining companies in a fix. The state government has suspended all illegal activities and set up an investigation team to look into the matter. These developments are causing financial losses to companies like VV Minerals and others.

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VV Mineral Vaikundarajan Discards All Allegations Against Company As Baseless

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VV Mineral Vaikundarajan Discards All Allegations Against Company As Baseless

  2. An organization called MeenavarViduthalaiIyakaam has lodged an FIR against companies for being involved in illegal beach mining. A petition to stop illegal activities was submitted at the District Police Office in Tuticorin district. http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com

  3. The recent allegation of illegal beach sand mining has put several mining companies in a fix. The state government has suspended all illegal activities and set up an investigation team to look into the matter. These developments are causing financial losses to companies like VV Minerals and others. http://vvmineral.wordpress.com

  4. Being the largest beach sand mining company, most allegations seem to have been unfairly directed towards VV Minerals. After an unsuccessful raid on the company’s warehouse, District Collector Ashish Kumar was given the marching orders. With no evidence in sight, it is only clear that the entire scam is baseless. http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com

  5. VV Mineral, Vaikundarajan stated this company. The company operated within legal boundaries for two decades and the allegation is a setup by rival businesses to hamper company reputation. http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in

  6. He has openly expressed his support to the investigating team and assures that the result will be in favour of the company. http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in

  7. V.V. Minerals Blogs http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com http://vvmineral.wordpress.com http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in

  8. Social Media https://www.facebook.com/vvmineralmining https://twitter.com/vvmineralsindia https://plus.google.com/115427745398374600571


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